

Will Pittenger


You will never actually write ASIL code. Rather, you'd use either of one two derivatives. If you're expecting to compile your code into binaries, you'd probably want SASIL. It's more like C# or Java. If you want to script something, DASIL would be a better choice. Below is a brief comparison. For details on both, see the page on each.

File extension .sasil .dasil
Global code
Global variables
Global procedures and properties
Can undeclare global objects
Creates binary executables
Typing system Statically-typed—Any member you reference is checked at compile time to ensure it's a valid member of the type Dynamically-typed—DASIL waits until runtime to check that the members you reference really are members. A special Error maybe thrown if it doesn't.

Calling code in one derivative from the other

Both derivatives are very interchangeable. Suppose the namespace "MyNamespace" has a class called "MyClass". It also has a script using the ASIL identifier "MyScript". You'd call the script (as a whole) with this code in the class:


For how to pass parameters, see the section DASIL. To call something in the class from the script, just treat the class like you would from any other ASIL code.


Wiki: Derivatives-SASIL
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