

Bogdan Drozdowski

Asmosis - Operating System parts

This package provides sample pieces of code that may be useful for starting developing a simple operating system.
Included in the package are:

  • AsmosisOS - a toy floppy operating system with a bootsector and a simple kernel with support for a handful of simple commands,
  • bmp: a routine for displaying a bitmap,
  • coldboot: a routine for performing a cold/hard reboot,
  • cpu: a routine for determining the CPU type, brand and model,
  • datetime: routines for getting and setting the date and time,
  • secrdwr: routines for reading and writing floppy disk sectors.


The code requires NASM (The Netwide Assembler, to build.
A make utility is required for automatic builds and packaging.


Wiki: Asmosis tools