
athenaCL / News: Recent posts

athenaCL 2 now at Google Code

Development of Version 2 of athenaCL has moved to Google Code. This SF repository only contains code up to Version 1.x.

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2010-01-22

athenaCL 1.4.8 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment. 

athenaCL 1.4.8 is now available. 

4 new ParameterObjects: EnvelopeGeneratorUnit, EnvelopeGeneratorTrapezoid, EnvelopeGeneratorAdsr, SampleAndHold
1 new Csound instrument: instrument 35

for downloads visit: 

for documentation visit: ... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2008-04-17

athenaCL 1.4.7 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.7 is now available.

2 new ParameterObject: IterateSelect, BasketSelect
1 new TextureModule: InterpolateFill

for downloads visit:

for documentation visit:

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2007-09-07

athenaCL 1.4.6 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.6 is now available.

3 new TextureModules: HarmonicShuffle, HarmonicAssembly, InterpolateLine
12 new Generator ParameterObjects: OneOver, ListPrime, ValuePrime, BreakPointHalfCosine, BreakPointFlat, MaskReject, MaskScale, BreakGraphLinear, BreakGraphPower, BreakGraphHalfCosine, BreakGraphFlat, IterateCross
4 new Filter ParameterObjects: FilterDivide, FilterDivideAnchor, MaskFilter, MaskScaleFilter
1 new Csound instrument: instrument 82
improvements to all oscillator ParameterObjects, TM Literal Vertical, and audio file rendering... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2007-08-10

athenaCL 1.4.5 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.5 is now available

fixed error prohibiting EventLists from clones based on muted textures
AUca will accept command line arguments without mutation values
1 new ParameterObject: operatorCongruence
additional improvements and bug fixes

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2006-09-21

athenaCL 1.4.4 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.4 is now available.

2 new ParameterObjects: TimeFill and TimeSegment
3 new Generator ParameterObjects: funnelBinary, caValue, caList
3 new Rhythm ParameterObjects: iterateRhythmGroup, iterateRhythmWindow, iterateRhythmHold
2 new filter ParameterObjects: filterFunnelBinary, filterQuantize
4 new AthenaUitlity commands: AUmg, AUma, AUca, TPeg
improvements to markov tools, pulse accent implementations, PO gaRhythm, TM IntervalExpansion, and commands TIdoc and TMv
numerous additional improvements and bug fixes... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2006-03-28

athenaCL 1.4.3 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment. 

athenaCL 1.4.3 is now available. 

new features include: 

twenty-six new Csound instruments included
improvements to functionality
support for Python distutils installations
addition of .exe and .mpkg installers
fixed error when editing instruments in EventMode midiPercussion
numerous additional bug fixes and other improvements 

for downloads visit:  

for documentation visit: 

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2006-01-10

athenaCL 1.4.2 Released

athenaCL provides modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.2 is now available.

new features include:

new APea command: select user preferences for external applications
improvements to TIdoc, TCdoc commands
improvements to help searching and faq access
numerous new Csound instruments
new FilterMultiply parameterObject
new TCcp command
numerous additional bug fixes and other improvements... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2005-12-16

athenaCL 1.4.1 Released

athenaCL: modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.1 is now available.

new features include:

added ParameterObjects: henonBasket, lorenzBasket, iterateHold
four new Csound instruments for samples and noise
added APr command: toggle internal event-list refreshing
edited documentation, improved examples
TPexp writes .aif audio files
TImap command now takes optional arguments for time/event and pre/post
TCmap command now takes optional argument for time/event
numerous other bug fixes and other improvements... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2005-08-18

athenaCL 1.4.0 Released

athenaCL is a modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.4.0 is now available.

new second edition of the athenaCL Tutorial Manual
in addition to revised and extended tutorials and examples, there are now graphical examples for all ParameterObjects:

added ParameterObjects: qunatize, iterateWindow, iterateGroup,
added ParameterObjects: markovValue, markovGeneratorAnalyis
added Rhythm ParameterObjects: convertSecondTriple, markovRhythmAnalysis
added Rhythm ParameterObjects: markovPulse
added support for Paul Berg's AC Toolbox: Textures and Clones become Sections
improved "help" command: searches all available help information and topics
numerous other improvements and bug fixes... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2005-06-05

athenaCL 1.3.0 Released

athenaCL is a modular, polyphonic, poly-paradigm algorithmic music composition system in a cross-platform interactive command-line environment.

athenaCL 1.3.0 is now available.

in addition to new ParameterObjects, extended sieve functionality, improved graphic outputs, and other improvements, this version features a completely redesigned output system with the addition of EventMode, EventOutput, and EventList commands. ... read more

Posted by Christopher Ariza 2005-02-13