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Posted by Anonymous 2011-10-24

Planning Version 1.5...

The main goals for version 1.5 are:

  1. Replacement of arrays with vectors. As a result, the input of electrons will not be limited.
  2. Calculation of electron-capacity only for those orbitals needed, which will result in speed and memory usage inprovements. DONE
Posted by Anonymous 2011-10-22

Version 1.0 is here!

Version 1.0 is here!
Download it, enjoy it, modify it and reshare it.
But please respect gpl license. Info here:

Posted by Anonymous 2011-10-14

Hello World!

Launched today this new project, named "aufbau". Being a student i was bored of doing all the hard work in chemistry, so the computer took over!
The purpose of "aufbau" is to create electron configuration of an atom following the "Aufbau" Principle.
I am writing code in c++.

Posted by Anonymous 2011-10-07 Labels: aufbau chemistry c++