Dictionary is a set of markers. Each library developer has proposed a set of valid markers they detect. I call this a Dictionary of markers. Aruco can detect markers from many others libraries

El 17 ene. 2020 4:13, pwd <pwd@users.sourceforge.net> escribió:

[bugs:#50] the 'ditionaries' in the file README

Status: open
Group: v1.0 (example)
Created: Fri Jan 17, 2020 03:13 AM UTC by pwd
Last Updated: Fri Jan 17, 2020 03:13 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

Does the 'ditionaries' mean dictionaries in the file README ?

ArUco is an easy-to-use C++ library for detection of squared planar markers based on OpenCv. It can detect markers from a variety of ditionaries ARUCO, APRILTAGS, ARTAG and ARTOOLKIT+.

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