

manual (35)
Timothy Anyona Timothy Anyona


    ART is a Java web application that enables quick deployment of SQL query results.

    • ART Administrators define reports, users, etc.
    • ART Users run reports and view the results in a browser or in a variety of file formats.

    ART is open source software distributed under the GPLv3 license. You can install and use it without any charge.

    Administration Overview

    The Administrators define a number of items including

    • ART Database used to store ART objects e.g. report definitions
    • Settings used to configure how ART works
    • Datasources against which reports are run
    • Reports that can be run
    • Report Groups used to group reports
    • User Groups used to group users
    • Users who can access the application
    • User Group Membership to add or remove users from user groups
    • Access Rights to determine which users or user groups can access which reports, report groups or jobs
    • Admin Rights to determine which datasources and report groups report creators can use
    • Parameters to be used by reports
    • Rules to be applied to reports
    • Rule Values to be used with specific users or user groups
    • Jobs to run reports at scheduled times
    • Schedules to manage schedules that can be used when creating jobs
    • Caches to enable clearing of ART object caches
    • Connections to view datasource connection pools
    • Loggers to manage which application debug information is logged by ART

    The typical process when defining a report is

    • Obtain the SQL statement for the report
    • Create the report
    • Grant access rights to allow users to run the report

    ART Database

    The ART database is the database used by ART to hold details like users, report definitions etc. Use the Configure | ART Database menu to define connection details for the ART database.

    Field Description
    Database Type The database software that the database runs on
    JNDI Whether the ART database is a JNDI datasource
    Database Protocol An indication of the kind of syntax the database uses. This is especially important to set if using a JNDI datasource.
    JDBC Driver The JDBC driver name
    URL The database JDBC URL, or if you are using a JNDI datasource, the JNDI name of your datasource e.g. jdbc/MyDatasource. You can also use the full JNDI url e.g. java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDatasource
    Username The user to use to connect to the ART database. The user needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE rights on the ART tables.
    Password The database user's password
    Test SQL A short SQL query used to determine if a connection is alive e.g. "Select 1"
    Connection Pool Timeout (Mins) How long in minutes an idle connection should be maintained in the connection pool before being closed. This setting applies to the ART database as well as all report datasources.
    Max Pool Connections The maximum number of connections a connection pool can open to the same datasource. Further requests are queued. This setting applies to the ART database as well as all report datasources.
    Connection Pool Library The connection pool library to use. This setting applies to the ART database as well as all report datasources.


    Certain settings are used to configure how ART works. Use the Configure | Settings menu to manage ART settings.

    Setting Description
    SMTP Server The host name for the email server used to send emails
    SMTP Port The port to use for SMTP
    Use StartTLS Defines whether to use the StartTLS protocol when sending emails
    Use SMTP Authentication Defines whether the SMTP server requires a username and password in order to send emails
    SMTP Username The username to be used when sending emails if the email server is configured to require SMTP authentication
    SMTP Password The password to be used when sending emails if the email server is configured to require SMTP authentication
    SMTP From An email address to be used as the "From" email address for all jobs. Leave blank to use separate email addresses as configured in each job.
    SMTP Server An already configured smtp server that can be used for sending emails
    Default Authentication Method The authentication method that will be used by ART. OAuth authentication is currently experimental and is subject to change.
    Windows Domain Controller Used with windows domain authentication. The IP address of the windows domain controller.
    Allowed Windows Domains Used with windows domain authentication. The domain name of the windows domain used for authentication. Multiple domains can be specified, each separated by a comma.
    Database Authentication JDBC Driver Used with database authentication. The JDBC driver for the database used for authentication.
    Database Authentication JDBC URL Used with database authentication. The JDBC URL for the database used for authentication.
    LDAP Server Used with LDAP authentication. IP address of the LDAP server.
    LDAP Port Used with LDAP authentication. LDAP server port.
    LDAP Connection Encryption Method Used with LDAP authentication. Defines which protocol to use for the LDAP connection.
    LDAP URL Used with LDAP authentication. LDAP server URL. If the LDAP server and port fields have been used, leave this setting blank. This setting only provides an alternative way of specifying the location of the LDAP server.
    Use Anonymous Bind Used with LDAP authentication. Defines whether to use anonymous bind when connecting to the LDAP server in order to search for and authenticate users.
    LDAP Bind DN Used with LDAP authentication. The DN to use when connecting to the LDAP server in order to search for and authenticate users.
    LDAP Bind Password Used with LDAP authentication. The password to use when connecting to the LDAP server in order to search for and authenticate users.
    LDAP User ID Attribute Used with LDAP authentication. The LDAP attribute which will be used to match ART usernames.
    LDAP Authentication Method Used with LDAP authentication. The authentication method to be used with the LDAP server
    LDAP Realm Used with LDAP authentication. The LDAP realm when using the Digest-MD5 authentication method. If blank, the default realm will be used.
    HTTP Authentication Variable Used with http header authentication. The name of the http header that will contain the username of an already authenticated user.
    OAuth Provider The OAuth 2.0 provider to use for oauth authentication
    OAuth Client ID The Client ID from the oauth provider
    OAuth Client Secret The Client Secret from the oauth provider
    OAuth User Matching The field in ART to use to match the oauth user
    Default Max Rows The default maximum number of rows to output for a report
    Specific Max Rows The maximum number of rows to output for specific report formats, defined as a comma separated list of settings with each setting in the format viewmode:value e.g. htmlGrid:5000,xls:10000. Report formats are case sensitive.
    PDF Font Name Name of a custom font that should be used in generation of pdf output, and charts. For jasper reports, custom fonts need to be defined in the jrxml file. See the Tips documentation for details on how to use custom fonts with jasper reports.
    PDF Font File Path to a font file that contains the custom font
    PDF Font Directory Path to a directory that contains font files, one of which may be used in the pdf font name field
    PDF Font Encoding Encoding to use for the custom font
    PDF Font Embedded Whether the custom font should be embedded in the generated pdf output
    Administrator Email Email address which is displayed in link at the bottom of ART web pages
    Date Format Format to be used for date fields. Format strings to be used is as per the Java SimpleDateFormat class.
    Time Format Format to be used for time fields. Format strings to be used is as per the Java SimpleDateFormat class.
    Report Formats The report formats that will be available to users when they run a report, defined as a comma separated list. Report format names are case sensitive and the order specified will be respected in the list shown to users.
    Max Running Reports The maximum number of reports that can be running at any one time
    Show Header in Public User Session Whether to show the menu bar and page footer for reports that are run by a public user
    Mondrian Cache Expiry Period Number of hours after which the mondrian cache is automatically cleared. Set to 0 to disable automatic clearing.
    Scheduling Enabled Defines whether scheduled jobs will run
    RSS Link RSS URL if ART will be used to generate RSS feeds
    Max File Upload Size (MB) Maximum file upload size. Set to -1 for no limit.
    ART Base URL The base URL for ART e.g. http://art-server:8080/art. This is used with a number of features including publish job reminder emails. Don't put a slash at the end.
    System Locale The locale to use in non-interactive scenarios e.g. jobs. An example is en. Leave blank to use the default, which will be the server locale.
    Default Language The language to use by default for the user interface
    Hide Language Whether to hide the language selection box on the login page
    Logs Datasource A database to which application logs should be written. The script located in the ART_PACKAGE\database\dbappender directory needs to have been run on the database. See the Logback DBAppender documentation for more details. The demo database already has this script run on it.
    JWT Token Expiry (Mins) The expiry time in minutes for JWT tokens generated for REST API authentication. A value of 0 means no expiry.
    Enable Direct Report Emailing Whether users can directly email generated report files
    Help Link A URL to your own page that provides help with the ART application. If set, a Help menu will be added to the main application menu, and the link will open in a new window/tab.
    Job Error Notification Email address to send emails to when an error occurs while running a job. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas.
    Pipeline Error Notification Email address to send emails to when an error occurs while running a pipeline. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas.
    Encryption Key Used in updating the encryption key used by ART
    Error Notification To Email address to send emails to when errors occur within the application. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas. Set blank to disable error notification. The SMTP server used is the one configured in the Settings page.
    Error Notification Subject Pattern A string representing how the error notification email subject will look like. The syntax is Logback syntax.
    Error Notification Level The level for which error notification emails will be sent
    Error Notification Logger The logger for which error notification emails are sent. Blank means notifications are sent for errors logged from all classes. If you would like to only receive notifications for errors occurring in jobs, you can set this to art.jobrunners.ReportJob. Multiple loggers can be specified separated by commas.
    Error Notification Suppress After The condition at which to suppress sending of duplicate error emails. See the Whisper documentation for details.
    Error Notification Expire After The amount of time after which duplicate error email suppression is expired. See the Whisper documentation for details.
    Error Notification Digest Frequency The frequency with which to send duplicate error email digest messages. See the Whisper documentation for details.
    Minimum Password Length The mimimum password length when a password is set from the Password page. If set to 0, this check is not done.
    Minimum Lowercase Characters The minimum number of lowercase characters in a password as set from the Password page. If set to 0, this check is not done.
    Minimum Uppercase Characters The minimum number of uppercase characters in a password as set from the Password page. If set to 0, this check is not done.
    Minimum Numeric Characters The minimum number of numeric characters in a password as set from the Password page. If set to 0, this check is not done.
    Minimum Special Characters The minimum number of special characters in a password as set from the Password page. If set to 0, this check is not done.
    Options Additional settings in JSON format
    CSS Custom css to override existing styles within the application


    A number of options can be specified in the Options field. These are defined in JSON format with the following possibilities.

    Property Data Type Description
    dtExtraOptions Object Extra options for the htmlDataTable report format. Refer to the [Reports] section for more details.
    excel Object Extra options for xls and xlsx report formats. Refer to the [Reports] section for more details.
    homeDtOptions Object DataTable options for the home page. For the lengthMenu option, use a 1-dimentional array with -1 as the placeholder for the All option e.g. [10, 20, -1], and not a 2-dimentional array as in the DataTables documentation. For other options, use as per the DataTables documentation, e.g. setting the pageLength option of this object can change the default number of reports displayed in the home page.
    configDtOptions Object Similar to homeDtOptions but applies to config pages
    oauth Object Options for an oauth provider

    OAuth Options

    Options for an oauth provider can be provided in an object as follows.

    Property Data Type Description
    providerName String The name for the provider that is displayed to users on the login page. This can be set if using the Other provider type or when specifying a provider in the art-custom-settings.json file, or to provide a name different from the default.
    providerType String The name of the OAuthProvider enum corresponding to a provider type e.g. "MicrosoftAzure". This is optional for use when specifying providers in the art-custom-settings.json file, to give an indication of the type of provider.
    clientId String The client id. This should not be set in the Settings options but rather the OAuth Client ID field should be used. It should be used when specifying providers in the art-custom-settings.json file.
    clientSecret String The client secret. This should not be set in the Settings options but rather the OAuth Client Secret field should be used. It should be used when specifying providers in the art-custom-settings.json file.
    authorizationUrl String The authorization url. This is not required if using the Microsoft Azure or Google providers.
    tokenUrl String The token url. This is not required if using the listed providers on the Settings page.
    logoutUrl String The logout/end session url. This is not required if using the listed providers on the Settings page.
    scope String The scope to use. This is not required if using the listed providers on the Settings page. By default openid will be used, or as per defaults for listed providers e.g. for Microsoft Azure, the default is openid profile.
    usernameAttribute String The name of the claim or attribute within the id token that contains the username to use. This is not required if using the listed providers on the Settings page. This defaults to sub or the defaults for listed providers.
    authorizationParameters Object Key-value pairs that define extra parameters to be included in the authorization url e.g. { "authorizationParameters" : { "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"} }
    active Boolean When using the art-custom-settings.json file, can be used to turn off an oauth provider. Default is true.
    userMatching String The name of the OAuthUserMatching enum corresponding to a user matching method e.g. "Email". This should not be set in the Settings options but rather the OAuth User Matching field should be used. It can optionally be used when specifying providers in the art-custom-settings.json file.
    tokenHeaders Object Key-value pairs that define http request headers to be included in the access token request e.g. { "tokenHeaders" : { "Accept": "application/json"} }
    azureTenantId String For the Microsoft Azure provider, the tenant id of the Azure account if using a Single tenant application

    OAuth Providers

    Some notes are provided for oauth providers as follows.

    Microsoft Azure

    • You will need to set the azureTenantId option if using a Single tenant application
    • For the logout experience, if you don't want the user to be prompted to choose the account to logout from, you will need to add an Optional claim to your application. To do this, within Azure, select your application under the App registrations menu then select the Token configuration option and click on Add optional claim. In the given screen, select the Token type as ID and then check the login_hint claim and click on Add.


    • You will need to set the authorizationUrl option as per your okta domain and the applicable endpoints
    • To register for Single Logout, within Okta, you will need to go to Settings > Features then activate the Front-channel Single Logout option. From there you will need to go to the application and Edit the General Settings, activate the Single Logout (SLO) option and set the Logout request URL as per the Global Logout note below.


    • You will need to set the authorizationUrl option as per the applicable endpoints. You can also get the end points from the Keycloak admin console, Realm settings page.
    • To get a client secret, within Keycloak, in the Client details, you need to set the Client authentication setting to On and then obtain the Client Secret from the Credentials tab. This is also dependent on the Keycloak version.


    • Logging in using Google oauth will log in the user to their Google account on that browser. Also to note that Google doesn't provide an oidc logout endpoint, so on logging out of ART, the user will be logged out of Google but remain on the Google sign in page instead of being taken to the ART login page.

    OAuth Notes

    Some general oauth notes are provided below that apply to all oauth providers.

    Login redirect URL

    The login redirect or callback url to register with the oauth provider is <art base url>/oauthCallback. e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/oauthCallBack. This is the url that ART will set in the redirect_uri parameter when initiating a login request with the oauth provider, and is the url that the provider will redirect to after successful login.

    Logout redirect URL

    The logout redirect url to register with the oauth provider is <art base url>/login. e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/login. This is the url that ART will set in the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter when initiating a logout request with the oauth provider, and is the url that the provider will redirect to after successful logout.

    Global Logout

    To have your ART instance participate in global logout or single logout or front-channel logout, the url to register with the oauth provider is <art base url>/oauthLogout. e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/oauthLogout

    Updating the encryption key

    ART uses symmetric encryption to store some fields e.g. datasource passwords. This requires the use of an encryption key, which is included in the WEB-INF\classes\art\encryption\ file. If you would like to change the key used to encrypt values within the application, take the following steps.

    Using an encryption key

    • Backup the application files and the ART database. If something goes wrong, it may not be possible to decrypt password fields and so they may all need to be re-entered. This not only applies to datasources but also to reports which have open/modify passwords, destinations e.g. ftp servers among others.
    • Login to ART. Ensure that no other users are using the appliction when embarking on an encryption key update.
    • Once you have logged in and confirmed that the application is working OK, go to the file system and modify the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file and set the encryptionKey field to the key to be used. This would use AES encryption and so the key would need to be either 128 bits (16 bytes), 192 bits (24 bytes) or 256 bits (32 bytes). If there was already a key set in this field, copy it somewhere in case something goes wrong and you need to replace it. Save the file. Do not stop the application or make this change while the application is not running. The application needs to be running already.
    • Now go to the browser and on the Settings page, for the Encryption Key field, click on the Update button. If you get a success message, the update was successful. View the logs using the View | Logs menu to confirm that there were no errors or warnings. If there was an error, modify the art-custom-settings.json file and return the encryptionKey field the way it was before you attempted the update.
    • If successful, in order to test/confirm, stop the application and then start it again. If you can run reports, the update should be successful.
    • Once you have changed the encryption key, when you perform an upgrade of the application, you need to copy this key to the new version's art-custom-settings.json file before you first start the application. You can do this by unzipping the art.war file to a directory e.g. one named art. You can use any zip utility for this as a .war file in just a .zip file. Make the necessary change and then deploy the new directory e.g. art to your applicaiton server.
    • In case you would like to go back to the default key, repeat this same process and set the encryptionKey field to the empty string "" when updating.

    Using an encryption password

    Instead of specifying the encryption key directly, you can supply a password which will be used to generate the encryption key. Take the same steps as for using an encryption key but specify the password in the encryptionPassword.password field. Additionally, set the desired key length of the generated key in the encryptionPassword.keyLength field. The key length must be either 128, 192 or 256 as per the AES algorithm.

    Testing string encryption/decryption

    You can test or encrypt/decrypt strings used in the ART application by running the ART encryptor on the command line. To do this, open a command prompt window and navigate to the WEB-INF\classes folder. Use the command java -cp "../lib/*;../etc/*;." art.encryption.AesEncryptor on windows or java -cp "../lib/*:../etc/*:." art.encryption.AesEncryptor on linux. You can then supply a string to encrypt/decrypt together with appropriate parameters. An example of encrypting a string using a password may be ...AesEncryptor -e -t "clear text to be encrypted" -p "encryption password" -l 256. You can use the help option to see available parameters e.g. ...AesEncryptor -h.


    • If you change the ART Database and that database was based on a different encryption key, you will get errors. You would therefore need to remember which encryption keys were used with which database.

