

Bogdan Drozdowski


Project Asmosis provides a set of tools related to assembly language programming.
It is meant primarily for programmers who program for the x86 and amd64 (x86-64, x64) processor families (known as Intel/AMD-compatible processors).

The tools include:

  • the Asm::X86 Perl module,
  • AsmDoc and Asm4Doxy - tools for helping with documentation,
  • converters between various assembly language dialects: NASM (The Netwide Assembler), fasm (flat assembler) and GNU assembler (GNU as),
  • converters from C/C++ header files to assembly language header files,
  • Makefile generator for fasm,
  • Linux kernel module helpers for fasm and NASM,
  • macros for Autoconf,
  • utility macros for fasm and NASM,
  • sample pieces of code that may be useful for starting developing a simple operating system.

Asmosis homepage:

See the [Asmosis tools] page and subpages for descriptions of the tools.

[Reporting issues]


Screenshot thumbnail
Asmosis: AsmDoc output
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Asmosis: fasm2nasm converter output (compared with input)
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Asmosis: h2nasm converter output (compared with input)
Screenshot thumbnail
Asmosis: Autoconf macros in use
Screenshot thumbnail
Asmosis: Asm4Doxy output (compared with input)

See my other SourceForge projects on my SourceForge profile page.


Wiki: Asmosis tools
Wiki: Reporting issues