anezrouk - 2014-01-06

Hope some body help me.

I used the asnc to generate the 2362 c file from the asn file using the following line command :

asn1c -S skeletons -fcompound-names -fnative-types -fskeletons-copy -gen-PER "..\rrc_msg.asn"

I compiled all files with success using the MinGW -gcc 4.7.1- under windows 7 64bits (I got 2362 object file with some warning).

I stuck to create the exec pragnam.

I got the following error

der.o der_encoder.o constr_TYPE.o constraints.o xer_support.o xer_decoder.o xer_
encoder.o per_support.o per_decoder.o per_encoder.o converter-sample.o, ...) fai
make (e=87): Paramètre incorrect.
mingw32-make: *** [progname] Error 87

any help will be great.

thank's in advence.