
Ascgen2 2.0 Released!

Ascii Generator 2 (ascgen2) is an application to convert images into the highest quality ASCII art, i.e. text that accurately represents the original image. The first and only program of its kind with output adjustments in real-time and conversions for variable width fonts.


Here are the main changes:
- Complete rewrite of almost the entire code-base into cleaner, more readable and modular code.
- The conversion process has been optimized at every step, with a big overall speed increase.
- The input image has moved from the main panel into a new widget, plus lots of other UI changes.
- Batch conversion has been completely rewritten with a new and more usable interface.
- The settings form and the whole settings system have been rewritten, and it now automatically saves to a new data file when you press ok.
- Several memory leaks have been fixed, as have all known bugs.
- Added support for handling multiple translation files.

Full change log:

Posted by Jonathan 2011-09-26

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