    Custom Settings

    There are a number of settings that can be specified in the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file. When settings in this file are changed, the Custom Settings cache needs to be cleared for them to take effect.

    Setting Data Type Default Description
    showErrors Boolean true Whether exception details are shown in the user interface
    showErrorsApi Boolean true Whether exception details are shown when making api calls
    enableDirectParameterSubstitution Boolean true Whether direct parameter value substitution in report sql source is allowed
    exportDirectory String Custom directory for export files i.e. files generated by reports and jobs. If blank, these files are placed in the WEB-INF\work\export directory.
    workDirectory String Custom work directory for art files e.g. templates. If blank, the WEB-INF\work directory is used.
    checkExportFileAccess Boolean false Whether export files should be checked for user access before being accessed
    enableGroovySandbox Boolean true Whether to apply a sandbox when running groovy scripts
    enableEmailing Boolean true Whether sending of emails is enabled
    jwtSecret String String used to sign JWT tokens used in API authentication. If blank, token based api authentication is disabled.
    encryptionKey String Key used for encryption of fields in the application e.g. datasource passwords. Must be either 16 bytes (128 bits), 24 bytes (192 bits) or 32 bytes (256 bits) as per the AES algorithm.
    encryptionPassword.password String Password used to generate the key for encryption of fields in the application. Can be any length. If specified, it will take precedence over the encryptionKey field.
    encryptionPassword.keyLength Integer 128 The desired key length when a password is used to generate the encryption key. Must be either 128, 192 or 256 as per the AES algorithm.
    allowRepositoryLogin Boolean true Whether to allow login using ART Database credentials
    enableServerFolderDestination Boolean false Whether the Server Folder destination type is allowed
    allowHttpHeaderAuthentication Boolean false Whether to allow http header authentication
    demo Boolean false Whether the demo users in the demo database are listed in the login page
    useCache Boolean true Whether art objects e.g. users, reports etc are cached. A change in this setting would require an application restart.
    enableCsrf Boolean true Whether to enable CSRF protection. A change in this setting would require an application restart.
    allowedCommandUrls String[] Array of pages that you can call while providing authentication details e.g. from curl. A change in this setting may require an application restart if enableCsrf is true.
    csrfExempt String[] Array of ant matchers to exempt from CSRF checking as per the Spring format. A change in this setting would require an application restart.
    oauthProviders Object[] Array of oauth provider options as per the format specified in the Settings section
    allowUnicodeFileNames Boolean false Whether to allow non-English characters in file names for reports
    allowExtraInternalLogin Boolean true Whether to attempt login using internal authentication details after an external authentication attempt has failed
    allowInternalLogin Boolean true Whether to allow login using internal authentication details
    oauthAutoLogin Boolean false Whether to go directly to the oauth provider login page if only one oauth provider is set

    Config Directory

    You can specify a different location for the art-custom-settings.json file by using the art.configDirectory system property when starting the application server e.g. -Dart.configDirectory=C:\art. This property, if set, would also indicate where the groovy-whitelist.txt file will be looked for. These two files are never written to by ART, only read, and so the permissions for the directory and files can be set accordingly.


    A datasource is a database against which you want to run reports. Use the Configure | Datasources menu to manage datasources.


    • Use the Add button to create a new datasource
    • Use the Edit and Delete buttons at the top to edit or delete multiple datasources and the buttons on the side to edit or delete individual datasources
    • Use the Search field to search for a particular datasource. You can also search by individual columns using the appropriate search fields below the column headings.
    • You can sort the datasources list by clicking on the column headings

    Creating a new datasource

    From the Datasources page, use the Add button and then specify the settings for the datasource. ART can run reports against any datasource for which a JDBC driver is available.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the datasource
    Name A name to identify the datasource
    Description A description for the datasource
    Active Whether the datasource is available for use
    Datasource Type The type of datasource. For a MongoDB datasource, a MongoClient connection object will be available in the groovy script with the variable name mongoClient.
    Database Type The database software that the database runs on
    JNDI Whether the datasource is a JNDI datasource
    Database Protocol An indication of the kind of syntax the database uses. This is especially important to set if using a JNDI datasource.
    JDBC Driver The JDBC driver name
    URL The JDBC URL of the target database. If you are using a JNDI datasource, set this to the JNDI name of your datasource e.g. jdbc/MyDatasource, or the full JNDI url e.g. java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDatasource
    Username The database user on the target database. It is recommended that this user should have the least rights on the database and tables you plan to use in your reports, mostly only SELECT rights on the relevant tables.
    Password The password for the database user
    Test SQL A short SQL query that can be used to determine if a connection is OK e.g. select 1
    Connection Pool Timeout (Mins) How long in minutes an idle connection should be maintained in the connection pool before being closed
    Options Options for the datasource. The options are specified in JSON format.


    • Connections do not always close gracefully - for example if a network outage occurs a broken connection might stay in the pool and would throw an error when used. The Test SQL query is used every Timeout minutes to validate the connection. If it does not run successfully, the connection is closed and removed from the pool. If using a driver that supports the JDBC 4.0 specification, you can leave the Test SQL field blank for a more efficient connection test.


    A number of options can be specified in the Options field. These are defined in JSON format with the following possibilities.

    Property Data Type Description
    limitClause String The syntax of a "LIMIT" clause in an SQL statement e.g. "limit {0}". This would be used when the datasource is used in a view report. The "{0}" would be replaced with the limit value at run time. This option doesn't need to be specified if the Database Protocol field is set.
    limit Integer The default limit to use when the datasource is used in a view report
    hikariCp Object Allows for specifying some HikariCP configuration options e.g. { "hikariCp" : { "readOnly" : true} }. If you would like to specify options to be used for all datasources, you can specify these options in the WEB-INF\classes\ file.
    queryTimeoutSeconds Integer For JDBC datasources, enables setting of a query timeout for reports that use this datasource. If the timeout expires before the query completes, the query execution will stop and an exception will be thrown. The value if defined should be >= 0, with 0 meaning no timeout.


    BigQuery (Starschema driver)

    For the BigQuery (Starschema driver) database type, note the following.

    • For the Username field, put in the google cloud service account email
    • For the Password field, put in the path to the service account key file e.g. C:\sample\Test Project.json

    Some JDBC Drivers and URLs

    Database: CUBRID

    Driver Name: cubrid.jdbc.driver.CUBRIDDriver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:cubrid:<server>:<port>:<database>[:?<property1>=<value1>[&<property2>=<value2>][&...] (default port is 33000)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: Oracle

    Driver Name: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<sid> (default port is 1521)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: MySQL

    Driver Name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver (Connector/J 8.0), or com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (Connector/J 5.1)

    JDBC URL: jdbc:mysql://<server>[:port]/<database>[?<property>=<value>[&...] (default port is 3306)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: MariaDB

    Driver Name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:mariadb://<server>[:port]/<database>[?<property>=<value>[&...] (default port is 3306)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: PostgreSQL

    Driver Name: org.postgresql.Driver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://<server>[:port]/<database>[?<property>=<value>[&...] (default port is 5432)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: SQL Server (Microsoft driver)

    Driver Name:

    JDBC URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<server>[:port];databaseName=<database>[;instanceName=<instance>][;<property>=<value>[;...] (default port is 1433)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: SQL Server (jTDS driver)

    Driver Name: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server>[:port]/<database>[;instance=<instance>][;<property>=<value>[;...] (default port is 1433)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: HSQLDB (Standalone mode)

    Driver Name: org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver (HSQLDB 2.x) or org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver (HSQLDB 1.x)

    JDBC URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:<file_path>[;shutdown=true;hsqldb.write_delay=false;create=false][;<property>=<value>[;...]

    Driver Available from:

    Database: HSQLDB (Server mode)

    Driver Name: org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver (HSQLDB 2.x) or org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver (HSQLDB 1.x)

    JDBC URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://<server>[:port]/<database_alias>[;<property>=<value>[;...] (default port is 9001)

    Driver Available from:

    Database: Db2 (IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ)

    Driver Name:

    JDBC URL: jdbc:db2://<server>[:port]/<database>[:<property>=<value>[;...] (default port is often either 446, 6789, or 50000)

    Driver Available from: (registration required).
    This driver can connect to a Db2 database on any platform i.e. iSeries, zSeries, or Intel-based machines with Linux or Windows.

    Database: Db2 for iSeries (Toolbox or JTOpen driver)

    Driver Name:

    JDBC URL: jdbc:as400://<server>;prompt=false;translate binary=true[;<property>=<value>[;...]

    Driver Available from:


    Use the Configure | Users menu to manage users.


    • Use the Add button to create a new user
    • Use the Edit and Delete buttons at the top to edit or delete multiple users and the buttons on the side to edit or delete individual users
    • Use the Search field to search for a particular user. You can also search by individual columns using the appropriate search fields below the column headings.
    • You can sort the users list by clicking on the column headings


    • It is possible to log into ART by specifying the ART Database username and password. This can be disabled by changing the allowRepositoryLogin property in the art-custom-settings.json file.

    Creating a new user

    From the Users page, use the Add button and then specify the details for the user.

    Field Description
    ID Auto-generated ID used to identify the user
    Username A username for the user, used to login to the application
    Password The password for the user. You can use the Blank option to specify setting of a blank password. If you have configured an SMTP server in the Settings page, you can use the Generate and send option to generate a random password and send an email to the user informing him of his credentials.
    Full Name The user's full name for identification purposes
    Email The user's email address
    Description A description for the user
    Active Whether the user account is active or disabled
    Can Change Password Whether the user can change his password
    Public User Whether the user can run reports without having logged into ART first
    Default Report Group A report group that will be pre-selected in the reports page when the user logs in
    Start Report A report ID for a report that should be run when the user logs in. Parameters can be specified after the report id e.g. 1?p-param1=value1&p-param2=value2
    User Groups Any user groups that the user should belong to
    Roles The roles that the user has


    Use the Configure | Settings menu to define the authentication method to be used by ART.

    Internal Authentication

    Internal authentication authenticates users with a username and password combination defined and stored within ART. Users can change their passwords using the Password menu located under their username on the far right of the menu bar.

    You can explicitly specify to login using internal authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=internal

    Windows Domain Authentication

    If the users are in a windows domain environment, you can have them log in to ART using the usernames and passwords they use to log in to windows.

    Do the following to configure ART to use windows domain authentication.

    • In the Settings page, set the Default Authentication Method to Windows Domain
    • Set the Windows Domain Controller field to the domain controller machine name (IP address should also work). You can do the following to get the domain controller machine name.

      ping <domain name> (This will get the ip address of the domain controller)
      ping -a <ip address of domain controller> (This will get the hostname of the domain controller)
    • Set the Allowed Windows Domains field to the windows domain name

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as their windows login username and grant them appropriate access to reports. The users can now log in to ART using their windows username and password.

    You can explicitly specify to login using windows domain authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=windowsDomain

    LDAP Authentication

    Do the following to configure ART to use LDAP authentication.

    • In the Settings page, set the Default Authentication Method to LDAP
    • Provide values for the LDAP fields. If you fill the ldap server and port fields, leave the url field blank. If you use the url field, leave the server and port fields blank.

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as their uid (or samAccountName for Active Directory). The users can now log in to ART using their ldap uid and password.

    You can explicitly specify to login using ldap authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=ldap

    Database Authentication

    Database logins can also be used to access ART. Do the following to use the database authentication that comes with ART.

    • Have or create database users on any database. The users need to be able to connect to the database but don't need to have any other rights on the database
    • In the Settings page, set the Default Authentication Method to Database
    • Fill the Database Authentication JDBC fields. The JDBC driver for the database will need to be available in the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\lib directory or TOMCAT_HOME\lib directory if using Apache Tomcat.

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as their database login username. The users can now log in to ART using their database username and password.

    You can explicitly specify to login using database authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=database

    CAS Authentication

    ART can use an existing CAS server to do the authentication of users. To use CAS authentication, take the following steps

    • Ensure the CAS server is running
    • Start ART with Internal authentication configured
    • Ensure the CAS users are also created within ART. The password within ART is not important as CAS will be doing the authentication.
    • In the Settings page, change the Default Authentication Method to CAS
    • Enter the CAS Logout URL e.g. https://cas-server:8443/cas/logout to enable users to log out of CAS, and thereby log out of all applications that use CAS.
    • Log out of ART
    • Stop ART
    • Edit ART's web.xml file and uncomment the items in the CAS configuration section, providing appropriate urls for the CAS and ART applications.
    • Start ART again
    • You should be redirected to the CAS login page where you will provide appropriate credentials, after which you will be redirected back to ART

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as their CAS login username.

    You can explicitly specify to login using cas authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=cas

    HTTP Header Authentication

    ART can have authentication done by another system and receive an authenticated via a http header. Do the following to use http header authentication.

    • Change the allowHttpHeaderAuthentication setting in \WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json to true
    • In the Settings page, change the Default Authentication Method to HTTP Header
    • Set the HTTP Authentication Variable field to the name of the http header that will be used to pass the authenticated username

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as will be passed in the http header.

    You can explicitly specify to login using cas authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=httpHeader

    OAuth Authentication

    ART can authenticate users using an external OAuth 2.0 provider/server. Do the following to use oauth authentication.

    • In the oauth provider, create and configure an application that will allow your ART instance to authenticate users using the provider. See the oauth notes in the Settings section for the URLs to set.
    • In the Settings page, change the Default Authentication Method to OAuth
    • Set the OAuth fields and any other oauth JSON options in the Settings page or in the \WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file

    For each user who requires access to ART, you will also need to create a user within ART with the same username as that in the oauth provider.

    You can explicitly specify to login using cas authentication using a url like art/login?authenticationMethod=oauth


    Roles are used to group permissions that users have within the application. Use the Configure | Roles menu to manage roles.

    Creating a new role

    When creating a new role, the following fields are available

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the role
    Name A name for the role
    Description A description for the role
    Permissions The permissions included in the role


    • If you change the roles or permissions of a user, they will need to log out and log in again for the new permissions to take effect.


    Permissions determine the actions that users can perform within the application. A user can be assigned individual permissions directly using the Configure | Permissions Configuration menu, or they can get their permissions through roles assigned to them or through permissions or roles assigned to a user group they belong to. Permissions within the application are fixed and include the following.

    Permission Description
    view_reports Allows a user to run reports
    save_reports Allows a user to save a PivotTable.js, Gridstack Dashboard or JPivot report state
    self_service_dashboards Allows a user to create self service dashboards
    schedule_jobs Allows a user to schedule jobs. He will also be able to view job output and job archives.
    view_jobs Allows a user to view job output and archives
    configure_jobs Allows a user to configure jobs. He will also be able to view job output and archives, view job log files and view running jobs.
    view_logs Allows a user to view application logs
    configure_users Allows a user to configure users
    configure_settings Allows a user to configure settings
    configure_user_groups Allows a user to configure user groups
    configure_datasources Allows a user to configure datasources
    configure_reports Allows a user to configure reports. He will also be able to view and cancel running queries. He can also configure drilldowns, rules, rule values, parameters, parameter default values and fixed parameter values.
    configure_caches Allows a user to clear caches
    configure_connections Allows a user to view and refresh connections, particularly if using the ART-DBCP connection pool library
    configure_loggers Allows a user to configure loggers
    configure_report_groups Allows a user to configure report groups
    configure_schedules Allows a user to configure schedules
    configure_holidays Allows a user to configure holidays
    configure_destinations Allows a user to configure destinations
    configure_admin_rights Allows a user to configure rights for users with configure_reports_partial permission
    configure_access_rights Allows a user to grant or revoke access rights
    configure_user_group_membership Allows a user to configure user group membership
    configure_report_group_membership Allows a user to configure report group membership
    configure_smtp_servers Allows a user to configure smtp servers
    configure_encryptors Allows a user to configure encryptors
    migrate_records Allows a user to import/export records
    configure_roles Allows a user to configure roles and role permissions
    configure_permissions Allows a user to assign permissions or roles to a user or user group and view permission usage
    self_service_reports Allows a user to create self service reports
    use_api Allows a user to make api calls
    configure_pipelines Allows a user to configure pipelines
    configure_start_conditions Allows a user to configure start conditions
    configure_reports_partial Allows a user to create reports, restricting the datasources and report groups he can use
    view_analytics Allows a user to view the Analytics menu

    Access Rights

    Access rights determine which entities have rights to which objects.

    Access Rights Configuration

    Access rights can be granted or revoked in a number of ways and from a number of places, including using the Configure | Access Rights menu. From this page one can directly assign access rights for users or user groups to different reports, report groups or jobs. This is done by selecting the appropriate users or user groups and the different objects and then clicking on the Grant button. To revoke access, select the users and appropriate objects and then use the Revoke button. The Revoke All button can be used to revoke all access rights on a particular object, or for a particular user. The Show button can be used to view current access rights.

    The primary purpose of access rights is to determine which users can run which reports. In summary, a user can run a report if

    • He directly has the configure_reports permission
    • He belongs to a role that has the configure_reports permission
    • It's an lov report
    • He has direct access to it
    • He belongs to a user group that has direct access to it
    • He has direct access to any of the report's groups
    • He belongs to a user group that has direct access to any of the report's groups

    For jobs, by default only the owner of a job has access to its output, particularly for published jobs. Shared jobs allow the output of a job to be shared with other users. To share a job's output, enable the Allow Sharing field on the job and grant access to the job to the users or user groups with whom the output will be shared using the Access Rights Configuration page. These users will be able to access the job's output from the Jobs menu.

