
import csv files, including colors

  • sliptm

    sliptm - 2014-04-22

    Hi, I'm trying to import csv-files in tulip and have a problem with colors.
    Now i have 2000+ nodes and edges and i want to color them while importing files. I tried to make a column named color or viewColor, but i don't now how to present colors in it. Should it be color code or something else? Tell me please how can i color some nodes and edges in different colors right in csv file while importing.
    P.S. Also i'd like to now is it possible to make rectangle nodes, to present labels more comfortable right in this rectangles.
    P.S.S. Sorry for my bad english.


    Last edit: sliptm 2014-04-22
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-04-22

    One way you could do it is by writing a python import function, if you read the python documentation over at, there are good examples of how to set node and edge colors in tulip, and using python to parse csv is straightforward.

    • sliptm

      sliptm - 2014-04-22

      Thanks for your reply!
      I tried to read this documentation, but there are a lot of them. I started being confused about which to read. Can you please advise me something concrete or give a link on documentaion which can help me?


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