
Advanced Subnet Counter / News: Recent posts

Development halted for now

Since I now have an internet connection with flatrate, development has stopped. If anyone wants to take over, please mail me at

It has been fun, but I think it is time to find a new spare-time project.

Posted by LRJ 2002-06-13

Found new sniffer

Another SourceForge project, is a project that would be a perfect backend for ASC. Then ASC would be able to run on multiple platforms and much more modular. Currently the sniffer project doesn't support the windows platform, but I'm monitoring progress closely.

Posted by LRJ 2002-01-04

Not dead, just busy...

Hi all!

It has been really quiet around ASC for quite some time now.. I expect to pick up on the development sometime i January '02. Maybe the next version will be in C++.. It might happen :o)

Anyways, I've been thinking about the basic idea, and maybe ASC is better off as a series of filters, perhaps in seperate programs.. I don't know, will post something sooner or later :o)

Right, merry christmas everyone!... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-12-17

Object persistence using OpenXML

Using the article at for inspiration, I'm creating somewhat general persistence for Delphi using interfaces and OpenXML (

Using the persistance framework will be simple: either you implement an interface (IPersistable) or you inherit the implementation of the basic interface methods from TInterfacedObject. More documentation will be available when relevant. ... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-10-10

SOAP for client-server communication?

I just discovered an OpenSource SOAP implementation for Delphi:

Looks like I'm going to use SOAP for implementing the RPC-functionality needed between the client and server.

Posted by LRJ 2001-09-06

Complete redesign of ASC

I'm currently doing a complete redesign on the entire program. This time I'm starting with a class diagram and trying to get a lot of ideas into the design. Some of the existing code will probably be usable in one form or another, but a lot of new things are in the design as well. Mads sterby (author of ASC-WEB) is helping me with ideas and suggestions.

When the class-diagram is closer to a final state, I'll upload a screenshot for everyone to comment on. Along with the class-diagram, I'm also working on use-cases and state-diagrams. Trying to figure out how all the nifty little details are going to be created :o)... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-08-28

Next experimental version of ASC coming up

It's been a long time coming - development has been paused for the entire summer. But I've made the first early test-program for the new sniffer-solution. I've called the program LeechInfo, and it shows how much traffic the LAN users individually has to and from the internet. It is measured in kb/s, seperated in upload and download plus statistics are done with a 5 secs. sliding window. If you want this program and the source, send me a small mail at ... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-08-05

New ASC-web version ready for download

MdZ just finished another version of ASC-web, the logviewer companion for ASC. This time he has made a huge performance increase - for those interested, we are talking from O(n^2) to O(n). Pretty big step up :)

Download it today and see what ASC-web can do for your users.

Posted by LRJ 2001-06-17

Even more documentation online

Check out the "Docs" tab on the ASC SourceForge page - it now also includes general information about what the big idea about ASC is.

Posted by LRJ 2001-05-29

Using CVS under Windows?

Setting CVS up under Windows can take quite a while. The process is very copy/paste oriented the first time.

This is the reason why I have added new documentation regarding commandline CVS access to SourceForge under Windows. The documentation can be found under the Docs section (, and it is borrowed from the Python FAQ, here at SourceForge (

Posted by LRJ 2001-05-22

Huge success of ASC?

SourceForge statistics tells me that ASC is a fairly successfull project: 7-800 page views a month, and about 500 downloads. That is pretty much in my book.

What amazes me is that only 14 (fourteen!) is subscribed to the news-letter, to recieve news of the program. Maybe everybody uses some other form of update notification, but it leads me to believe the SourceForge statistics could be far off..... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-05-20

Packet32.dll: NOT infected with Backdoor.SubSeven

I've recently recieved word that the files ASC uses for sniffing network traffic is infected with the Backdoor.Subseven virus. This is *NOT* the case, as I have been unable to reproduce the virus-report with other anti-viral programs than Norton Antivirus (NAV).

McAfee, which I trust far more, doesn't report packet32.dll as being infected. This leads me to suspect that NAV is making an error. A grave one, but an error, none the less.... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-05-06

ASC source now available via CVS

Use the CVS system to get the latest version of the ASC-source. At the same time, I have cleaned the source up quite a bit, so it should be fairly easy to compile it :)

Posted by LRJ 2001-04-27

New bugfix version on the way is the newest stable version, so this is used as the basis for the new 0.2 series. One of the nearest days the new 0.2.0.x will hit the site. It fixes the 4 GB bug so you have something reliable until the new w2k/nt/w9x version is done.

Posted by LRJ 2001-04-24

Warning: 4 GB limit on

Due to design and redesig of ASC, a terrible error has been introduced: When a single user reaches 4 GB, his "counter" is reset to 0, and continues from there.

Workaround: From time to time, check the daily logs to see if any users have "jumped" from a high amount of traffic to something close to 0. Then simply add 4 GB when you need to calculate how much traffic that user has had.... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-04-05

New packet-sniffer found

The problem with the existing solution is that it only supports Win9x. I have found a new packet-sniffer which supports Win9x, Win2K and WinNT.

The new sniffer can be found at including an extensive manual and installation instructions. At the Delphi port of the interface can be fetched. I have made initial tests, and it works without problems. ... read more

Posted by LRJ 2001-02-28

Build last known stable version

I will try to implement a system with stable/unstable versions so that users will be able to use a known stable versions for their unmanned systems.

Posted by LRJ 2001-02-26

New home page!

Check out the new homepage. I finally finished it..

Posted by LRJ 2001-02-05

Version doesn't work

After 2 months of development with some new features added and a few bugs squashed, the newest version of ASC doesn't work :/ I've added the reported bugs to the bugtracking system, so keep an eye on that to be updated.

It'll be at least another week before I release a new version, so I recommend using in the meantime.

Posted by LRJ 2001-01-06

Source uploading problems

At the moment I'm unable to upload the source for I will try again a bit later. Please check back here if you are interested, or mail me at

Posted by LRJ 2001-01-05

eXtreme testing in use

There seemes to be bugs in the billing-system. People have been reporting month totals WAY off compared to for instance, build 73. I'm building a complete test-suite, and looking through all the source. I'm gonna find this bugger! :)

Posted by LRJ 2000-12-16

pasdoc and DUnit in use

I have started using pasdoc for documentation of the source. Furthermore I have started using DUnit for eXtreme testing of the various classes. Netto result should be an error free and super-stable program.

For more information see: and

Posted by LRJ 2000-11-11

All new releases will now have source

In order to rid the project of some of the more exotic bugs, I release the source with the new versions now. We'll se if anyone fetches them and uses them. Any help would be, well, helpful :)

Posted by LRJ 2000-10-21

Source for good old build 73 released!

Finally I have released the source for ASC. First of all it is the source for version, which is the most stable to date.

One of the days in the near future I will also release the source for a much more recent version. Anyways, enjoy, and don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have.

Posted by LRJ 2000-09-30

Final 0.1 version released?

The new build 88 should hopefully be the last in the 0.1 series. I plan on promoting it to 0.2 if no problems arise with it. Development will then comtinue on a new 0.3 version.

Posted by LRJ 2000-08-16