    Admin Rights

    Admin rights allows certain users to be given limited report creation rights, limiting the report groups and datasources they can work with. These users are given the configure_reports_partial permission to give them this limited right. Admin rights are configured using the Configure | Admin Rights menu, from where different users can be assigned the report groups and datasources they can work with.

    User Groups

    Use the Configure | User Groups menu to manage user groups.

    User groups are used to logically treat a set of users as one entity. If a group is granted access to a report, members of that group get access to the report. This allows for easier management of access rights. A user can belong to zero, one or many user groups.

    Report Groups

    Report groups assist in assigning access rights to reports. Use the Configure | Report Groups menu to manage report groups.

    Creating a new report group

    When creating a report group, the following fields are available.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the report group
    Name A name for the report group. It should not contain any of the following characters. ,;.
    Description A description for the report group
    Hidden Whether the report group will be displayed in the reports page
    Options Options used to further configure the report group. The options are specified in JSON format.


    A number of options can be specified in the Options field. These are defined in JSON format with the following possibilities.

    i18n Options

    Certain report group fields can be localized by specifying an i18n object in the Options field with the following possible values.

    Property Data Type Description
    name Object[] Enables localization of the report group name. Each object has the language code as the key and the translation as the value. Multiple language codes can be specified separated by comma e.g. "i18n": {"name": [{"en, sw": "Test Name"}, {"de": "Another Name"}] }


    Use the Configure | Reports menu to manage reports.

    Creating a new report

    Use the Add button from the Reports Configuration page to create a new report.

    Field Description
    ID Auto-generated ID used to identify the report
    Name Name of the report
    Report Group Report groups to which the report will be belong
    Active Whether the report can be run or not
    Short Description Short description of the report. For charts, this will appear as the title of the chart.
    Description Longer description of the report for the benefit of users
    Type The type of report
    Comment Developer comment
    Contact Person Can be used to store the name of the contact or reference person for the report
    Code An alternative name or code that can be used to run the report via url. ART doesn't enforce the uniqueness of this field.
    Help Link A URL to your own page that provides help with the report. If set, a Help button will be added to the select report parameters page, and the link will open in a new window/tab.
    Hidden Whether the report is listed to users or not
    Datasource The datasource against which the report will be executed
    Uses Rules This specifies if the report will use rules
    Parameters In Output This determines if the selected parameter values should be displayed in the report output
    Display Resultset The resultset to display if the sql source contains multiple sql statements. Leave as 0 if the sql source doesn't have multiple statements. Set to 1 to use the first statement, 2 to use the second, etc. Set to -1 to use the first select statement (first statement that returns a resultset), regardless of how many statements exist. Set to -2 to use the last statement, regardless of how many statements exist. Your RDBMS may not support multiple statements in a query or may require some configuration for it to work. See the Multiple Statements section for more details.
    Default Report Format The default report format that should be selected for this report. Please note that not all report formats are available for all report types.
    Omit Title Row For tabular reports, whether the title row should be omitted in xls, xlsx, ods, slk report formats
    Hidden Columns For tabular reports, a comma separated list of column indices or column names for columns that should not be included in the generated output
    Total Columns For tabular reports, a comma separated list of column indices or column names for columns that should be totalled in the generated output. You can use the special name all to specify totalling of all numeric columns.
    Date Format For tabular reports, the format that should be used for date fields. Leave blank to use the default. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    Time Format For tabular reports, the format that should be used for time fields. Leave blank to use the default. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    Number Format For tabular reports, the format that should be used for numeric columns. Leave blank to use the default.
    Column Formats For tabular reports, the formats that should be used for specific date or numeric columns. Each specification comes in a new line, in the format <column index or column name>:<format>. Examples 1:dd/MM/yyyy or due_date:dd MMM yyyy or amount:#,##0.00. You can specify multiple column names or indices separated by comma e.g. 1,3 : dd/MM/yyyy or unit_price, total_cost: #,##0.00.
    Null Number Display For tabular reports, a string that should be used for numeric columns where the value is null. Leave blank to use the default. For xls and xlsx report formats, this setting has no effect.
    Null String Display For tabular reports, a string that should be used for string columns where the value is null. Leave blank to use the default.
    Escape HTML For tabular reports, whether the output should be html encoded when using html report formats
    Locale For tabular reports, the locale to be used when formatting dates and numbers e.g. de or en_US. Leave blank to use the default. For xls and xlsx report formats, this setting has no effect. For fixed-width and csv report types, this determines how the date is rendered.
    Fetch Size The number of rows retrieved by the database driver per trip to the database. Leave as 0 to use the driver's default. This value represents a trade-off between memory and query execution time and may be useful to set for reports that return large amounts of data in order to avoid out-of-memory errors. Not all databases honour this setting.
    Page Orientation The orientation to be used in generated documents e.g. with pdf output
    LOV Use Dynamic Datasource For dynamic lov reports, whether the lov should use a dynamic datasource parameter when the lov is a chained parameter
    Open Password For reports that can be exported to pdf, a password that is to be required in order to open the pdf file. In addition, for tabular reports, a password that is to be required in order to open a file with xlsx, docx, ods, odt output. Blank (empty string) passwords are not allowed and will result in no password being set i.e. the file will not request for a password when opening. You can use the None option to remove a password setting that was set previously.
    Modify Password For reports that can be exported to pdf, a password that can be used in order to modify certain aspects of the file (the owner password). In addition, for tabular and group reports, a password that is to be required in order to modify xlsx output. The xlsx file generated will be read-only and will require a password in order to unprotect the worksheet. Blank (empty string) passwords are not allowed and will result in no password being set i.e. the file will not request for a password when editing. You can use the None option to remove a password setting that was set previously.
    Encryptor An encryptor that should be used to encrypt report output
    x-axis Label For charts, the x axis label
    y-axis Label For charts, the y axis label
    Width For charts, the chart width
    Height For charts, the chart height
    Background Colour For charts, the background colour
    y-axis Min For charts, the minimum value for the y-axis. Leave as 0 to use the full data range.
    y-axis Max For charts, the maximum value for the y-axis. Leave as 0 to use the full data range.
    Rotate x-axis labels at For charts, the number of categories at which the labels will be displayed vertically instead of horizontally. Set to 1 to always display labels vertically.
    Remove x-axis labels at For charts, the number of categories at which labels are omitted from the chart. Set to 1 to always omit labels.
    Secondary Charts For charts, a comma separated list of report IDs of other charts which are to be displayed with this one. These charts will use separate y-axes. Some chart types cannot have secondary charts, including pie charts, speedometer, bubble and heat map charts.
    Template The template file to use for the report
    XMLA Datasource For mondrian via xmla, the xmla datasource name as it appears in the datasources.xml file on the xmla server
    XMLA Catalog For mondrian or mondrian via xmla, the catalog name as it appears in the mondrian cube xml file. For SSAS, the database name.
    Source Report A report ID of a report which should be used to provide the report source for this report
    Link For the link report type, the link to open. If it is an external url, it needs to start with the protocol section e.g. http:// or https://.
    Open In New Window For link reports, whether the link will open in a new window when clicked from the ART home page
    Max Running Reports The maximum number of concurrent runs allowed for this report. A value of 0 means no maximum.
    Max Running Reports Per User The maximum number of concurrent runs allowed for this report per user. A value of 0 means no maximum.
    Max Running Reports For Datasource The maximum number of concurrent report runs on the configured datasource while this report is running. A value of 0 means no maximum.
    Report Formats Comma separated list of report formats to be displayed for the report
    Run Immediately Whether to run a report immediately when it's link is clicked in the home/reports page, instead of showing the parameters page
    Use Groovy Whether the report source is groovy rather than SQL
    Saved Options Dynamically generated options e.g. when saving the state of a PivotTable.js report
    Javascript Additional configuration in Javascript syntax
    CSS Additional css to be used with the report
    Javascript After Additional Javascript after the report has been initialized
    Options Provides additional options depending on the report type. The options are specified in JSON format with different report types expecting different JSON specifications.
    Source The SQL query used to retrieve the required data


    • You can use a stored procedure to return query results. When defining the query, in the SQL source section, use the syntax for calling a stored procedure in the RDBMS you are using e.g. For MySQL you can use something like "call my_sp". Another RDBMS may use syntax like "exec my_sp".


    Some special strings or tags can be used within the SQL statement and are substituted at runtime with their respective values.

    Tag Description
    :username: Replaced by the username of the user who is executing the query
    :date: Replaced by the current date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
    :time: Replaced by the current time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS)
    :reportId: Replaced by the report id
    :jobId: Replaced by the job id if running from a job
    :locale: Replaced by the currently chosen locale for the user interface e.g. en, de etc.

    Report Types


    A tabular result exportable to spreadsheet, pdf etc.

    Tabular (html only)

    A tabular result that can only be displayed in HTML format. This may be used to embed HTML code in the SQL query in order to modify display colours of certain columns etc. To do this, concatenate the SQL with the required HTML tags. e.g. For MySQL, to display positive values in green and negative values in red, you can use something like

        SELECT col1,
        CASE WHEN int_col2>0 THEN
        concat("<div style='background-color: green'>",cast(int_col2 as char),"</div>") 
        concat("<div style='background-color: red'>",cast(int_col2 as char),"</div>") 
        END as "My Formatted Column",
        from my_table


    Rearranges the query output into crosstab format, exportable to spreadsheet, pdf etc. If you want values to be summed, include the summing in the SQL query e.g. select year,quarter,sum(amount) from orders group by year,quarter

    The SQL result set is expected to have either 3 or 5 columns:

        SELECT xAxisCol "xAxisLabel", yAxisCol "yAxisLabel", Value FROM ...
        (data type: string, string, any)


        SELECT xAxisCol, xAxisAltSort, yAxisCol, yAxisAltSort, Value FROM ...
        (data type: string, string, string, string, any)

    The AltSort columns are used to sort the x-axis (rows) and y-axis (columns). The following helps to illustrate this.

        /* input */                  /* input */
        // A Jan 14                   A 1 Jan 1 14
        // A Feb 24                   A 1 Feb 2 24
        // A Mar 34                   A 1 Mar 3 34
        // B Jan 14                   B 2 Jan 1 14
        // B Feb 24                   B 2 Feb 2 24
        // C Jan 04                   C 3 Jan 1 04
        // C Mar 44                   C 3 Mar 3 44
        //                          ^-----^------Used to sort the x/y axis
        /* output */                 /* output */
        //         y-axis                     y-axis          
        //           |                      |                
        //  x-axis - _   Feb Jan Mar           x-axis - _  Jan Feb Mar
        //           A    24  14  34                A   14  24  34   
        //           B    24  14  -                 B   14  24   -   
        //           C    -   04  44                C   04   -  44   
        //                   ^--- Jan comes after Feb!

    Without the AltSort columns, as in the first output, Feb appears before Jan. This is because the string "Feb" is alphabetically before "Jan". However, Jan should appear before Feb because that is how they appear in the order of months. You can therefore use the month number in the sort column to ensure that Jan is displayed before Feb. Another example would be if you are displaying dates in a format like "Apr-2011" (MMM-YYYY). Apr-2011 is alphabetically before Jan-2011, so the alternative sort column could be set to YYYY-MM format (e.g. 2011-04) to order the period names in the right way.

    Crosstab (html only)

    Same as crosstab but limited to HTML output only

    Tabular: Heatmap

    Displays numeric information using shades of colour depending on the values. A number of options can be specified in the Options field to configure the output.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    columns Integer[] Indexes of the columns that should be coloured, with the first column having an index of 1. If not specified, all columns are included in the colouring. If any cell in the applicable columns contains a non-numeric value, a javascript error will result, and will be indicated in the browser console.
    colors String[] Colours that should be applied, beginning with colours for the lower values going up. The colour strings are specified in hex format e.g. #ffffff. For example for a two colour scheme in a red range, one can specify the setting as "colors": ["#ffffff", "#ff4a53"]
    perColumn Boolean false If true, each applicable column is graded and coloured separately. If false, the whole table is considered when grading the colours.


    Display the results as a chart, exportable to pdf or png.

    The layout of the SQL must follow a specific syntax for each different type of chart


        SELECT Value1, Value2 "SeriesName" FROM ...
        (data type: number, number )
    Dynamic Series
        SELECT Value1, Value2, SeriesName FROM ...
        (data type: number, number, string)


        SELECT Category, Value FROM ...
        (data type: string, number )

    Bars/Stacked Bars/Line

    Static Series

        SELECT Item, Value1 "SeriesName1" [, Value2, ...] FROM ...
        (data type: string, number [, number, ...] )

    Dynamic Series

        SELECT Item, SeriesName, Value FROM ...
        (data type: string, string, number)
        SELECT Product, Region, SUM(VOLUME) FROM sales group by product,region

    Time/Date Series

    Static Series

        SELECT Timestamp|Date, Value1 "SeriesName1" [, Value2, ...] FROM ...
        (data type: timestamp|date, number, [, number, ...] ). Timestamp/Dates must be unique.

    Dynamic Series

        SELECT Timestamp|Date, SeriesName, Value FROM ...
        (data type: timestamp|date, string, number). Timestamp/Dates must be unique.
        SELECT ORDER_DATE, PRODUCT, SUM(VOLUME) FROM orders group by order_date,product


        SELECT DataValue, MinValue, MaxValue, UnitsDescription [, Range1, Range2, ...] FROM ...
        (data type: number, number, number, string)
        Ranges represent optional columns and each range has 3 values separated by :  i.e.
        RangeUpperValue:RangeColour:RangeDescription (data type: number, string, string).
        RangeUpperValue can be a percentage.
        SELECT reading, 0, 100, "degrees",
        FROM temperature_reading


        SELECT Value1, Value2 "SeriesName", Value3 [, normalisedValue3] FROM ...
        (data type: number, number, number [, number] )

    Heat Map

        SELECT Value1, Value2, Value3 [, Option1, Option2, ...] FROM ...
        (data type: number, number, number [, string, string, ...] )
        SELECT x, y, z, "upperBound=100"        
        FROM myvalues

    Chart Options

    Certain options can be specified in the Options field to configure the chart output.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    seriesColors Object Defines specific colours to be used for given chart series. Each property of the object consists of the series ID as the property name and the hex colour code as the property value. Multiple properties can be specified e.g. "seriesColors": {"0" : "#ff4a53", "2" : "#4a538a"}. The first series has an ID of 0.
    dateFormat String For date series and time series charts, defines the date format to be used on the x-axis, overriding the one automatically assigned by the chart.
    dynamicSeries Boolean false Whether the data represents a dynamic series chart
    itemLabelAnchor String OUTSIDE12 Determines the positioning of data label values. Possible values is as per the JFreeChart ItemLabelAnchor class.


    • ART uses the cewolf and jfreechart libraries to generate charts. These libraries in turn use standard java AWT to plot charts. In order to work correctly, AWT needs a graphic display. If you are using a "headless" workstation (i.e. a Unix box without X) you need to start the JVM with the option -Djava.awt.headless=true
    • You can specify specific colours to be used for the series displayed in a chart by adding columns to the query resultset in the format seriesColor:<series index>:<hex color code> e.g. for a pie chart,

      SELECT description, volume, "seriesColor:0:#ff8000"
      FROM orders
    • For bubble charts, the size of the bubbles is determined by Value3. The actual size of the bubbles as they appear in the chart is also relative to the values on the y axis (Value2). If your values for Value3 are much larger than those for Value2 for example, you may find the whole chart filled in one colour, with no bubbles. In this case, you can increase the range of the y axis by setting the y-axis Min and y-axis Max fields for the query. Alternatively, you can include an extra column in the result set that contains a normalised value that will be used to scale the size of the bubbles e.g.

      SELECT Value1, Value2 "MySeries", Value3,
      Value3 * (SELECT max(Value2) FROM mytable)/(SELECT max(Value3) FROM mytable)
      FROM mytable
    • For heat map charts, the following options are available. Option names and values are case sensitive. Options are defined in the result set with a column value whose syntax is <option>=<value> i.e. the option name and value separated by =

    Option Possible Values Default Description
    upperBound Any number, positive or negative 1 The highest value displayed. If you don't specify this option, the chart may appear blank if all your values are above 1.
    lowerBound Any number, positive or negative 0 The lowest value displayed
    scalePos top
    bottom The default position of the colour scale relative to the chart
    scaleLabel Any string The title of the colour scale
    scaleTextPos topleft
    topleft The position of the scale title relative to the colour scale
    scaleBorder Hex colour code e.g. #00E000 The colour of the border displayed around the colour scale box
    stripWidth Any positive integer 10 Width/thickness of the colour scale
    subdivisions Any positive integer 10 For grey scale or a 2 colour scheme, i.e. if no color#n options are configured, the number of shades of grey or shades of the 2 colour scheme to use
    color#<n> e.g. color#1, color#2 <number>:<hex colour code> e.g. 0.0:#FF0000 The colour to use for a given range of values. The colour is determined by Value3 of the result set. The number is the lower bound of the range. The option value has the lower bound and colour separated by : e.g. to display 0-10 in red and 11-50 in green, you'll define two columns in the result set, "color#1=0:#FF0000", "color#2=11:#00FF00"
    lowerColor Hex colour code The colour of the lowest value if you want a 2 colour scheme with a linear gradient from the lower colour to the upper colour e.g. set lowerColor to white (#FFFFFF) and upperColor to red (#FF0000) if you want values to be represented as shades of red
    upperColor Hex colour code The colour of the highest value if you want a 2 colour scheme with a linear gradient from the lower colour to the upper colour e.g. set lowerColor to white (#FFFFFF) and upperColor to red (#FF0000) if you want values to be represented as shades of red


    Groups the report data.

