
Infinity, scalable ASP Solution / News: Recent posts

XOOPS Interview

A while ogo I got to ask some very technical questions of the people at XOOPS which is a PHP implimentation of roughly the same sort of thing as we are working on here.

I am posting this item as news so that you can see what was said and more importantly how they attempted to do things.

This may be a source of insperation for us.


Ok thankyou.

I have lots of questions:

1. how does the system module expose it's API?... read more

Posted by Matt B 2005-03-02

New RFEs posted.

New Requests For Engineering have now been posted to the ASP Infinity RFE list. These detail some core technologies as well as possible modules.

Interested parties are welcome to join the discussion and submit there own ideas as always.

Posted by Matt B 2005-01-26

And we are off!

Well here we are at the mighty Source Forge itself! MWEdit has moved on and we bearly new her. Now it has become an open thing and infinity awaits us.

We really need to get other developers on board to help really get things rocking. Ideally we will need some VBscripters and some SQL kings to start with but other skills are always good.

Posted by Matt B 2004-12-22