
3D Asymptote in the browser

  • Samuel Watson

    Samuel Watson - 2019-03-26

    I have written quite a few 3D graphics in Asymptote and am very interested in making them available in the browser. My understanding is that this is currently not possible, but that it was in the works as recently as 2017. I'm curious whether there is any news on this front.

  • Michail Vidiassov

    As far as I understand,
    John sets a rather high standard of having a true vector browser, so that curves ant pathes are remeshed into segments and triangles when something happens in theviewer, upon zooming, for example.
    That prevents the authors from exporting some 3D model and relying on its existing web viewers.
    IFAIK there was not much detail on their design choices on this maillist: do they intend to extend some existing engine, like three.js, or implement all low-level suff theselves in order to have complete control.

    Sincerely, Micail


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