
ATPG template class library / News: Recent posts

Support Us: Make a donnation

Our project is pretty much underfunded,like always. We do not any DARPA grants or no coporate sponsers. We are grateful for, for their compile farm service. Besides that, most of these were built using a P4 computer. Litterally, our budget for this project has been about $4000, at worst.

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-24

Documentation Scribe Wanted

If you are an excellent at documenting code, or is willing to become excellent at documenting code, you are welcome.

Requirements: strong C++ background/LATEX/ATPG and profficieny in English or any other language(not currently our priority).

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-21

Interested Programmers wanted

If anyone is interested in helping me, maintain this project, you are welcome. The only requirement is that you be extremely profficient in C++/ mathematical programming. Even if not, atleast have the willingness to master C++.

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-21

Donations accepted

Since our project is very poorly funded, we are currently accepting donnations.

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-21


It seems that Dr. Micheal Hsiao of Virgina Tech, is kind enough to become my new research advisor, for this project.

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-21

atpg.0.6.0.pre release

Hello everyone,
I am proud to annouce the release of ATPG 0.6.0 system. It is still a bit buggy, but is a lot more efficient and reliable than previous releases. Currently, ATPG 0.6.0 also implements the PROOFS fault simulator. There are a few hidden bugs, in the implementation that slow down the simulator, but as far as, fault detection, it works correctly.

Posted by Suresh kumar 2003-12-21