    For example, if a query's tabular output looks like:

        AA | AA | B | C | D
        AA | AA | E | F | G
        AA | BB | H | J | K
        AA | BB | X | Y | Z

    using "Group on 2 columns", the data would be grouped by the first 2 columns, and the output would look like:

        AA | AA
        B | C | D
        E | F | G
        AA | BB
        H | J | K
        X | Y | Z

    For a "Group on n columns" report, the query must be ordered by the the first n-1 columns.

    Update Statement

    Used to execute statements that do not return any rows e.g. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements


    Used to define a piece of text that can be displayed


    Used to display reports in a single portal-like page

    Dashboard: Gridstack

    Used to display reports in a single portal-like page, allowing for specifying exact positioning of report items within the dashboard, specifying the height and width that the report items should occupy, allowing for resizing the items dynamically using the mouse, and moving the items around using drag-and-drop.

    JasperReports: Template Query

    To generate formatted reports e.g. documents given to customers, you can use JasperReports. To create a jasper report, use the JasperSoft Studio report designer.

    Displays a jasper report based on the selected jrxml template. The query within the jasper report template will be used to generate the results. The query will be run against the selected datasource. You can define parameters that will be passed to the jasper report. Jasper report parameters are defined with a specific type. The following mapping of ART and jasperreport parameter types should be used.

    ART parameter type JasperReports parameter type
    Varchar, Text java.lang.String
    Date, DateTime java.util.Date
    Integer java.lang.Integer
    Double java.lang.Double
    Multi-Value parameters java.util.List

    If the report contains a subreport, set the Subreport Expression property of the subreport object to the file name of the subreport with a .jasper extension e.g. "subreport1.jasper" (include the quotes). When creating the report in ART, upload the main report's .jrxml file using the main template field and upload the subreport's .jrxml file using the resources field. If there are multiple subreports, you can select multiple files and upload all of them at once using the Start upload button. You can also select files by dragging from the file explorer and dropping to the browser page. Once you have uploaded the subreports, also specify the file names in the Options field using the subreports property that takes a list of strings e.g. {"subreports": ["subreport1.jrxml", "subreport2.jrxml"]}.

    JasperReports: ART Query

    Displays a jasper report based on the selected jrxml template. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results. The query will be run against the selected datasource.

    JPivot: Mondrian

    Used to provide OLAP (slice and dice) analysis using the mondrian engine. The MDX for the query should be put in the source section and the xml file that defines the mondrian cube should be selected in the template field. More details about JPivot reports can be found in the JPivot Reports section of the manual.

    JPivot: Mondrian XMLA

    Used to provide OLAP analysis by accessing a mondrian server via the xmla protocol.

    JPivot: Microsoft XMLA

    Used to provide OLAP analysis by accessing an SQL Server Analysis Services server via the xmla protocol.

    Jxls: Template Query

    Displays a report in MS Excel format(xls or xlsx) based on a pre-formatted Jxls template. The query within the Jxls template will be used to generate the results. The query will be run against the selected datasource. More details about Jxls reports can be found in the Jxls Reports section of the manual.

    Jxls: ART Query

    Displays a report in MS Excel format(xls or xlsx) based on a pre-formatted Jxls template. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results. The query will be run against the selected datasource.


    Displays a report in the browser based on a FreeMarker template. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results. The data can be accessed in the template by iterating over the results variable. If you are sure a particular column will never have null values, you can use the simple dot notation to access it e.g. ${result.description} to access a column in the result set named "description". If the column can have null values, use the default-value operator "!" after the column name e.g. ${result.description!}. (See Report parameters are also available using the parameter name e.g. ${param1.value}. Variables named contextPath and artBaseUrl are available e.g. to include css or javascript files. artBaseUrl is only available if it is set in the Settings page and contextPath is only available for interactive reports and is not available with jobs. An example report is included in the demo database.

    A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    extension String txt The extension to use for generated file names with the file and fileZip report formats


    Displays a report in the browser based on a Velocity template. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results. The data can be accessed in the template by iterating over the results variable. If you are sure a particular column will never have null values, you can use the simple dot notation to access it e.g. ${result.description} to access a column in the result set named "description". If the column can have null values, use quiet reference notation e.g. $!{result.description}. (See Report parameters are also available using the parameter name e.g. ${param1.value}. Variables named contextPath and artBaseUrl are available e.g. to include css or javascript files. artBaseUrl is only available if it is set in the Settings page and contextPath is only available for interactive reports and is not available with jobs. Also a NumberTool object named numberTool is available for formatting numbers e.g. $numberTool.format('#,##0.00',$result.amount). Similarly, a DateTool object named dateTool is available for formatting dates. An example report is included in the demo database.

    A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    extension String txt The extension to use for generated file names with the file and fileZip report formats


    Displays a report in the browser based on a Thymeleaf template. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results. The data can be accessed in the template by iterating over the results variable e.g. ${result.description} to access a column in the result set named "description". Report parameters are also available using the parameter name e.g. ${param1.value}. Variables named contextPath and artBaseUrl are available e.g. to include css or javascript files. artBaseUrl is only available if it is set in the Settings page and contextPath is only available for interactive reports and is not available with jobs. An example report is included in the demo database.

    A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    extension String txt The extension to use for generated file names with the file and fileZip report formats


    Generates a pivot-table-like report based on tabular data using the ReactPivot library. Javascript for the react pivot configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field. This report type is useful when you want summary and analysis of numeric data by category.


    Generates a pivot table based on data from a database - making use of the PivotTable.js library. Javascript for custom configuration can be specified in the Javascript field. Performance should be acceptable up to 100,000 rows, depending on the user's computer.

    PivotTable.js: CSV Local

    Enables generation of a pivot table using data from a user supplied csv file. Any delimited file can be used, not only csv.

    PivotTable.js: CSV Server

    Generates a pivot table based on data from a specific csv file uploaded to the server. This file can be uploaded using the Add files button. The file name will also need to be specified in the Options field as follows.

    Property Data Type Description
    dataFile String The name of the csv file e.g. myfile.csv

    XDocReport: FreeMarker engine - Docx

    You can use MS Word (docx), LibreOffice Writer (odt) or MS PowerPoint (pptx) docments as a template for reports. You simply create the document as you would want it to appear and then insert fields that will be replaced with data at runtime. This uses the XDocReport library. You can have a look at the XDocReport wiki for examples on how to create templates for different needs. The query results will be contained in a variable named results which can be used in the FreeMarker or Velocity expressions. You can also use an object named jdbc to run queries that you define within the template. This works the same way as with Jxls Template Query reports. See the Jxls Reports section for more details.

    Displays a report based on the selected docx template, which uses FreeMarker syntax for expressions within the document. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results.

    XDocReport: Velocity engine - Docx

    Displays a report based on the selected docx template, which uses Velocity syntax for expressions within the document. The query as defined in the SQL source will be used to generate the results.

    For velocity templates you can use syntax like $!result.description in case a field may contain null values. Also for velocity templates, a NumberTool object named numberTool is available for formatting numbers e.g. $numberTool.format('#,##0.00',$result.amount). Similarly, a DateTool object named dateTool is available for formatting dates.

    XDocReport: FreeMarker engine - ODT

    Displays a report based on the selected odt template, which uses FreeMarker syntax

    XDocReport: Velocity engine - ODT

    Displays a report based on the selected odt template, which uses Velocity syntax

    XDocReport: FreeMarker engine - PPTX

    Displays a report based on the selected pptx template, which uses FreeMarker syntax

    XDocReport: Velocity engine - PPTX

    Displays a report based on the selected pptx template, which uses Velocity syntax

    LOV: Dynamic

    Creates an LOV query whose values are based on an sql query. The query can have either one column, or two columns if the parameter value and the text displayed to the user needs to be different

        SELECT city_id, city_name
        FROM cities


        SELECT city_id
        FROM cities

    If using groovy data, return a List of the values to be used, or if you require the value and display text to be different, return a List of GroovyRowResult or DynaBean where the first column is the value to be used and the second is the display text. If using a Map, return a List of Maps whose keys are the display text and whose values are the values to be used.

    LOV: Static

    Creates an LOV query whose values are set in the sql source section. Values are separated by new lines. If the value and display text need to be different, separate the two with a |


    Dynamic Job Recipients

    Defines a query that can be used to specify dynamic recipients when scheduling a job. It can have either one column, or multiple columns. In either case, the first column must contain email addresses for the recipients.


    Generates a time series chart using data from a database - making use of the dygraphs library. Javascript for custom configuration can be specified in the Javascript field. The query must have a minimum of two columns. The first can be a date or number field, and will be the data on the x-axis. The second column must be a number and will represent the first series data. Additional columns of number type can be included, which will be data for additional series. There should be no record with a null date in the query result. If you zoom into the data by clicking and dragging, you double-click on the chart to zoom out.

    Dygraphs: CSV Local

    Enables generation of a dygraphs chart using data from a user supplied csv file. Any delimited file can be used, not only csv. The first column of the data, if a date, should have dates formatted as yyyy/MM/dd e.g. 2017/02/17, and datetime data formatted as yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm e.g. 2017/02/17 16:02 or yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss e.g. 2017/02/17 16:02:59. The csv data should not contain any quotes.

    Dygraphs: CSV Server

    Generates a dygraphs chart based on data from a specific csv file uploaded to the server. This file can be uploaded using the Add files button. The file name will also need to be specified in the Options field as follows.

    Property Data Type Description
    dataFile String The name of the csv file e.g. myfile.csv


    Enables display of data from a database in a table using the DataTables library. Javascript for custom configuration can be specified in the Javascript field. In the Options field, there are a number of attributes that can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    outputDateFormat String The format of output data for date columns. If blank, the data will be output as is. The format is as per the Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    outputDateTimeFormat String The format of output data for datetime columns. If blank, the data will be output as is. The format is as per the Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    showColumnFilters Boolean false Determines if column filters will be displayed
    dtOptions Object Options related to the DataTables output. Available options are as per the DataTables documentation. Where a <th> column class name is required, you can use rcol-<column name>. Spaces and other characters apart from numbers, letters, underscores and hyphens will be replaced with a hyphen; so for a report column named Due Date, the class name to use would be rcol-Due-Date.

    DataTables: CSV Local

    Enables display of data from a user supplied csv file in a DataTables table. Any delimited file can be used, not only csv.

    DataTables: CSV Server

    Enables display of data from a specific csv file uploaded to the server. This file can be uploaded using the Add files button. The file name will also need to be specified in the Options field as follows.

    Property Data Type Description
    dataFile String The name of the csv file e.g. myfile.csv

    Fixed Width

    Generates fixed width output. The Options field determines the formatting of the output and can have the following properties.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    fieldLengths Integer[]. required Used to define the field lengths of the output e.g. [5,6] means that the first field will have a length of 5 and the second field will have a length of 6
    fieldLengthsByName Object[]. required Each object specifies the field name and the field length e.g. [{"order_id": 8}, {"order_date": 14}] means the order_id field will have a length of 8 and the order_date field will have a length of 14. You must specify either the fieldLengths or the fieldLengthsByName property.
    includeHeaders Boolean true Determines whether the column names will be included in the output as the first row
    defaultAlignmentForHeaders String Either left, right or center. If present, overrides any field alignment set and uses the given alignment for the header columns
    padding String space A single character defining the default padding to use for fields. Must not be the empty string.
    useDefaultPaddingForHeaders Boolean true Determines if the headers should use the global padding setting or use the padding set for individual fields
    dateFormat String Determines the format that should be used for DATE columns
    dateTimeFormat String Determines the format that should be used for DATETIME columns
    numberFormat String Determines the format that should be used for numeric columns
    fieldDateFormats Object[] Each object specifies the date format and an array of fields that should use that format e.g. [{"dd/MM/yyyy": ["order_date", "due_date"]}, {"dd-MMM-yyyy": ["payment_date"]}]
    fieldNumberFormats Object[] Each object specifies the number format and an array of fields that should use that format e.g. [{"0.00": ["amount"]}, {"#,##0.#": ["volume"]}]
    fieldAlignmentByName Object[] Each object specifies the alignment to be used and an array of field names that should use that alignment e.g. [{"right": ["amount", "volume"]}]. The alignment is either left, right or center.
    fieldAlignmentByPosition Object[] Each object specifies the alignment to be used and an array of field positions that should use that alignment e.g. [{"right": [2, 5]}]. The alignment is either left, right or center. The first field in the output is marked as position 0.
    fieldPaddingByName Object[] Each object specifies the padding to be used and an array of field names that should use that padding e.g. [{"_": ["amount", "volume"]}]. The padding should be a single character.
    fieldPaddingByPosition Object[] Each object specifies the padding to be used and an array of field positions that should use that padding e.g. [{"_": [2, 5]}]. The padding should be a single character. The first field in the output is marked as position 0.
    extension String txt The file name extension to use
    lineSeparator String Operating System line separator The line separator character to use. e.g. "\n" for LF or "\r\n" for CRLF.
    trimValues Boolean false Whether to remove leading and trailing whitespaces in fields

    The demo database has a few sample fixed width reports and jobs.


    Generates csv output. The Options field can be used to modify the format of the output and it can have the following properties.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    delimiter String , The delimiter to use
    quote String " The character to use to quote fields in which the delimiter appears
    quoteAllFields Boolean false Whether all the data should be quoted, whether the data contains the delimiter or not
    extension String csv The file name extension to use
    quotationTriggers String "\"\n" String containing characters which should trigger quoting of a field. This is in addition to the delimiter which will always trigger quoting.

    In addition to these properties, the following properties available with fixed width reports can also be used, having the same configuration and effect as in fixed width reports: includeHeaders, dateFormat, dateTimeFormat, numberFormat, fieldNumberFormats, fieldDateFormats, lineSeparator, trimValues.


    Generates tsv output. The Options field can be used to modify the format of the output and it can have the following properties.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    escapeChar String \ The character used to escape special characters in TSV. This includes \n, \r, \t and \.
    extension String tsv The file name extension to use

    In addition to these properties, the following properties available with fixed width reports can also be used, having the same configuration and effect as in fixed width reports: includeHeaders, dateFormat, dateTimeFormat, numberFormat, fieldNumberFormats, fieldDateFormats, lineSeparator, trimValues.


    Generates charts using the C3.js library. The demo database contains some sample reports of this type. A number of options can be specified in the Options field. Also, javascript for chart configuration can be specified the Javascript field and custom css can be specified in the CSS field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    chartTypes String[] Chart types that should be available for dynamic changing of the chart type. Possible values include line, spline, step, area, areaSpline, areaStep, bar, scatter, pie, donut, gauge or all.
    x String For bar and line charts, the column to use as the x-axis category
    value String[] The columns to use for data values
    type String The initial chart type. Possible values include line, spline, step, area, area-spline, area-step, bar, scatter, pie, donut, gauge.
    groupedTooltip Boolean true Whether to show grouped tooltips
    showLegend Boolean true Whether to show the legend
    rotatedAxis Boolean false Whether the axis should be rotated. For bar charts, setting to true will result in a horizontal bar chart.
    showTooltip Boolean true Whether tooltips should be shown
    legendPosition String The legend position. One of bottom, right, inset.
    width Integer The width of the chart in pixels
    height Integer The height of the chart in pixels
    xAxisLabel String The x axis label
    yAxisLabel String The y axis label
    xAxisLabelPosition String The x axis label position. See
    yAxisLabelPosition String The y axis label position. See
    groups String[][] Description of columns that should be grouped e.g. to get a stacked bar chart. See


    Generates charts using the plotly.js library. A number of options can be specified in the Options field. Also, javascript containing chart configuration can be specified in the Javascript field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    barmode String Set to stack to get a stacked bar chart
    xColumn String The column to use as the x-axis category
    yColumns String[] The columns to use for data values
    type String The plotly type e.g. pie, scatter, bar
    mode String The plotly mode e.g. lines, lines+markers
    chartTypes String[] Chart types that should be available for dynamic changing of the chart type. Possible values include line, bar, scatter, pie, donut.
    title String The chart title
    xAxisTitle String The x axis title
    yAxisTitle String the y axis title
    showLegend Boolean true Whether to show the legend
    showText Boolean false For bar charts, whether the values should be shown on the bars
    textPosition String With showText as true, the position of the values. Sets the plotly textposition property.
    width Integer The width of the chart in pixels
    height Integer The height of the chart in pixels
    hole Double (0.0 - 1.0) For donut charts, the size of the hole in the middle of the chart
    bundle String Use cartesian to use charts available in the cartesian bundle. See
    orientation String Use h to get horizontal bar charts
    hoverInfo String Determines what is shown in tooltips. Sets the plotly hoverinfo property.
    pieValueColumn String For tabular reports, the column that should be used for pie chart values. If not specified, the last numeric column in the data will be used.


