
Tree [63a988] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 aux 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 bin 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 custom 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 doc 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 examples 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 News 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5
 README 2021-10-18 J. Alves J. Alves [63a988] Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5

Read Me

ASGARD v. 1.6.5

Software for annotation and metabolic reconstruction. ASGARD and its
documentation are released under the GNU GPL v.3 and GNU FDL v. 1.2
(please see doc/COPYING and doc/DOC_LICENSE for the licenses).

Although EMBOSS is also released under the GPL, the source code is not
included with ASGARD since the included binaries were compiled without
modification from the original. If you want the source code for splitter,
please contact me, or obtain it directly from the EMBOSS distribution.

Please check the manual (doc/ASG_manual.pdf) in the /doc directory 
for details on installing and using ASGARD and accompanying utilities.

Copyright 2007-2014, J.M.P. Alves (