I solved it with these commands to label the end points of the log axis -
real y= point(S).y; string Xmin = "$"+format("%.0e",true,xmin)+"$"; string Xmax = "$"+format("%.0e",true,xmax)+"$"; xtick(spk_data,shift(0,-5pt)*Label(Xmin),(xmin,y)); xtick(spk_data,shift(0,-5pt)*Label(Xmax),(xmax,y));
I am plotting a semi-log plot. The xaxis goes from 20 to 20000. I am using the following code for plotting:
void plot() { picture spk_data; size(spk_data,800,400,IgnoreAspect); scale(spk_data,Log,Linear); xlimits(spk_data,20.0,20000.0); ylimits(spk_data,0,100); draw(spk_data,graph(spk_data,col_data[0].data,col_data[1].data),black); yaxis(spk_data,latex_names[1], LeftRight(), RightTicks(pTick=.8red, ptick=grey, extend=true)); xaxis(spk_data,latex_names[0], BottomTop(), Ticks(Label("$%.2f$",black),beginlabel=true, endlabel=true, pTick=.8red, ptick=grey, extend=true)); shipout("plot_test",spk_data); }
I have attached the output (pdf) of the code. How can I get the beginning (20) and the end (20000) of the x-axis labeled in a appropriate format. Thank you for any help you can give. I proselytize your code every chance I get.
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I solved it with these commands to label the end points of the log axis -
I am plotting a semi-log plot. The xaxis goes from 20 to 20000. I am using the following code for plotting:
I have attached the output (pdf) of the code. How can I get the beginning (20) and the end (20000) of the x-axis labeled in a appropriate format. Thank you for any help you can give. I proselytize your code every chance I get.
Last edit: Alan Bromborsky 2024-06-08