    Generates charts using the Chart.js library. Javascript for chart configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field. Also, a number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    width Integer 300 The width of the chart in pixels
    height Integer 100 The height of the chart in pixels


    Enables display of data on a map, using the Datamaps library, using data from a database. Javascript for the datamaps configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field and custom css can be specified in the CSS field. In the Options field, there are a number of attributes that can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    datamapsJsFile String. required The file name of the datamaps javascript file. Appropriate files can be downloaded from
    width String 500px CSS width for the div that contains the map
    height String 300px CSS height for the div that contains the map
    dataFile String The file name of the json or csv file that contains data elements for the map. This file can be uploaded using the Add files option.
    dataType String json Either csv if the dataFile specified is in csv format or json if it's in json format.
    mapFile String The file name of a file that contains the custom map in TopoJSON format. When using this option, use the datamaps.none.min.js datamaps js file. This file can be uploaded using the Add files option. It is important to note that if using the Add files option to upload files, files with multiple dots in the name are not allowed, so such files need to be renamed e.g. datamaps-none-min.js

    If using a custom map and you have a shapefile, you can Import the zip file with shapefile specification files to and then use the Export option to convert the shapefile to TopoJSON. You will then use the TopoJSON file for the report.

    Datamaps: File

    Enables display of data on a map, using the Datamaps library, using data from a csv or json file. Requirements and options are similar to those of the Datamaps report type.


    Enables display of data on a web map or tiled map using the Leaflet library. Javascript for the leaflet configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field and custom css can be specified in the CSS field. In the Options field, there are a number of attributes that can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    height String 400px CSS height for the div that contains the map
    dataFile String The file name of a file that contains extra data to be used with the map e.g. a GeoJSON file. This file can be uploaded using the Add files option.
    jsFiles String[] File names of javascript files that need to be incorporated for the map display e.g. leaflet plugins. The files can be uploaded using the Add files option.
    cssFiles String[] File names of additional css files to be used with the display. The files can be uploaded using the Add files option.


    Enables display of data on a web map using the OpenLayers library. Javascript for the openlayers configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field and custom css can be specified in the CSS field. In the Options field, there are a number of attributes that can be specified. These attributes are the same as those for Leaflet reports.

    Saiku: Connection

    Provides a connection that will be used to generate cubes in the Analytics view. ART uses the Saiku library to provide the Analytics functionality.

    You would first create a Datasource from the Configure | Datasources menu. The Datasource Type should be OLAP and the Database Type will need to be either Olap4J Mondrian or Olap4j XMLA. You would then fill the other datasource details as appropriate and then specify this datasource in the Datasource field when creating the saiku connection report. After doing this, if you click on the Analytics menu and then the New query icon, you will see in the Cubes drop down, your connection and the cubes it has.

    If you use an Olap4j Mondrian datasource, you can specify different roles that different users will have when using the connection. To do this, create a rule for the saiku connection report. Use a dummy column name. Next, specify rule values for that rule for different users. If you need to specify multiple roles, add multiple rule values.

    Also for Olap4j Mondrian datasources, you can omit the Catalog part from the JDBC URL and instead upload the catalog (schema xml file) to use in the Template field. Note that when you test or save an Olap4j Mondrian datasource without specifying the Catalog, you will get an error. You can ignore this error if you will be specifying the Catalog in the saiku connection.

    It is also worth noting that saiku uses mondrian 4, and as such if using olap4j mondrian, or mondrian xmla datasources, it is best if the schema xml files are in mondrian 4 structure.

    Saiku: Report

    When you perform some analysis from the Analytics view, you can save that analysis. When you do this, this is saved as a Saiku: Report type. The report source for this report type is a JSON representation of a saiku QueryModel. You can have a look at it to see what is generated. It isn't recommended to build this by hand.

    Once you have created a saiku report, you can give users access to it like with other report types. The users will also need to be given access to the saiku connection that is the basis for the saiku report. Users will see a list of saiku reports they have access to by clicking on the Open query icon at the top of the Analytics view. Users can then run the reports, edit and save new reports, and delete reports they have created. Users cannot overwrite or delete reports for which they don't have exclusive access i.e. they are the only ones who have access to the report. Only junior admins and above can overwrite or delete any saiku report.

    OrgChart: Database

    Displays an organisation chart using data from a database. It makes use of the OrgChart library to display the org chart. The database query must have at least a column named id, another named parent_id, one named name and another named title. These names are case sensitive. The id column is a unique id among the returned records. It would typically represent a position. The parent_id column refers to the id that is the parent of the given record. The name column would typically be an employee name and appears at the top half of an org chart node. The title column would typically be the role or job title for the employee and would appear at the bottom half of an org chart node.

    Javascript for the chart configuration can be specified in the Javascript field. Also, custom css can be specified in the CSS field. In addition, a number of options that can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    nodeTitle String name The name of the field that will be displayed in the top half of a node
    nodeId String id The name of the field that is a unique identifier among all the records
    toggleSiblingsResp Boolean false Whether users can show/hide left/right sibling nodes respectively by clicking left/right arrow.
    depth Integer 999 The level that the org chart is expanded to when it is shown initially
    exportButton Boolean false Whether the export button is displayed
    exportFilename String OrgChart The name of the file used when exporting
    exportFileextension String png Either png of pdf. Determines whether the export will be to png or pdf
    parentNodeSymbol String fa-users The icon to be displayed for nodes that have children nodes under them
    draggable Boolean false Whether users can drag & drop the nodes. Note that this feature doesn't work on IE
    direction String t2b How the hierarchy is rendered. One of t2b ("top to bottom"), b2t ("bottom to top"), l2r ("left to right") or r2l ("right to left").
    pan Boolean false Whether users can pan the org chart by mouse drag&drop
    zoom Boolean false Whether users can zoom in or out using the mouse
    zoominLimit Double 7 The zoom in limit
    zoomoutLimit Double 0.5 The zoom out limit
    nodeContent String title The name of the field that will be displayed in the bottom half of the node. Set to null or the empty string to have this section omitted from nodes.

    OrgChart: JSON

    Displays an organisation chart using data from a JSON definition specified in the report source section

    OrgChart: List

    Displays an organisation chart using data from a html unordered list definition specified in the report source section

    OrgChart: Ajax

    Displays an organisation chart using data from a url specified in the report source section


    Generates tabular or pivot table output using data from a database. It uses the ReportEngine library. A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    groupColumns Object[] An array of group column definition objects. Each object has the following properties. id - a string for the column index or name of the group column, showDuplicateValues - a boolean for whether duplicate values should be displayed, index - an integer for the column index when used with the ReportEngine: File report type.
    showTotals Boolean Whether sub-totals should be displayed when using group columns
    showGrandTotal Boolean Whether the grand-total should be displayed when using group columns
    sortValues Boolean false Whether values are already sorted in the input data. When using group columns, the data must be sorted. If it doesn't come in as sorted, you can set this property to true.
    dataColumns Object[] An array of data column definition objects. Each object has the following properties. id - a string for the column index or name of the data column, calculator - a string representing a calculator to use if a group column is in use. The string would be one of the following (case sensitive). SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST. calculatorFormatter - a string to determine how the calculator value should be displayed. This would be according to Java String.format() syntax e.g. "%,.2f"
    pivot Boolean false Whether to output the data as a pivot table
    pivotHeaderRows String[] For pivot table output, column index or column names of columns to be used as pivot table header rows. For ReportEngine: File report types, this must be column indices.
    pivotData data column object For pivot table output, the definition of the column that will provide the data for the pivot table
    separator String , For ReportEngine: File report types, the field separator used within the file
    firstLineIsHeader Boolean true For ReportEngine: File report types, whether the first line in the file is a header row
    url String For ReportEngine: File report types, if the data is coming from a url, the url to the data file

    A note that pivot table output may not display correctly with pdf, docx, odt report formats.

    ReportEngine: File

    Generates tabular or pivot table output using data from a file


    Allows you to query a MongoDB database. To use it, first create a datasource of type MongoDB. Set the URL as appropriate. Next, create the report, setting the report Type as MongoDB and selecting the mongodb datasource in the Datasource field. In the report source field, enter the groovy script that will be used to retrieve data from the mongodb database. The syntax of querying can either be that of the MongoDB Java Driver, the Jongo library or the Morphia library. ART passes a MongoClient connection object to the groovy script with the variable name mongoClient. This is the variable that is to be used as the connection to the mongodb server. ART also passes any report parameters specified using the parameter name as the variable name.

    If it is required to display the returned results in a table, the groovy script must return a List of objects that are to be displayed. Also, the groovy script is run through a sandbox and only classes contained in the WEB-INF\groovy-whitelist.txt file will be allowed to be used within the script. If you use a class that is not contained in the whitelist, a SecurityException error will occur when you run the report. If you get such an error, add the class mentioned to the whitelist and run the report again.

    Example using MongoDB Java Driver syntax

    import org.bson.Document;
    import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
    import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
    import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
    MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("test");
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("mycol");
    MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find().iterator();
    List<Document> records = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    } finally {
    return records;

    Example using Jongo syntax

    import com.mongodb.DB;
    import org.bson.Document;
    import org.jongo.Jongo;
    import org.jongo.MongoCollection;
    import org.jongo.MongoCursor;
    DB db = mongoClient.getDB("test");
    Jongo jongo = new Jongo(db);
    MongoCollection friends = jongo.getCollection("mycol");
    MongoCursor<Object> cursor = friends.find("{title: 'MongoDB'}").as(Object.class);
    List<Object> records = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    } finally {
    return records;

    Example using Morphia syntax

    package art.groovy
    import dev.morphia.annotations.Entity;
    import dev.morphia.annotations.Id;
    import dev.morphia.Datastore;
    import dev.morphia.Morphia;
    import dev.morphia.query.Query;
    import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
    @Entity(value = "employeesCol", noClassnameStored = true)
    class Employee{
        ObjectId id
        String name
        String department
    Morphia morphia = new Morphia();;
    Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore(mongoClient, "employeesDb");
    Query<Employee> query = datastore.createQuery(Employee.class);
    List<Employee> records = query.asList();
    return records;

    For Morphia queries, you need to specify a package name for the groovy script. This package needs to be art.groovy in order not to get a security exception. The other alternative to not specifying this package name is to turn off the groovy sandbox within the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file. Changes to this file require the Custom Settings cache to be cleared in order to take effect.

    In the Options field, there are a number of attributes that can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    columns String[] Names of columns that should be included in the tabular output. This may be useful when querying documents that may have different attributes. If not specified, ART will use the first document retrieved to determine the columns that will be included in the output.
    columnDataTypes Object[] Each object specifies a column name and the data type that is to be used for that column e.g. [{"col1": "numeric"}]. The possible data types are string, numeric, date and datetime. The default is string so if a column is to be treated as a general string, it doesn't need to be specified.
    columnLabels Object[] Each object specifies a column name and the heading to be used for that column e.g. [{"col1": "Column 1"}]. If not specified, the column name is used as the heading.
    outputDateFormat String dd-MMM-yyyy The format of output for columns with a date specification. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    outputDateTimeFormat String dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss The format of output for columns with a datetime specification. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    showColumnFilters Boolean true Determines if column filters will be displayed in the output.
    dtOptions Object Options related to the DataTables output. Available options are as per the DataTables documentation. Where a <th> column class name is required, you can use rcol-<column name>. Spaces and other characters apart from numbers, letters, underscores and hyphens will be replaced with a hyphen; so for a report column named Due Date, the class name to use would be rcol-Due-Date.

    Another alternative for querying MongoDB is to use the Calcite MongoDB JDBC driver under the JDBC datasource type. This would allow use of normal SQL to query MongoDB. Yet another alternative for querying MongoDB is to install and use Apache Drill. Drill allows you to use normal SQL to query a MongoDB database. When using drill, you wouldn't use the MongoDB datasource type or the MongoDB report type. You would use the JDBC datasource type with the drill driver, and then use any of the other report types e.g. Tabular etc. The drill jdbc driver can be obtained from the drill installation and copied to the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\lib directory.


    • Instead of using the MongoDB report type, one can specify any of the other report types e.g. Tabular, enable the Use Groovy option and use the kind of code as given above to generate the report.


    Used as a basis for creating self service reports. The view report will define the columns that should be available for selection and the joins and basic conditions for the reports. The report source will contain placeholders to be replaced when the view or self service reports are run. Examples are given below.

    Example with a MySQL datasource

        select #columns#
        from my_table
        where #condition#

    Example with an SQL Server datasource

        select #limitClause# #columns#
        from my_table
        where #condition#

    Example with more a complex base query

        select #columns#
        from my_table a
        inner join my_other_table b
        where like 'S%' and #condition#

    The #columns# placeholder will be replaced with the selected columns. The #condition# placeholder will be replaced by the selected report conditions. The #limitClause# placeholder will be replaced by the number of records to display when previewing the view or self service report and needs to be placed in the appropriate place according to the database in use. The #order# placeholder will be replaced by the selected order configuration and corresponds to the ORDER BY clause.

    A number of options can be configured in the Options field. This would be specified under a property named view in the JSON definition.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    columns String * The specification of the columns to be made available for selection e.g. col1, col2
    omitColumns String[] Column names that should be omitted from the list of available columns
    columnLabels Object[] Specification of column labels. Each object specifies a column name as the property and the column label as the value.
    columnDescriptions Object[] Specification of column descriptions. Each object specifies a column name as the property and the column description as the value. The column description is displayed as a tooltip when selecting columns.
    conditionColumns String[] Column names that should be included in the list of condition columns. If not specified, all available columns will be included in the conditions list.
    omitConditionColumns String[] Column names that should be omitted from the list of condition columns
    sortColumns Boolean true Whether the available columns and condition columns should be sorted
    valueSeparator String , The character used to separate multiple values in conditions where multiple values may be specified e.g. when using the in operator.
    filterOptions Object[] Specification of filter options for particular condition columns as per the jQuery QueryBuilder Filters documentation. Each object would have a column property which would specify the name of the column and an options property which would be an object as per the jQuery QueryBuilder documentation e.g. "filterOptions":[{"column": "myid", "options": {"input": "number"}}]. You can use the column name all to specify options that should be applied to all filters.
    limitClause String The syntax of the limit clause e.g. limit {0}. The placeholer "{0}" will be replaced with the configured limit value. This option can be specified on the datasource so that it doesn't need to be repeated for every view. It is also not necessary to specify it for common databases.
    limit Integer The number of records to return when testing/running the view. The view report is not intended to be used as an actual report and so if this option is not defined, the view report will return a maximum of 10 records when you test/run it. This limit is not applied to the self service reports that will be created, but is only applicable for the view report.


    Outputs the contents of a query as it is e.g if using the "FOR XML" clause in SQL Server. A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    extension String txt The extension to use for generated file names

    Opens a link as provided in the Link field.


    Generates charts using the AwesomeChartJs library. The resultset or returned data needs to have two columns with the first providing the labels and the second providing the data values. A number of options can be specified in the Options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    width Integer 600 The width of the chart in pixels
    height Integer 300 The height of the chart in pixels
    title String The title of the chart
    chartType String bar The type of chart. One of pie, doughnut, exploded pie, horizontal bars, pareto, bar


    Generates charts using the ApexCharts.js library. Javascript for chart configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field.


    Generates charts using the jqPlot library. Javascript for chart configuration needs to be specified in the Javascript field and custom css can be specified in the CSS field. A number of options can be specified in the Options field. This is in addition to other other jqPlot options that can also be specified in the options field.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    plugins String[] Names of plugins to be used, that correspond to file names in the art\js\jqPlot-1.0.9\plugins\ directory that will be included e.g. "barRenderer"
    postTemplate String An optional file name of a javascript file that contains chart configuration. This javascript is run after the plot has been produced and so can be used to include event handlers. This file can be uploaded using the Add files button.

    For the Javascript configuration, set the data to be used in the data variable, which has already been initialized as an empty array. Other options need to be set in the configOptions variable.


    Generates XML output.


    Generates JSON output.


    • If the output for a report creates a file e.g. pdf, this file is stored in the WEB-INF\work\export directory

    Javascript Field

    For reports that make use of the Javascript field, a number of variables are typically available to be used or set.

    Variable Type Available/To be set Description
    jsonData Javascript Available Data for the report. An array of objects representing the rows from the report query.
    configOptions Javascript To be set Used to specify config options in accordance with the specific report type, especially javascript charts
    reportParams Javascript Available Javascript object containing report parameter values
    report Java Available A java variable accessed using JSTL syntax. Contains the report object.

    Parameter Values

    Parameter values can be accessed in the javascript field by use of the reportParams variable, with the properties of the object being parameter names. An example of getting the contents of a parameter named param1 is as follows.

    var param = reportParams.param1;

    Multi value parameters will be represented as an array of values, while for date or time parameters, one would need to use new Date(param) to get a date object out of the value.

    General Report Options

    A number of options can be specified in the Options field of a report that are applicable to several report types. These options are defined in JSON format with the following possibilities.

