
Version 1.6.2 released

ASGARD v. 1.6.2

Version 1.6.2 is now available.

Version 1.6.2 introduces a couple of changes in how data was output to the .path_rec file, and one new feature: the annotation table (option -A).

Using -A, one can create a tab-delimited annotation table for all sequences that were input -- in the case of split contigs, the sequences will be the fragments, with contig name and BLAST match coordinates forming the identifier. For more detail, see the manual.

And speaking of the manual, many updates and additions to the manual to account for past changes that hadn't been incorporated, and new features from the past couple of weeks of activity.

This version also corrects a few minor bugs.

See the News file for more changes, and the improved manual for all details.

Posted by J Alves 2014-03-14

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