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  • Emanuele

    Emanuele - 2014-08-17

    This is a simple program that allow people to post process raw astro images.
    The idea is to have something that does all the work without flat fields, bias and dark frames. It uses only the images of the astro object.

    The mechanism is to fit the background with a polynomial (of order 10 for example) and to subtract it. The images are then aligned and stacked with 1.5 sigma exclusion. The process is entirely automatic, the syntax is quite simple.

    To compile it you need:
    LibRaw :
    GNU Scientific Library :

    The first is used to import the raw data from the camera and to process it, the second is to do the multilinear fit.
    Once installed you can compile astrophoto with:

    gcc -Wall -pedantic -lgsl -lgslcblas -lraw -o astrophoto astrophoto.c

    and the execution is

    ./astrophoto *.CR2

    where the CR2 are the raw files from the camera.
    I tested the program only with my old Canon 1000D on my Mac, probably the settings should be adapted to other cameras.
    If someone wants to help in the development we could split the program in classes, rebuild it with a GUI that allows the user to change the parameters, make parallel the main algorithm and add a post processing to enhance the colours at the end of the process.

  • Emanuele

    Emanuele - 2014-09-13

    The code was completely refactored, split in different file and I created a simple GUI in SDL.


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