In object oriented programming, a virtual method or property is one that can be called such that you get the version in a derived class even if you only have a reference to a base type. ASIl extends the virtual concept to events. Anything declared as abstract or in an interface is implicitly virtual. Methods, properties, and events that are virtual can be made final which means any later derived classes aren't allowed to override them. Even if a property isn't virtual, one of it's accessors can be made virtual. For more on use of the virtual keyword, see [Members and methods]. Related keywords beside those mentioned above include class, get, and set.
Wiki: Derivatives-DASIL
Wiki: Keywords
Wiki: Members and methods
Wiki: Type casts
Wiki: keywords-abstract
Wiki: keywords-class
Wiki: keywords-final
Wiki: keywords-get
Wiki: keywords-interface
Wiki: keywords-override
Wiki: keywords-property
Wiki: keywords-set