
add (relevant) nodes to a selection of edges

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-05-30

    I have a selection of edges with more than 100 000 in value of edge.
    A selection of edges is set, but there is no nodes in this selection
    I want to create a subgraph from this selection but the induced-subgraph needs nodes as input
    How do I simply ad the relevant nodes extremities of the edges of my selection?
    Very simple and nevertheless I can't find the way to.
    thanks for helping

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-05-30

    Dear Adam,
    this seems quite complex, there must exist an easier way don't you think?

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-05-30

    found it, I knew it existed from previous work on Tulip, but didn't remember it
    general menu choose "Create sub-graph from selection"


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