
#5 Empty config page because of buffering/socket problem.


Error message in debug log, instead of showing the configuration pages.

Warning: unable to write to socket An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.


I started to receive "No data" when I start to open the ASSP web interface.

I'm not a big boy in PERL, but I found some interresting thing.
- first of all, if I go to the sub webConfig, and add an if ($idx < 700) to the for each bellow the &niceConfig, for example

for my $idx (0...$#ConfigArray) {
if ($idx < 700){
my $c = $ConfigArray[$idx];
if (@{$c} == 5){
# Is a header
@tmp = @{$c};
push(@tmp, "setupItem$counter");
$r .= $c->[3]->(@tmp);
&MainLoop1(0) unless $counter % 4;
else {
# Is a variable
$r .= $c->[3]->(@{$c});

then I get the page. If I change it to if ($idx > 700) then I get the other half of the page.

Then I enabled all debug log, and in the debug folder I fount his error message, which tell me, that I seached for the good code for the solution, it is a kind of problem with the size of the ASSP web page.

14-06-25 20:52:38 [Main_Thread] <WebPermission - root
14-06-25 20:52:38 [Main_Thread] <NoLoopSyswrite
14-06-25 20:52:38 [Main_Thread] <NoLoopSyswrite - write(30 IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x44a47ac)): 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK[LF]
Content-type: ' - 2824400
14-06-25 20:52:38 [Main_Thread] Warning: unable to write to socket An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.
14-06-25 20:52:38 [Main_Thread] <closing web connection IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x44a47ac)

Could somebody help me?

Enviroment: Windows 2003 x86, All SP.

[code]14-06-25 20:51:37 [startup] ASSP-professional version 2.4.1(14167) (Perl 5.014002) (on MSWin32)running on server: as (
14-06-25 20:51:37 [startup] Info: unicode support is available on that system
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Info: analysing windows system environment
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Info: windows system environment looks OK
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Threads module 1.85 installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Threads::shared module 1.4 installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Thread::Queue module 2.12 installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] IO::Poll module 0.08 installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] IO::Select module 1.20 installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] ASSP is using IOEngine - Poll
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Thread::State module version 0.09 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] IO::Socket::INET6 module is not detected (enableIPv6 is not set).
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Net::DNS module version 0.66 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Net::SMTP module version 2.31 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Net::SMTP::SSL module version 1.01 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] NetSNMP::agent module is disabled in config.
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Mail::SPF::Query module version 1.999001 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Mail::SPF module version 2.007 installed and available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Mail::SRS module version 0.31 installed - Sender Rewriting Scheme available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Compress::Zlib module version 2.061 installed - HTTP compression available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Digest::MD5 module version 2.51 installed - delaying can use MD5 keys for hashes
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Digest::SHA1 module version 2.13 installed - BATV and FBMTV check available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] File::ReadBackwards module version 1.05 installed - searching of log files enabled
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Time::HiRes module version 1.9724 installed - CPU usage statistics available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Win32::Daemon module version 20110117 installed - can run as Win32 service
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Win32::API::OutputDebugString module version 0.03 installed - can debug to Win32 debug API
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Unicode::GCString module version 2012.10 installed - can detect east asian language strings as sequence of UAX #29 Grapheme Clusters to analyze Bayes and HMM
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Text::Unidecode module version 0.04 installed - can transliterate unicode characters to ASCII
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Win32::Unicode module version 0.38 installed - can write unicode filenames to OS
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Tie::RDBM module version 0.73 installed - database usage available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] DB_File module is disabled in config - DB_File (Berkeley V1) database usage not available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] BerkeleyDB module version 0.48 installed - Berkeley database usage available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] BerkeleyDB DB-version 5.2 / Berkeley DB 5.2.28: (June 10, 2011) is installed
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] BerkeleyDB maximum cache size is set to 50MB
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Info: griplist is using 'BerkeleyDB' version 5.2 in file f:/assp/griplist.bdb
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Net::CIDR::Lite module version 0.21 installed - hyphenated IP address range available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] NetAddr::IP::Lite module version 1.50 installed - hyphenated IP and CIDR address range calculation available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Net::IP module version 1.26 installed - hyphenated IP and CIDR address range calculation available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] LWP::Simple module version 6.00 installed - procedural LWP interface available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Email::MIME module version 1.910 installed - MIME charset decoding and conversion interface and attachment detection available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] MIME::Types module version 1.32 installed - TNEF conversion may possible
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Email::Send module version 2.198 installed - sending .eml files available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Convert::TNEF module version 0.17 installed - TNEF conversion is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Mail::DKIM::Verifier module version 0.38 installed - DKIM verification is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Schedule::Cron module version 0.97 installed - RebuildSpamdb Scheduler is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Sys::MemInfo module version 0.91 installed - memory calculation is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Sys::CpuAffinity module version 1.06 installed - setting CPU Affinty is available - this system has 2 CPU's
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] The Cpu Affinity of assp is currently '0 1'
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Authen::SASL module version 2.15 installed - SMTP AUTH is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Regexp::Optimizer module version 0.23 installed - default Regular Expression Optimization is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] AsspSelfLoader module version 2.03 installed - ASSP Code Load Optimization is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] ASSP_WordStem module version 1.27 installed - ASSP multi lingual word stemming engine for Bayesian and HMM checks is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] ASSP_FC module version 1.05 installed - ASSP file commander is available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] ASSP_SVG module version 1.02 installed - ASSP graphical STATS are available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] IO::Socket::SSL module is disabled in config - https and TLS/SSL not available
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Info: last DB-backup was scheduled before 3 hours 51 mins
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] Info: next DB-backup is scheduled in 20 hours 8 mins
14-06-25 20:51:37 [init] <TimeZoneDiff: 7200 seconds to GMT

14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: last PBBlack upload to global server was scheduled before 3 hours 56 mins
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: next PBBlack upload to global server is scheduled in 1 day 0 hours 59 mins
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: last PBWhite upload to global server was scheduled before 3 hours 56 mins
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: next PBWhite upload to global server is scheduled in 22 hours 54 mins
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: the DBI connection string is set to: 'DBI:mysql:database=assp;host=localhost'
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: PersBlack loaded from f:/assp/persblack with 0 records
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: Redlist loaded from f:/assp/redlist with 0 records
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Info: LDAPlist loaded from f:/assp/dbs/ldaplist with 0 records
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] Starting maintenance worker thread [10000] - ThreadCycleTime is set to 3000 microseconds
14-06-25 20:51:38 [init] <Worker 10000 undefines sub main::write_rebuild_module[/code]


old CVS: code


  • Thomas Eckardt

    Thomas Eckardt - 2014-06-26
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Thomas Eckardt
  • Thomas Eckardt

    Thomas Eckardt - 2014-07-01
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Thomas Eckardt

    Thomas Eckardt - 2014-07-01

    fixed in 2.4.2 build 14181
    fixed 2.4.1 build will be available until 19.07.2014


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