
Simple ASC CMS / Blog: Recent posts

Validation controls

Added some validation controls to the news section

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2015-08-13

Style improved

Improved the style of Main page and administrator pages

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2015-05-28

Corrected slowdowns

Corretted many slowdowns in Forum & Guestbook apps due to external libreries. Updated some look & feel in the forum app

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2015-02-17

Updated last posts in o0mBBS forum

Due to slowing of forum main page I have decided yo elimanate the popuyp based on external libreries. Last posts as todaytopics page. It works nicely

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2015-02-13

Update Social data and correction poll bugs

Corrected some polls bug and added Social data, Facebook Twitter & Google data on Default page

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-12-12

Blog on CMS

Opened a blog on the CMS, works as reference for Simple ASC developing and bug fix

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-03-19

New Logo

The project has now a new logo, in documentation folder there is instruction how to remove in your website

alternate text

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-02-16

Statistics forum improved

Due to some lacking in original code I have improved this section with number of registered users topics and posts. Advanced statistic will be released maybe further

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-01-14

Private messages improved

Corrected some bugs and improved private message section of the forum

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-01-10

Menu and Forum manager improved

From admin panel you can change or delete any links and put it up and down. Forum Categories are subject at the same improvement. There is some improvement in forum icons too.

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2014-01-09

Join project

Any interested on developing this CMS can do It on this board any of various experience are welcomed

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2013-11-29

Added Menu up-down link utility

Dynamic menu can be controlled after its creation putting up or down the links to will of the administrator

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2013-11-22

Added ReadMe.txt file

More information on the CMS and source of information links

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2013-11-21

Added Date expiring on the poll Manager

Added Date expiring on the poll Manager, use is the same before, select poll active and expiring then the questions and after the options

Posted by alessandro  guerrazzi 2013-11-16