
#7 Bug fix: file input option fails in windows


Seems to be related to the ART.vcxproj - introduced after commit 141.
The ToolsVersion is "4.0" and has no PlatformToolset value
Although Visual Studio 2010 is supposed to use ToolsVersion 4.0, the executable produced encounters the attached error when reading from a file. Updating the tools version to 12.0 and PlatformToolset to v120 gets rid of this error - but this should be tested on a computer that has .NETFramework 4.0 alone for backward compatibility in Visual Studio 2010

1 Attachments


  • Saranya Balasubramanian

    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
     Seems to be related to the ART.vcxproj - introduced after commit 141. 
    -The ToolsVersion "4.0" and has no PlatformToolset value
    -Although Visual Studio 2010 is supposed to use ToolsVersion 4.0, the executable produced by machine encounters the attached error when reading from a file. Updating the tools version and PlatformToolset accordingly gets rid of this error. 
    +The ToolsVersion is "4.0" and has no PlatformToolset value
    +Although Visual Studio 2010 is supposed to use ToolsVersion 4.0, the executable produced encounters the attached error when reading from a file. Updating the tools version to 12.0 and PlatformToolset to v120 gets rid of this error - but this should be tested on a computer that has .NETFramework 4.0 alone for backward compatibility in Visual Studio 2010
  • Saranya Balasubramanian

    Commit r144 fixes this

  • Saranya Balasubramanian

    • status: open --> closed

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