

Will Pittenger
  • Type: Binary
  • Required prototype:

    \operator\ +\ \var\ /Param1TypeDescriptor/ /Param1Identifier/, \var\ /Param2TypeDescriptor/ /Param2Identifier/
    \returns\ /ReturnTypeDescriptor/

    • For more on what /Param1TypeDescriptor/, /Param2TypeDescriptor/, and /ReturnTypeDescriptor/ can be; see Type descriptors. For more on custom operators, see the section [Custom operators]. Related operators:

  • Overrides provided for built-in ASIL types

    • Member of all number types (represented below by "T")

      operator / var T left, var T right
      returns T


Wiki: Custom operators
Wiki: Operators
Wiki: operators-addition
Wiki: operators-mod
Wiki: operators-multiplication