    General Options

    Property Data Type Description
    c3 Object Allows for custom configuration of C3 Chart output with tabular reports. The properties are same as those specified for the C3.js report type.
    plotly Object Allows for custom configuration of Plotly Chart output with tabular reports. The properties are same as those specified for the Plotly.js report type.
    refreshPeriodSeconds Integer Enables a report to be re-run or refreshed automatically after the first run. Minimum is 5 seconds.
    queryTimeoutSeconds Integer Enables setting of a query timeout for a report that uses a JDBC query. If the timeout expires before the query completes, the query execution will stop and an exception will be thrown. The value if defined should be >= 0, with 0 meaning no timeout.
    fileName String Allows for specifying the base file name that should be used for report output. Parameter values can be included by specifying the parameter name enclosed with # e.g. #param1#. To include the default generated name, use the tag {default}. To include the localized report name, use the tag {reportName}. To include the burst id when run in a Burst Job, use the tag {burstId}. This base file name does not include the extension. The extension will be automatically provided depending on the report and report format.
    run String Enables a report to be run immediately it's link is clicked in the home/reports page. Additional url options can be specified in this option e.g. "run": "allowSelectParameters=true" or "run": "allowSelectParameters=true&startSelectParametersHidden=true"
    allowShowSql Boolean Whether to display the Show SQL option when running the report. Default is true. Can also be set in the Settings Options to specify a default for all reports.
    allowShowSelectedParameters Boolean Whether to display the Show Selected Parameters option when running the report. Default is true. Can also be set in the Settings Options to specify a default for all reports.
    allowSaveSelectedParameters Boolean Whether to display the Save Parameter Selection option when running the report. Default is false. Can also be set in the Settings Options to specify a default for all reports.

    i18n Options

    An option named i18n can be specified to provide localization of some aspects of the report. This option is an object and has the following properties. Some properties may only be applicable to Tabular reports.

    Property Data Type Description
    name Object[] Enables localization of the report name. It is an array of objects where each object has the language code as the key and the translation as the value. Multiple language codes can be specified separated by comma e.g. "i18n": {"name": [{"en, sw": "Test Name"}, {"de": "Another Name"}] }
    shortDescription Object[] Enables localization of the short description, and is similar to the name property
    description Object[] Enables localization of the description, and is similar to the name property
    columnNames Object[] Enables localization of column names e.g. "i18n": { "columnNames": [ {"col1": [{"lt": "Some name"}]}, {"2": [{"lt": "A name"}]} ]}. You can specify a column name e.g. "col1" or a column index e.g. "2", the first column being index 1
    data Object[] Enables localization of data output e.g. "i18n": { "data": [ {"Shop": [{"sw": "Duka"}]}, {"house": [{"fr": "maison"}, {"sw": "nyumba"}]} ]}. The data items you specify for translation are case sensitive.

    PDF Options

    For report types that can generate pdf output, the following options can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    pdfCanPrint Boolean true Whether the Print menu is enabled in the generated pdf
    pdfCanCopyContent Boolean true Whether one can select and copy text in the generated pdf
    keyLength Integer 128 The encryption key length to be used. Can only be either 40, 128 or 256.
    preferAes Boolean true Whether the AES algorithm should be used if available

    Clone Options

    For clone reports (reports where the Source Report field points to some parent report ID), the following options can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    useParentParameters Boolean true Whether the clone report will use parent report's parameters, or if false, use its own parameters.
    useParentRules Boolean true Whether the clone report will use the parent report's rules, or if false, use its own rules.

    Tabular Options

    For tabular report types, the following options can be specified.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    imageColumns String[] An indication of the column indices or column names for blob columns that contain images. The first column has an index of 1. e.g. ["2"] or ["image"] or ["3", "image"]. A note that ods and odt report formats will not display images.
    dtOptions Object Options to be used with the htmlDataTable report format. Available options are as per the DataTables documentation. Where a <th> column class name is required, you can use rcol-<column name>. Spaces and other characters apart from numbers, letters, underscores and hyphens will be replaced with a hyphen; so for a report column named Due Date, the class name to use would be rcol-Due-Date.
    dtExtraOptions Object Extra options for the htmlDataTable report format
    excel Object Extra options for xls and xlsx report formats

    CSV Format Options

    For Tabular reports, the following options can be specified for use with the csv report format.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    omitHeaderRow Boolean false Whether the header row should be omitted
    delimiter String , The delimiter to use
    quote String " The character to use to quote fields in which the delimiter appears
    quoteAllFields Boolean false Whether all the data should be quoted, whether the data contains the delimiter or not
    extension String csv The file name extension to use
    lineSeparator String Operating System line separator For csv and tsv report formats, the line separator character to use. e.g. "\n" for LF or "\r\n" for CRLF
    quotationTriggers String "\"\n" String containing characters which should trigger quoting of a field. This is in addition to the delimiter which will always trigger quoting.

    HtmlDataTable Extra Options

    For Tabular reports, an option named dtExtraOptions can be specified to provide some extra configuration of how data table output will be displayed. This option can also be specified in the Settings page, under the Options field to give a default to be used for all tabular reports. The object has the following properties.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    pdf Boolean false Whether pdf export will be available in the output
    fixedHeader Boolean false Whether the header row should be fixed when scrolling down
    options Object DataTable options as per the DataTables documentation e.g. setting the pageLength option in the Settings options can change the default pagelength for all tabular reports. For the lengthMenu option, just use a 1D array with -1 as the placeholder for the All option e.g. [10, 20, -1].

    Excel Options

    For Tabular reports, an option named excel can be specified to provide some extra configuration of how xls or xlsx output will be displayed. This option can also be specified in the Settings page, under the Options field to give a default to be used for all tabular reports. The object has the following properties.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    autoWidth Boolean false Whether all the columns should have the widths adjusted to fit the largest content
    autoWidthColumns String[] The indices or names of columns to have widths adjusted to fit the largest content. The first column is index 1.
    autoFilter Boolean false Whether to have column filters in the generated output
    omitTitleRow Boolean false Whether to omit the title row that has the report name and execution time
    fixedHeader Boolean false Whether the header row should be fixed when scrolling down
    sheetName String The worksheet name in the output file. Default is the report name.
    columnWidths Object An object indicating column indices or names and their widths e.g. "columnWidths: {"1": 2000, "D": 5000}. The first column index is 1.

    Template Result Options

    For jxls, xdocreport, freemarker, velocity and thymeleaf report types, the following options can be specified to determine the column names to use with the results object.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    useColumnLabels Boolean true Whether to use column labels (aliases) as the property names. If false, column names will be used.

    Running a report via URL

    It is possible to run a report directly via URL. The report format and parameters are included in the URL. The basic URL for running a report is something like http://server:port/art/runReport?reportId=x&other_parameters

    If direct URL access is needed without requiring the user to log in to ART beforehand, public=true must be included in the URL together with a user parameter indicating the username under whose permissions the report will be run. In addition, this user must have the Public User field set to Yes. e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/runReport?reportId=1&public=true&user=test

    Report Options

    Some report options can be specified in the URL to determine how the run should be handled.

    Option Data Type Comments
    reportId Integer The id of the report to run
    reportName String The name of the report to run. If present, will be used instead of the report id.
    reportCode String The code of the report to run. If present, will be used instead of the report id or report name.
    p-{parameter_name} String Specifies report parameters e.g. p-duedate=2010-05-06
    reportFormat String Specifies the report format that should be used for the output generated by the report e.g. reportFormat=pdf. Not all report formats are available for all report types.
    splitColumn Integer For group reports, the group column i.e. the column index by which grouping should be done e.g. splitColumn=2
    public Boolean If present, determines that the user doesn't need to be logged in to ART to view the report results e.g. public=true. If authentication is required, don't include this parameter.
    showSelectedParameters Boolean If present, indicates that the used or selected report parameters should be included in the report output e.g. showSelectedParameters=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    showSql Boolean If present, indicates that the final SQL used to generate the report results is shown in the browser e.g. showSql=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    allowSelectParameters Boolean If present, indicates that the parameters box should be displayed in the browser to allow the user to re-run the report by changing the reports parameter values.
    startSelectParametersHidden Boolean If present, indicates that the parameters box should start as hidden/collapsed. The parameters box can then be displayed by clicking on the Parameters button.
    prettyPrint Boolean For json and jsonBrowser report formats, determines if the json output should be pretty printed
    refreshPeriodSeconds Integer Enables a report to be re-run or refreshed automatically after the first run. Minimum is 5 seconds.
    showColumnFilters Boolean For the htmlDataTable report format, if present indicates that column filters should be included in the output
    isFragment Boolean If set to true e.g. isFragment=true, the report information header and footer showing the start time of execution and the number of rows retrieved will not be shown.
    directDownload Boolean For file output, determines if the file should be served directly instead of showing a "Download" link
    headerOnly Boolean For tabular reports, if present indicates that only the header row should be output
    tabular Boolean Allows running non-tabular report types as Tabular, giving the data from the sql query as the output. Not all report types can use this option.

    Chart Options

    For chart reports, additional options specific to charts can be specified in the URL.

    Option Data Type Comments
    showLegend Boolean If present, indicates that the legend should be shown e.g. showLegend=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    showLabels Boolean If present, indicates that data labels should be shown e.g. showLabels=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    showData Boolean If present, indicates that the data used to generate the chart should be shown e.g. showData=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    showPoints Boolean If present, indicates that data points on the chart should be highlighted e.g. showPoints=true. Omit the parameter entirely if this is not required.
    rotateAt Integer Indicates the number of categories after which the x-axis labels will be displayed vertically instead of horizontally e.g. rotateAt=1. This may aid in the readability of the labels for some charts.
    removeAt Integer Indicates the number of categories after which the x-axis labels will be removed completely e.g. removeAt=10.
    chartWidth Integer Indicates the width of the chart in pixels e.g. chartWidth=1000. The maximum is 2048.
    chartHeight Integer Indicates the height of the chart in pixels e.g. chartHeight=700. The maximum is 1024.
    yAxisMin Double Indicates the minimum value of the y-axis e.g. yAxisMin=-10.5.
    yAxisMax Double Indicates the maximum value of the y-axis e.g. yAxisMax=100
    backgroundColor String Indicates the hex colour code for the background color of the chart e.g. backgroundColor=#FFFFFF.
    labelFormat String Indicates the format of data labels e.g. labelFormat={0} = {1} ({2}) or labelFormat=off. If set to "off", this indicates that labels should not be shown. For pie charts, {0} will display the pie section key, {1} will display the absolute section value and {2} will display the percent amount of the pie section. Setting it to {0} = {1} ({2}) would display a string like "Laptops = 17 (42%)" for a section of the pie chart showing laptops numbering 17 and having a percentage value of 42%. For bar charts, use {2} to display the data value.


    Example 1: (single-value parameters)

        runs report 120 in html format.
        The #startdate# parameter (p-startdate) is set to 2006-04-04 
        and the #description# parameter (p-description) is set to "Desktop"

    Example 2: (chart)


    Example 3: (group)

        runs report 122 in group on 2 columns mode (splitColumn parameter). 
        The parameter named param is set to "abc".

    Example 4: (pdf, public)

        generates report as a pdf file without requiring the user to log in to ART

    Example 5: (dashboard)

        runs report 124, setting values for parameters param1 and param2

    Example 6: (show selected parameters)

        generates report and includes the parameter value used in the report output

    Example 7: (multi-value parameters)

        the #category# multi-value parameter (p-category) has 3 values defined: 
        Laptops, Desktops, Tablets

    Example 8: (default parameter values)

        generates report using default parameter values


    • If the report url contains some non-ASCII characters in the parameter values and they don't seem to be interpreted correctly, you may need to configure your application server to explicitly handle urls using UTF-8 encoding e.g. for Tomcat, edit the TOMCAT_HOME\conf\server.xml file and add the URIEncoding attribute to the appropriate Connector element e.g.
      <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" URIEncoding="UTF-8"

    Report Formats

    When running reports interactively, or scheduling them for later execution, you can specify the format in which the results should be output. When running a report via url, you can specify the report format to be used using the reportFormat url parameter. Report format names are case sensitive and some report formats are not available for certain types of reports.

    Report Format Display Name Description
    html Browser Shows results in a web page
    htmlGrid Browser (Grid) Shows results in a web page. The data can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Not available for scheduled jobs.
    htmlFancy Browser (Fancy) Shows results in a web page, with minimal styling. Not available for scheduled jobs.
    htmlPlain Browser (Plain) Shows results in a web page, with no styling
    htmlDataTable Browser (DataTable) Shows results in a web page. Data is displayed in pages. The data can be sorted by clicking on the column headers and one can filter or display certain rows by specifying some text to search for. Not available for scheduled jobs.
    xls Spreadsheet (xls) Creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (xls format). Excel/OpenOffice/LibreOffice compatible
    xlsZip Spreadsheet (zip xls) Creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (xls format), compressed using Zip
    xlsx Spreadsheet (xlsx) Creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (xlsx format)
    slk Spreadsheet (slk) Creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (slk format)
    slkZip Spreadsheet (zip slk) Creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (slk format), compressed using Zip
    tsv File (tsv) Creates a tab-separated-values file
    tsvZip File (zip tsv) Creates a tab-separated-values file, compressed using Zip
    tsvGz File (gzip tsv) Creates a tab-separated-values file, compressed using GZip
    pdf Document (pdf) Creates a pdf file
    png Image (png) Creates a png file. Only available for charts.
    xml Creates xml output displayed on the browser
    rss20 Output data as a rss2.0 compliant feed
    docx Document (docx) Creates a Microsoft Word document file (docx format)
    odt Document (odt) Creates an Open Document Format text document file (odt format)
    ods Spreadsheet (ods) Creates an Open Document Format spreadsheet file (ods format)
    pptx Document (pptx) Creates a Microsoft PowerPoint document file (pptx format). Only available for XDocReport - PPTX reports.
    json JSON Outputs data in json format
    jsonBrowser JSON (Browser) Outputs data in json format, for display in a browser. Data is output in a <pre> tag.
    csv File (csv) Creates a comma-separated-values file. Can also use another delimiter as defined in the report Options field - using the delimiter property.
    csvZip File (zip csv) Creates a comma-separated-values file, compressed using Zip
    csvGz File (gzip csv) Creates a comma-separated-values file, compressed using GZip
    txt File (txt) For Fixed Width reports, creates a fixed-width text file.
    txtZip File (zip txt) For Fixed Width reports, creates a fixed-width text file, compressed using Zip
    pivotTableJs Browser (Pivot Table) For tabular reports, shows the results as a dynamic pivot table
    c3 Browser (C3 Chart) For tabular reports, shows the data as a c3 chart
    plotly Browser (Plotly Chart) For tabular reports, shows the data as a plotly chart
    file File For File, FreeMarker, Velocity and Thymeleaf reports, outputs the results to a file
    fileZip File (zip) For File, FreeMarker, Velocity and Thymeleaf reports, outputs the results to a file, compressed using Zip
    xmlFile File (xml) For XML reports, outputs the results to a file
    xmlZip File (zip xml) For XML reports, outputs the results to a file, compressed using Zip
    jsonFile File (json) For JSON reports, outputs the results to a file
    jsonZip File (zip json) For JSON reports, outputs the results to a file, compressed using Zip


    • There is a limit for the maximum number of rows that can be output. These limits can be modified from the Settings page.
    • Use xlsx, slk or tsv report formats for large data sets. In particular, if you use the xls format for large data sets, you are likely to get out of memory errors. This is mainly due to the nature of the xls file format.

    Reports Page

    The Reports page displays the list of available reports for a user, and can be accessed by clicking on the Reports menu. Users can have a particular report group pre-selected when they access the reports page by setting the Default Report Group field in the user configuration, or in the configuration of their user group. Another way to do this is to supply a reportGroup parameter in the url e.g. http://art-server:8080/art/reports?reportGroup=Sales.

    Running Queries

    You can view currently running queries by using the Configure | Running Queries menu. If you want the page to refresh automatically, you can modify the url and add the refreshPeriodSeconds parameter e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/runningQueries?refreshPeriodSeconds=30. The minimum refresh period is 5 seconds.


    Parameters enable different output to be generated depending on values selected or input by a user.

