

upgrading (1)
Timothy Anyona Timothy Anyona

Upgrading ART

Take the following steps to upgrade an existing ART installation to a more current version.

  • Download the latest ART version
  • Extract the zip package to a temporary location
  • Review the changelog.txt file to see what has changed
  • Unzip the art.war file to a directory e.g. one named art. You can use any zip/unzip utility as a .war file is a normal zip file.
  • Stop the application server
  • Backup the ART database
  • Backup the art directory on the application server. This is recommended even if you are using a custom work directory.
  • Delete the art directory and any art.war file in the webapps directory of the application server
  • If using Tomcat, delete ART's Tomcat cache by deleting the art directory in the TOMCAT_HOME\work\Catalina\localhost directory
  • Copy the new version art directory (from the unzipped art.war) to the webapps directory of the application server
  • Copy the contents of the backup art\WEB-INF\work directory to the new version's directory. If you are using a custom work directory, this may not be necessary.
  • Copy the contents of the backup art\WEB-INF\thymeleaf\jobs directory to the new version's directory.
  • Copy the contents of the backup art\js-templates directory to the new version's directory
  • If you had modified the art\WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file, review the structure of the new version's file and copy appropriate details to the appropriate sections. New sections may have been added in a new version. If you are using a custom config directory set via system property copying this file may not be necessary.
  • If you had modified the art\WEB-INF\groovy-whitelist.txt file, copy the file to the new version's directory. If you a custom config directory set via system property copying this file may not be necessary.
  • If you were using the demo HSQLDB database, copy the database files to the art\WEB-INF\hsqldb directory of the new version, overwriting the existing files
  • If you had put any JDBC drivers in the art\WEB-INF\lib directory, copy these drivers from the backup lib directory to the new version's lib directory.
  • Start the application server
  • Clear your browser's cache e.g. for Firefox, use the History | Clear Recent History menu

The upgrade is complete. All users, reports, scheduled jobs etc should continue to work as before.


Some upgrades may require special attention or additional effort due to feature changes and incompatibilities with previous versions.


ART 3.0 is a major upgrade and may require extensive testing to verify that it continues to fulfill the needs of an existing installation.

Item Comments
URL changes URLs that were being used in bookmarks or other links will need updating. Review the new application to see the appropriate URL to use or look at the admin manual to see new URLs.
ART Database configuration The details of the ART Database will need to be entered afresh
Settings Application settings will need to be entered afresh
Internet Explorer If using Internet Explorer, you will need to use version 8 at a minimum. Some features may not work with Internet Explorer 8 so it is recommended, if using Internet Explorer, to use version 11.
Java Java 7 and above is required
Application server An application server that supports servlet 3.0 will be required e.g. Tomcat 7 and above
Renamed concepts Some concepts have been renamed e.g. "Queries" are now "Reports", "Graphs" are now "Charts", "View Modes" are now "Report Formats", "Report on Column" report types are now "Group" reports, "Pivot Table" report types are now "JPivot" reports.
Jxls templates Jxls templates need to be recreated. Review the sample templates located in the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\work\templates directory, or the Jxls website to see the new template structure.
Chained parameters Reports that use chained parameters will need to be modified. Review the chained parameter example in the demo database or the admin manual to see the new method of specifying chained parameters.
Directory location changes The templates directory has been moved to ART_HOME\WEB-INF\work\templates. The export directory has been moved to ART_HOME\WEB-INF\work\export.
XMLA Reports For Mondrian XMLA and Microsoft XMLA reports, the url, username and password fields have been removed from the report definition page and instead a datasource needs to be created from the Datasource Configuration page and then used by selecting the Datasource field in the report definition.
Query tags The special hardcoded tags or placeholders than can be used within query sql, :USERNAME, :DATE and :TIME have been changed to include a colon at the end i.e. :USERNAME:, :DATE: and :TIME:
Dashboard XML If you have xml special characters within tag content, ensure to replace them with the relevant xml character entities e.g. if the <URL> tag contains a url like http://localhost:8080/art/app/, you'll need to replace the & character with &amp;, to have the url as http://localhost:8080/art/app/;p-param1=test. For a list of the 5 special xml characters and their respective replacement strings or character entities, see
LOOKUP rule values If you had any rule values of type LOOKUP, these will no longer be in effect as there is no longer an option for lookup rule values. Instead, define a user group, assign rule values to this user group and put the required users into this user group.
Non-labelled multi parameters For reports that use multi parameters where the parameter name is not included in the sql source, the reports will need to be updated to include the parameter placeholder in the sql source.
Non-labelled rules For reports that use rules, if the #rules# label doesn't exist in the sql source, such reports will need to be updated to include this label, so that rules can be applied.
Long parameters in JasperReports Parameters that were defined with a data type of java.lang.Long in JasperReports need to be modified to java.lang.Integer
defaultAutoCommit If using JNDI for the ART Database, make sure the defaultAutoCommit setting is set to true. This setting is for Tomcat but a similar change would be needed for other application servers.


Discussion: Upgrade 2.4.1 to 2.5 and reports all show View mode Schedule Job
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