
#466 cd with accentuated character


Hi, I'm kind of new to atune, so this might have been reported...
CD with accentuated character (é for example) in artist and/or album name won't rip. Tried with different CD (some worked some didn't). The presence of "é" seems to be the common point. I found two work around : I used CDex to rip the CD. CDex successully ripped the CD Atune failed. Unpluging the network cable is also a work around. Atune failed to get the album info so it didn't get the accentuated character and it successfully ripped the CD !!!

I'm using atune on Windows XP.

Attached is my atune log file. Near the end of it, you will see the rip info when atune failed ripping "Journée d'amérique" of "Richard Séguin". After this info, you will see the info of a successful rip. This was the same album but with the network cable unplugged so Atune could not get the album info !

With one of my "accentuated" CD, I made an image of it and mounted the image with Alcohol 52 %. Atune failed to rip the mounted image too as it failed with the actual CD.


  • Phil

    Phil - 2011-01-01

    atune log file

  • Phil

    Phil - 2011-01-03

    I'm done ripping my entire CD library now and I can confirm that the accentuated character problem, as reported above, was seen systematically all the way through my CD library. That means that aTunes failed to rip all my CDs with accentuated character either in the album title or in the artist name but it successfully ripped all my CDs that didn't have accentuated character in neither the album title nor in the artist name.


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