    Creating a new parameter

    You can create a parameter either by using the Configure | Parameters menu and selecting the Add button or from the Reports Configuration page, finding the report you want to add a parameter to, selecting the More | Parameters option and selecting the Add New button.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the parameter
    Name The name of the parameter as it appears in reports' SQL source. It should not contain spaces or other special characters e.g. !"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^{}~.
    Short Description An optional brief description to additionally identify the parameter
    Description A description for the parameter
    Label The label for the parameter in the select parameters page
    Help Text Help text displayed as a tooltip in the select parameters page
    Placeholder Text Placeholder text displayed in the field in the select parameters page
    File Whether the parameter provides a file selection
    Multiple Files For File parameters, whether the user is allowed to select multiple files
    Accept For File parameters, a comma separated list of file extensions that will be displayed by the file input control e.g. .csv, .txt. This goes to the accept attribute of the file input.
    File Type For File parameters, an indication of how the data in the file will be used
    Parameter Type Whether the parameter will have a single value (Single-Value) or whether it can have multiple values (Multi-Value)
    Data Type The type of data that the parameter can hold
    Control Type The type of user interface control to be used for the parameter
    Date Format For Date, DateTime and Time data types, the date format to use. Leave blank to use the default. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format.
    Default Value The value for the parameter to use when the parameter is first displayed in the select parameters page, or the value to use if the report is run by direct url and the parameter is not specified within the url. For Multi-Value parameters, multiple values can be specified, with each value on a new line.
    Default Value Report A report that provides the default values. This needs to be an LOV report.
    Use Default Value In Jobs Whether the default value or values should be used as the parameter value when running jobs
    Values Values that will be available for selection. The format is similar to that of an LOV: Static report and is an alternative to the Use LOV option.
    Use LOV Whether the parameter provides a list of values to choose from an LOV report
    LOV Report If Use LOV is specified, the report that generates the available values. This needs to be an LOV report.
    Shared Whether the parameter is available for selecting when defining report parameters, through the Add Existing option.
    Hidden Whether the parameter is displayed in the select parameters page
    Drilldown Column Index The index of the column of the parent report that will set this parameter's value when used with drilldown reports. The first column has an index of 1.
    Drilldown Column Name The name of the column of the parent report that will set this parameter's value when used with drilldown reports
    Fixed Value Whether the parameter uses fixed values
    Allow Null Whether a checkbox will be displayed for the user to specify passing NULL as a parameter value. If null values are passed for a parameter, ensure that you use the x-parameter syntax otherwise you will likely get incorrect results. To specify NULL value via url, add -null to the parameter name and include that in the url e.g. &p-param1-null=true&p-param2=test would pass a NULL value for the parameter named param1.
    Required When a report is run from the select parameters page, whether to enforce presence of a value for this parameter
    Chained Parents For a chained parameter, a comma separated list for parameter names which will act as the parent/trigger for this parameter
    Chained Depends For a chained parameter, a comma separated list of parameter names of additional parameters which may provide input to this parameter
    Javascript Additional configuration in Javascript syntax
    Javascript After Additional Javascript after the parameter has been initialized
    Options Options used to further configure the parameter. The options are specified in JSON format.

    Parameters in SQL Source

    Parameterized value

    To pass parameter values to an SQL query, in the report's sql source, surround the parameter name with the # character i.e. #param_name#. This will replace that parameter placeholder occurrence with ? in the SQL query and the database will put the parameter value as appropriate when the query is run.

    Direct substitution

    If you would like the parameter value to be directly applied to the SQL source before the query is run, use the syntax !#param_name#. This therefore means that the sql query will be prone to sql injection as opposed to using the parameterized syntax. For multi-value parameters, the parameter values will be separated by a comma.

    File Parameters

    There are a number of ways of using file parameters, determined by the File Type field.


    You can use the file parameter as a source of values to be used in a normal SQL query e.g. select col from tab where col2 in(#fileParam#). Note that you would need to set the Multi-Value option of the Parameter Type field since you are most likely expecting multiple values. This assumes the file selected will have values to be used in the query, with each value being in a separate line. If you need to access this parameter from groovy code, use the variable name <parameter name>Values e.g. for a file parameter named fileParam, you would use fileParamValues.value to get the values in the file.


    You can query the contents of a file like a datasource, using standard SQL. For this, don't set the report datasource and in the SQL source, for the table name, use the name of the file parameter with direct substitution syntax e.g. for a parameter named fileParam, you can use a query like select * from !#fileParam#. This feature uses the CsvJdbc driver. Driver options or properties can be specified in the Options field under the csvJdbc object.


    If the file is not providing a list of values or as a datasource, you would need to process it manually using groovy code. To begin with, you would need to select the Use Groovy option for the report. Thereafter, use the parameter name directly in the groovy source instead of calling the value method. Also, file parameters are always passed as a list so access the parameter variable using list syntax e.g. fileParam[0]. If the file parameter has Multiple Files enabled, this list may have more than one value. The objects returned are of the type CommonsMultipartFile.

    The following is an example of processing a file parameter as object.

    //assumes the report has a file parameter named importFile
    if (importFile == null) {
        println('report run from url or file parameter not available')
    } else if (importFile[0].size == 0) {
        println('empty file or no file selected')
    } else {
        InputStream inputStream = importFile[0].getInputStream();
        Scanner sc = null;
        try {
        sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8");
            while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
                String line = sc.nextLine();
        } finally {
            if (inputStream != null) {
            if (sc != null) {

    Single-Value Parameters

    Single-value parameters are used to pass single values to the SQL query. For example, the following query has two parameters.

        SELECT *
        FROM orders
        WHERE order_date > #date#
        AND vendor_name like #vendor# -- do not put the ' character around the name

    Take the following steps to use a single-value parameter

    • Create the report, putting the parameter placeholder in the appropriate place within the SQL
    • After saving the report, click on the Parameters button for the just saved report
    • Click on the Add New button
    • Fill in the appropriate fields for the parameter
    • In the Parameter Name field, specify the parameter name as used in the SQL source e.g. date for the example above. Avoid having spaces in parameter names.
    • Save the parameter
    • You can also use the Add Existing button to use a parameter that was created previously and marked as Shared.


    • When editing report parameters from the Report Parameters page, clicking on the link with the parameter name enables you to edit core parameter definition attributes, while clicking on the Edit button allows you to edit extra attributes specifically related to that report parameter.
    • The same parameter (#parameter_name#) can be used several times in the same query. All occurrences will be substituted with the same value.
    • Avoid using the names rules, recipient, columns, condition, limitClause, order. These are used for diverse functionality, and using them for your parameters may result in the query not working as expected.
    • There is a slight difference between Varchar and Text parameters. Varchar parameters provide a text box for input of a few characters while Text parameters provide a text area for input of much longer strings.
    • For Date and DateTime parameters, the following values can be used
    Value Meaning
    now The date and time when the report is run
    today The date when the report is run, with the time being 00:00
    add days, weeks, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds increment The date when the report is run plus the given increment e.g. add days 1 for the run date plus one day, add months -1 for the run date minus one month.
    firstday month, year offset The first day of the month or year when the report is run, considering the given offset e.g. firstday month for the first day of the current month, firstday month -1 for the first day of the previous month, firstday month +1 for the first day of the next month, firstday month =1 for the first day of January of the current year.
    lastday month, year offset The last day of the month or year when the report is run, considering the given offset. Similar to firstday.

    Boolean Parameters

    There is no boolean data type for single-value parameters because different RDBMSs implement the boolean data type differently. As a workaround, you can create a static LOV report to return the boolean states true and false, as used in your database, and use that LOV report to provide the boolean parameter values.

    Example main query

        SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE my_boolean_column=#boolean_param#

    Example static LOV query for boolean values


    Lastly, create a Single-Value parameter named boolean_param, with data type as Varchar, set Use LOV to Yes and set the LOV Report to the report created for this purpose above.

    If the boolean states are "1" and "0" instead of "true" and "false", you can create a static LOV query like the one below and set the parameter data type to Integer instead of Varchar.


    When using the Checkbox control type, the "true" value will be the first lov value and the "false" value will be the second lov value. You can also type the values directly in the Values field instead of creating an LOV report. To start the checkbox as checked, put a value in the Default Value field.

    Multi-Value Parameters

    Multi-value parameters are used to pass multiple values to the SQL query. To define a multi-value parameter, put the WHERE...IN clause in the desired location in your query and include the parameter placeholder to indicate where the values will go e.g.

        SELECT *
        FROM orders
        WHERE product_name IN(#product_list#)

    Take the following steps to use a multi-value parameter

    • Create the report, putting the WHERE...IN clause and parameter placeholder in the appropriate place within the SQL
    • Create the parameter definition using the same process as with single-value parameters
    • Now when a user runs the query, they will be presented with a parameters section where they can select one or more values for the parameter


    • If the values for a multi-value parameter are not derived from an LOV, the end user will enter the multiple values required in the text box provided, with each value put on a new line.
    • When setting the Default Value for a multi-value parameter, several values can be set as defaults by entering each value on a separate line in the field provided. Default values can also come from an LOV report that can be specified in the Default Value Report field.

    X-Parameter Definitions

    There exists an alternative syntax for specifying IN, NOT IN, = and <> comparisons. This syntax takes the form $x{<comparator>,<column_name>,<parameter_name>}. It should be noted that with x-parameter definitions, the parameter name is case sensitive and must be specified exactly the way it is defined in the parameter configuration.

    IN, NOT IN

    This is used with multi-value parameters. IN clauses take the format $x{in,<column_name>,<parameter_name>} and NOT IN clauses take the format $x{notin,<column_name>,<parameter_name>} e.g.

        SELECT *
        FROM orders
        WHERE $x{in,product_name,product_list}

    This syntax would particularly be used when running reports against Oracle databases and the multi-value parameter is expected to have more than 1000 items. Using the normal syntax would result in an error like the following ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000.


    This is used for single-value parameters. Equal comparators take the format $x{equal,<column_name>,<parameter_name>} and would typically be equivalent to column_name=#parameter_name#. In case NULL is passed, the syntax would be converted to column_name IS NULL. Not equal comparators take the format $x{notequal,<column_name>,<parameter_name>} and would typically be equivalent to column_name<>#parameter_name#. In case NULL is passed, the syntax would be converted to column_name IS NOT NULL.

    Javascript Options

    Options can be specified in the Javascript field, in Javascript syntax to define certain aspects of parameters.

    Mask Options

    Options can be specified in an object variable named maskOptions that may contain RobinHerbots Inputmask configuration. e.g.

    var maskOptions = {
        mask: "AA-99"

    Datepicker Options

    Options can be specified in an object variable named datepickerOptions that may contain DatePicker options. e.g.

    var datepickerOptions = {
        minDate: "2024-01-05"

    Date Range Options

    Options can be specified in an object variable named daterangeOptions that may contain Date Range Picker options. e.g.

    var daterangeOptions = {
        minDate: "2024-01-05"

    Parameter Options

    When defining a parameter, a number of options can be specified in the Options field. These are defined in JSON format with the following possibilities.

    i18n Options

    Certain parameter fields can be localized by specifying an i18n object in the Options field with the following possible values.

    Property Data Type Description
    label Object[] Localization for the parameter label. Each object has the language code as the key and the translation as the value. Multiple language codes can be specified separated by comma e.g. {"label": [{"en, sw": "Test Label"}, {"de": "Another Label"}]
    helpText Object[] Localization for the parameter help text. Similar format to label.
    defaultValue Object[] Localization for the parameter default value. Similar format to label.
    placeholderText Object[] Localization for the parameter placeholder text. Similar format to label.

    A sample i18n configuration may be "i18n": { "label": [{"en, sw": "Test Label"}, {"de": "Another Label"}], "helpText": [{"lt": "Sample help text"}] }

    Date Range Options

    For DateRange parameters, options can be specified in a dateRange object with the properties below. ART uses the Date Range Picker library to provide the date range picker. Some of the options are given below. Others are available as per the Date Range Picker documentation.

    Property Data Type Default Value Description
    fromParameter Object A specification of the parameter that should get the "From" date of the date range. This object has two properties, name which specifies the parameter name and format which specifies the date format of the parameter. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format and the default is yyyy-MM-dd.
    toParameter Object A specification of the parameter that should get the "To" date of the date range. Similar specification to fromParameter.
    format String yyyy-MM-dd The format of dates displayed in the date range picker text input. The format is as per Java SimpleDateFormat format. If you use the locale.format property, that will need to be in Moment.js format.
    ranges String[] ["default"] Pre-defined, custom date ranges available for selection. Can be set to null if custom ranges are not required. Possible values include today, yesterday, last7Days, last30Days, thisMonth, lastMonth, thisQuarter, lastQuarter, thisYear, lastYear, thisWeek, lastWeek, yearToDate, monthToDate, quarterToDate, weekToDate.
    startDate String A specification of the start date when the date range picker is first displayed. You can use syntax like "add days -1", "add months 2" etc to specify a date in the past or future. In this case the resulting date is as per the format option.
    endDate String A specification of the end date when the date range picker is first displayed. Similar to startDate.
    timeOnly Boolean false Whether the picker should only show time values. Useful when timePicker: true has also been specified and there's need for only time ranges.

    Chained Parameters

    A chained parameter is one whose values depend on the value selected in another parameter. The parameter that triggers the change is called the "parent". Only Single-Value parameters can be chained parents. A chained parameter can be used as a parent for another parameter, which in turn can have another child parameter and so on.


    Suppose we want to view customers who reside in a particular city. We want the user to select a country and then have cities in that country displayed. He'll then pick one of these cities and run the report. We have a CUSTOMERS table, and one of the columns it has is CITY_ID. We also have a COUNTRIES table which has COUNTRY_ID and COUNTRY_NAME columns. Finally, we have a CITIES table with CITY_ID, CITY_NAME and COUNTRY_ID columns.

    We could take the following steps to set up the report.

    • Create a Dynamic LOV report named Countries that will display country names. Depending on what country is selected, the available cities will change. The countries report would have the following SQL.

      ORDER BY 2
    • Create a Dynamic LOV report named Cities that will display city names. The query needs to have a parameter label for the country parameter. This will be replaced at runtime with the country selected.

      WHERE COUNTRY_ID = #countryId#
      ORDER BY 2
    • Once you have saved the Cities report, click on the Parameters option to assign the countryId parameter

    • Use the Add New option to create a Single-Value parameter with a Name of countryId, Label of Country, Data Type of Integer, set it to Shared, set it to Use LOV and select Countries as the LOV Report.
    • Create the main report. The SQL for the report will need to have a placeholder for the cityId parameter.

      WHERE CITY_ID = #cityId#
    • Once you have saved the main report, click on the Parameters option to allocate the report parameters

    • Use the Add Existing option to add the countryId shared parameter created earlier
    • Use the Add New option to create a Single-Value parameter with a Name of cityId, Label of City and Data Type of Integer. Set the Chained Parents field to countryId i.e. the name of the parent parameter for this chained parameter. If the parent parameter data type is Date or DateTime, in the Chained Parents field, put the name of the parent parameter and a "-hidden" suffix e.g. countryId-hidden, and then set the Chained Depends field to the name of the parent parameter e.g. countryId. Save the parameter.

    Now when you run the main report, you are presented with two drop down boxes. Depending on what country you select, a different set of cities is displayed, from which you can choose and run the report to see the final results.


    Expressions enable including of dynamic content in certain fields. Fields that can have expressions include

    • Job fixed file name
    • Job email subject
    • Job email message
    • Job sub directory
    • Parameter values and default values
    • Report source
    • Report short description
    • Report fileName JSON option

    Field Expressions

    Field expressions substitute certain known items. Field expressions start with f[ and end with ]f. Field expression names are case sensitive.


    You can use a field expression to substitute the username of the currently logged in user, or for jobs, the job owner. Use the value f[username]f to substitute the username.


    You can substitute the current date by using the expression f[date]f. This will output the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format e.g. 2017-11-10. You can use the expression f[datetime]f to substitute the current date and time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS format e.g. 2017-11-10 11:25:21.045. Both date and datetime field expressions can also specify a different date other that "now" and additionaly specify the output format, output format locale, input format and input format locale. These additional items are specified separated by | i.e f[date field name|date specification|output format|output format locale|input format|input format locale]f.

    The date specification component can be the string "today" to specify today's date with the time component as zero, it can be the string "now" to specify the current date and time, or a date string in certain numeric formats e.g. yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. In addition one can have simple date arithmetic by having a string starting with "add" and then specifying an offset from the current date e.g. add days 1 or add months -1. The duration offsets that can be specified include days, weeks, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds.

    The output format component can be used to specify the desired output format of the resulting date using Java SimpleDateFormat syntax. Additionaly, a locale can be specified to define the locale which should be used with the given output format.

    If the date specification is not in one of the common numeric formats, the format it is in can be specified in the input format section, and if required, the input format locale can be specified.

    Groovy Expressions

    Groovy code can be used to provide dynamic text. Groovy expressions start with g[ and end with ]g e.g. g[1+1]g. You can have longer code which includes imports etc. Groovy code is by default passed through a sandbox so if a SecurityException is thrown, the relevant class needs to be added to the WEB-INF\groovy-whitelist.txt file, or alternatively, turn off the sandbox in the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file.

    Parameter values

    You can include parameter values as part of a groovy expression with a call like param1.value. If it is an LOV parameter and you would like to output the display value, you can use syntax like param1.textValue. An example full expression would be g[param1.textValue]g.

    Dynamic SQL

    It is possible to create dynamic SQL queries, allowing you to modify the structure of the query based on user parameters, possibly running different queries depending on the user input.

    Using Groovy

    You can use groovy in the SQL source section to achieve dynamic sql. Set the Use Groovy field of the report to specify that you are using groovy in the sql source.

    The groovy script may return a string that has the sql to be executed or it may return a java.util.List of Map<String, Object> or GroovyRowResult objects that contain the data to be output. If using a Map it would be better to use a LinkedHashMap in order to have predictable order of columns. If returning a List of objects, the following options can be specified in the Options field of the report.

