
astatsPRO / News: Recent posts

astatsPRO 1.1 RC1 released

After approximately one year a new version of the popular Joomla statistics component has appeared to astatsPRO finally again now. New languages, browsers, operating systems, search engines and Robots as well as feature programmes and bug quick.
Nach nun mehr ca. einem Jahr ist nun endlich wieder eine neue Version der beliebten Joomla!™ Statistik Komponente astatsPRO erschienen. Neue Sprachen, Browser, Betriebssysteme, Suchmaschinen und Robots sowie Features und Bugfixes.

Posted by mob-i-co 2007-08-19

astats PRO 1.0 stable

We had released the FIRST REAL STABLE version of astatsPRO.

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-07-18

New Module Releases

We proudly present you 2 new modules in a package. You can download this directly from:,com_weblinks/task,view/catid,2/id,6/lang,de/

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-07-13

astatsPRO 0.9.2 RC1 is on the way

Next week we will be release the new version of component. It is a bugfix release. Now problem with install is removed and you must not change anything (url, absolute_path) after install. More changes in the changelog of the relesed file. This will be the last, before we release the 1.0 stable [clubtune] in this month. more on ...

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-04-05

com_astatsPRO 0.9.1 [beta]

In Kürze steht die com_astatsPRO 0.9.1 [beta] zum Download bereit. mehr Infos auf unserer Homepage.

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-02-28

astatsPRO 0.9.0a BETA

First release is ready: astatsPRO 0.9.0a.

I worked hard for this first release.
The module an component are BETA.

Erste Testversion!

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-02-11


astatsPRO Joomla!TM / mamboOS Counter.

A PHP Counter for content management system Joomla!TM and mamboOS, which perfectly use the Style of your Joomla!TM and mamboOS Backend Templates - - atstatsPRO build on chCounter from

Many thanx to the developer of chCounter3 - Christoph Bachner.

These are the features (copied from read more

Posted by mob-i-co 2006-01-25