
Trimming down the cache

  • Anthony Whitford

    For repository caches, sometimes there is experimentation where we might pull down a dependency (and its dependencies), and then decide to upgrade or abandon before committing.  Often you can see a dependency with 1 download -- this is usually an experiment...

    Overall, my repo cache is getting very large and I want to trim it down.  Is there a good strategy to keep the proxy caches from becoming obese?  I would like to see features like:
    - If last access time is longer than x months, purge from cache.
    - If # of downloads is less than x, purge from cache.

    I think with the above 2 mechanisms, I can avoid cacheing the internet and maintain relevance.  ;-)

    Does such cache management exist?

    • Yoav Landman

      Yoav Landman - 2009-01-11

      This is planned for the next minor release.
      You can follow it up at:



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