    Property Data Type Description
    columns String[] Names of columns that should be included in the output. This is optional and may be useful to specify the order of columns to be displayed.
    columnDataTypes Object[] Each object specifies a column name and the data type of that column e.g. [{"col1": "numeric"}]. The possible data types are string, numeric, date and datetime. The default is string.
    columnLabels Object[] Each object specifies a column name and the heading to be used for that column e.g. [{"col1": "Column 1"}]. If not specified, the column name is used as the heading.

    The groovy code is run through a sandbox and depending on the code in the script, you may need to specify additional classes in the WEB-INF\groovy-whitelist.txt file. If you get a security exception when running the report, add the indicated class to the groovy whitelist file and run the report again. You can also disable the sandbox completely by modifying the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file and setting the enableGroovySandbox property to false. Modifications of the art-custom-settings.json file require clearing the Custom Settings cache in order to take effect.

    Accessing parameter values

    To access parameter values in groovy code, use the name of the parameter and call the value method e.g. param1.value. For File parameters, use the parameter name directly instead of calling the value method. Also, file parameter values are always passed as a list so access the parameter variable using list syntax e.g. fileParam1[0]. If the file parameter has Multiple Files enabled, this list may have more than one value.


    Integer parameter

    def sql
    //assumes the report has an integer parameter named id
    if(id.value == 0) {
        sql = 'select id from users'
    } else {
        sql = 'select name from users'

    File parameter

    //assumes the report has a file parameter named importFile
    if (importFile == null) {
        println('report run from url or file parameter not available')
    } else if (importFile[0].size == 0) {
        println('empty file or no file selected')
    } else {
        InputStream inputStream = importFile[0].getInputStream();
        Scanner sc = null;
        try {
        sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8");
            while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
                String line = sc.nextLine();
        } finally {
            if (inputStream != null) {
            if (sc != null) {

    The demo database contains some sample reports that use groovy in the sql source to execute different queries based on parameter input.

    Using XML tags

    You can use xml tags in the SQL source section to achieve dynamic sql. The syntax is as follows. Tag names are case sensitive.

        <EXP1>value1</EXP1> <OP>operator</OP> <EXP2>value2</EXP2>
        <TEXT> ... </TEXT>
        <ELSETEXT> ... </ELSETEXT>

    ART parses the query and leaves only the text in the <TEXT> tag if the condition (value1 operator value2) is true or the text in the <ELSETEXT> tag if the condition is false. The EXP1 or EXP2 contents can be static values, single-value parameters or :tags, while the OP content is an operator (see supported list below).

    For example in the following query:

        SELECT *
        FROM <IF><EXP1>#level#</EXP1><OP>equals</OP><EXP2>summary</EXP2>
        <TEXT> orders_summary </TEXT>
        <ELSETEXT> orders_details </ELSETEXT>
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        <IF><EXP1>#date#</EXP1><OP>is not null</OP>
        <TEXT> AND order_date > #date# </TEXT>

    if the #level# parameter is set to "summary" and the #date# parameter is not null, ART rewrites the query as:

        SELECT *
        FROM orders_summary
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        AND order_date > #date#

    if the #level# parameter is not set to "summary" and the #date# is null, ART rewrites the query as:

        SELECT *
        FROM orders_details
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#


    Operator Description
    eq or equals equals (case insensitive)
    neq or not equals not equals (case insensitive)
    ln less than (numbers)
    gn great than (numbers)
    la less than (alphabets) (case insensitive)
    ga great than (alphabets) (case insensitive)
    is blank or is null returns true if EXP1 is blank (EXP1 can never be the null object)
    is not blank or is not null returns true if EXP1 is not blank (EXP1 can never be the null object)
    starts with returns true if EXP1 string begins with EXP2 (case insensitive)
    ends with returns true if EXP1 string ends with EXP2 (case insensitive)
    contains returns true if EXP1 string contains EXP2 string within it (case insensitive)
    eq cs or equals cs equals (case sensitive)
    neq cs or not equals cs not equals (case sensitive)
    la cs less than (alphabets) (case sensitive)
    ga cs great than (alphabets) (case sensitive)
    starts with cs returns true if EXP1 string begins with EXP2 (case sensitive)
    ends with cs returns true if EXP1 string ends with EXP2 (case sensitive)
    contains cs returns true if EXP1 string contains EXP2 string within it (case sensitive)


    Dynamic OR/AND selection:

        SELECT *
        FROM orders_summary
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        <TEXT> OR country = #country# </TEXT>
        <ELSETEXT> AND country = #country# </ELSETEXT>

    Dynamic ORDER BY: The order by part is driven by the user input

        SELECT *
        FROM orders_summary
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        <TEXT> ORDER BY 1 </TEXT>

    Dynamic query selection: A different query is executed depending on user input

        SELECT name, code, address, phone FROM VENDOR
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        SELECT name, code, vat, pay_term FROM VENDOR
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#

    Dynamic SQL with tags: The condition is verified only if the date supplied by the user (#date#) is earlier than the system date at report execution time (:DATE tag)

        SELECT *
        FROM orders_summary
        WHERE VENDOR like #vendor#
        <TEXT> AND order_date > #date# </TEXT>

    Check user input: Show a warning instead of executing the query

        <TEXT> SELECT ... </TEXT>
        <ELSETEXT> SELECT 'Value too High' "Warning" </ELSETEXT>
        the select statement to use to show the warning depends on the DBMS (for example in
        Oracle you should use SELECT 'Value too High' "Warning" FROM DUAL)

    Dynamic WHERE condition: E.g. to drill down on null values

        SELECT * FROM customers
        <TEXT>customer_email is null</TEXT>

    Multiple Statements

    You may want to run some statements before or after the select statement for your report, e.g. to create a temporary table, create an index etc. Enter all your statements in the sql source section of the report, with each statement ending in a ; and specify which statement should be used as the report's results by setting the Display Resultset field of the report.

    Display ResultSet Description
    0 The sql source doesn't contain multiple statements
    1, 2, ... n Use the specified statement, with the first statement being 1
    -1 Use the select statement, regardless of how many statements exist
    -2 Use the last statement, regardless of how many statements exist

    If you set the Display Resultset to -2 to use the last statement, ensure that your database driver is at least JDBC 3.0 compliant.

    Some RDBMSs may require extra configuration to allow for execution of multiple statements in a query, and some may not support it at all.

    RDBMS Comment
    SQL Server No extra configuration needed
    PostgreSQL No extra configuration needed
    MySQL Add the property allowMultiQueries=true to the jdbc url of the query's datasource e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb?allowMultiQueries=true
    CUBRID Driver is JDBC 2.0 compliant so don't use the -2 option
    Oracle Not supported
    HSQLDB Not supported

    Dynamic Datasources

    When you define a report, you specify the datasource from which data will be retrieved. Sometimes, you may have several databases that have the same schema but contain different data e.g. a live production database, a test database, a database that has data as at end of month etc. You may want to have the possibility of running the same query over these different databases. Rather than creating several reports with identical sql but different datasources, you can create one report and have the datasource as a parameter that can be selected at runtime. This eliminates the work of creating multiple reports and makes management of the relevant sql much easier - if you need to change the sql, you only have to do it in one place. The process of using dynamic datasources is as follows.

    • Create a datasource for each of your target databases
    • Create the report that will retrieve the data you want. What you select in the Datasource field is not important as the report will use a dynamically specified datasource. It is advisable though to set this to a valid, default datasource for your sql.
    • Define a single-value parameter for your report, setting the Data Type to Datasource. If you would like the available datasources to be selected from a list, create and specify the LOV report that will display the desired datasources.

    When you run the report, it will use the value of the datasource parameter to determine which datasource to run the report on. The value of this parameter should be a datasource id or datasource name. If it passes the "isNumeric" test, it will be assumed that it is referring to a datasource id, otherwise a check against datasource names will be done.


    Rules are used to filter report results. They allow the same report to be filtered depending on the user that is running it.

    The following steps need to be performed in order to use rules:

    • Create the rule
      Use the Configure | Rules menu and then the Add button to specify the rule name

    • Link the rule to a report
      On the report definition page, select the Uses Rules option
      In the SQL source section, use the special, hard coded placeholder #rules# where you want the rule values to go e.g

      SELECT * from transactions
      where #rules#

    On the reports configuration page, find the report and use the More | Rules menu to specify which column the rule values will apply to

    • Assign rule values to users or user groups
      Use the Configure | Rule Values menu to assign rule values to users or user groups. Select the user or user group and rule name, and specify the rule values that will apply to that user or user group. If you want the user or user group to have multiple rule values, add each value separately. i.e enter the first value, then click on Add, then enter the next value etc.


    • You have a table named "employees" with the a column named "region"
    • Create a rule named "GeoArea"
    • Set up a report that selects rows from the employees table and link it to the rule named "GeoArea" on the column "employees.region"
    • Link the user to the rule "GeoArea" for values NORTH and EAST

    When the user runs the report, he will extract only the rows where the "region" column has the values NORTH or EAST (i.e. the SQL query will be modified on the fly before execution by adding AND employees.region IN ('NORTH','EAST') to the WHERE clause).


    • If a report is linked to a rule but the user who runs the report has not been set up for that rule, the report execution will not be performed and an error message will be displayed.
    • If the report uses multiple rules, each user that needs to execute it must have values set for all the rules that the report uses.
    • If the report uses parameters, the placeholder #rules# shouldn't be used for any parameter as it will conflict with the special placeholder for rules.
    • If you don't want results filtered for a given user e.g. an administrator, manager etc, define a rule value for this user where the rule value is ALL_ITEMS.


    Encryptors allow you to encrypt report output. Use the Configure | Encryptors menu to manage encryptors.

    Field Description
    ID Auto-generated ID used to identify the encryptor
    Name A name to identify the encryptor
    Description A description for the encryptor
    Active Defines whether the encryptor will be applied to reports
    Encryptor Type Specifies the type of encryption to be used. The AES Crypt type will produce files that can be decrypted using the AES Crypt program. The AES Crypt encryptor uses 256-bit keys therefore your java version must support 256-bit encryption. For OpenJDK, this support is available by default. For Oracle Java, JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files must be available in your JVM. These files are available and enabled by default from Oracle Java 8 u162. The OpenPGP type will produce files that can be decrypted using any OpenPGP-compliant program. Password encryptors are used to specify open and modify passwords for xlsx and pdf output.
    AES Crypt Password For AES Crypt encryptors, the password that will be used to encrypt the file. You cannot use a blank password.
    Public Key File For OpenPGP encryptors, the public key file to use to encrypt the file. The key file can either be in binary or ascii armored format.
    Public Key String For OpenPGP encryptors, the ascii armored public key text. You would set either the public key string or the public key file. If you set both, the public key string will be used.
    Signing Key File For OpenPGP encryptors, the key file to use to sign encrypted files. This file is optional, if you do not wish for files to be signed. The key file can either be in binary or ascii armored format.
    Signing Key Passphrase For OpenPGP encryptors, if a signing key is used, the passphrase for that key (not blank).
    Open Password For Password encryptors, the file open password to be used with xlsx, pdf, docx, odt, ods output
    Modify Password For Password encryptors, the file edit password to be used with xlsx and pdf output

    LOV Reports

    LOV reports are used to generate parameter values for other reports. Dynamic LOV reports get their values from an sql query while static LOV reports use fixed values defined in the sql source section. An LOV report must have either one or two columns. The value of the first column is passed to the parameter. The value of the second column (if available) is displayed to the user. For example, for the following dynamic LOV query

        SELECT location_id, location_name FROM LOCATIONS

    Users see values from the location_name column while the actual parameter match is performed using values from the location_id column.
    If the parameter options don't come from a database, you can use a static lov with something like the following in the sql source. If the parameter value and the display value are different, separate them with a |



    This section shows how to define a simple report to retrieve information about the reports stored in the ART database. The report has one parameter (the report name), obtained from a dynamic lov.

    In order to proceed with this example you need to:

    • Set up a datasource that points to the ART database
    • Define a user and a report group

    • LOV Report
      This report is the one used to retrieve the list of values (i.e. the list of available reports that will be shown as a parameter). Use the Configure | Reports menu and then the Add button to create a new report. Set the name to "ART Report Names", the type to LOV: Dynamic and the following as the SQL source:


    Select the ART database as the Datasource and Save.

    • Main Report
      This report retrieves the details of the reports that are defined in ART. It has one parameter whose values are retrieved from the "ART Report Names" report created above. Following the same process used for the previous report, name the report "ART Reports" and for the SQL source use:

      , DESCRIPTION        
      FROM ART_QUERIES WHERE NAME = #report_name#

    Select the ART database as the Datasource and Save.

    Use the Configure | Parameters menu and then the Add button to create a new single-value paramter named report_name. Select the Use LOV option and select "ART Report Names" in the LOV Report field. Click on the Save button to save the parameter details.

    Use the Configure | Reports menu to go back to the Reports Configuration page. Find the main report, ART Reports, click on the More | Parameters button and Add a new parameter, setting the parameter to the report_name parameter that has just been created.

    Use the Configure | Access Rights menu to define users who can run the main report. Now you can log in as the user and run the report.


    • You don't have to assign access to the LOV report itself
    • You can't use rules with static lovs. If you have a PostgreSQL database, you can create a dynamic lov that will return the static values, with syntax like the following

      select id from
      (select unnest(ARRAY[1, 5, 10]) as id) as id_list
      where #rules#

    Drill Down Reports

    This functionality provides a main report with links from which a user can click to get to a different (drill down) report. For example, the main report can display summary information and a user can click on the drill down report link to display detailed information about a particular item.

    The main report can be a tabular report displayed in one of the html report formats, or a chart. The drill down report can be of any type.

    Defining the main report

    The main report is created like any other report. Once the report is saved, use the More | Drilldowns button to add or modify the drill down reports that will be available for that report.

    Defining the drill down report

    The drill down report is created like any other report. The only requirement is that it needs to have at least one single-value parameter defined, with this parameter having the Drilldown Column Index field with a value greater than or equal to 1 or the Drilldown Column Name set. The Drill Down Column refers to the column in the main report that will provide the value for the parameter. If the value will come from the first field, the drill down column index will have a value of 1 and so on. Alternatively, you can set the drill down column name field to the name of the column which will supply the value.


    • Sales Summary (Main report)

      select REGION as "Region", SUM(VOLUME) as "Volume"
      from ORDERS
      where ...
    • Sales Details (Drill Down report)

      from ORDER_DETAILS
      WHERE REGION = #region#

    On the Drill Down report, when defining the #region# parameter, set the Drilldown Column Index field to 1. This means this parameter will match with the first column value on the Main Report i.e. "Region". Alternatively, set the Drilldown Column Name field to Region.

    From now on this report will appear as an available Drill Down report.

    On the Main report, select the More | Drilldowns option and select Add to create the Drilldown definition.

    When running the Main Report, a new column will appear on the right. Click on it and the drill down report will be executed and the #region# parameter will match with the first column of the Main Report.

    Drilldown definition

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the drilldown
    Drilldown Report The drill down report
    Header Text The column title/header of the drilldown link column
    Link Text The text of the drilldown link
    Report Format The report format that will be used to display the drill down report results
    Open In New Window Whether the result of the drill down report should be opened in a new window
    Allow Select Parameters Whether the user will be provided with the parameters box to select/change parameters after the drill down report has run if they wish to re-run the report
    Run Immediately Whether the drill down report will run immediately

    Using the main report's parameters

    In addition to using the main report's column values, a drill down report can also use the main report's parameter values. If in our example above the Main Report allowed the user to select a city, e.g.

        select REGION "Region", SUM(VOLUME) "Volume"
        from ORDERS
        WHERE CITY=#city# AND ...

    The Drill Down Report can make use of this #city# parameter even if it is not among the columns displayed by the Main Report's select statement. To use the value of the #city# parameter in the Drill Down Report,

    • Define the parameter with the same name as in the Main Report
    • Set the Drilldown Column Index for this parameter to 0, since the value of this parameter will not be coming from the columns displayed in the Main Report

    So the Drill Down Report would look something like

        select REGION, CITY, ITEM, VOLUME
        from ORDER_DETAILS
        WHERE REGION = #region# and CITY=#city#

    Here the #region# parameter will still be set as Drilldown Column 1, since it's getting its value from the Main Report's column 1, while the #city# parameter will be set as Drilldown Column 0, since it's not getting its value from any of the Main Report's columns (the Main Report's select doesn't include the city column).

    The parameter values from one report are passed down to all drill down reports down the line. So if this drill down report had another drill down report, that report can also use the value of the #city# parameter set in the Main Report.


    • Multiple Drill Down Reports can be linked to one Main Report. Extra columns will appear with links allowing the user to select which drill down report to run.
    • A Drill Down Report can have several parameters to match any number of column values from the Main Report. It can also have parameters that use values from the Main Report's parameters.
    • If the Main Report is a chart, the drill down parameter will get the following values
      • Drilldown column 1 = data value
      • Drilldown column 2 = category name
      • Drilldown column 3 = series name

    RSS Feeds

    Since ART 1.11 it is possible to create RSS 2.0 compliant feeds out of any datasource.

    This is achieved in three steps:

    • Create a report where column names follow RSS item element naming convention - see below. The resultset column names are used as the names of the <item> sub-elements in the produced xml file.
    • Grant access to a public user
    • Run the report via direct URL, setting the reportFormat parameter to rss20, public=true and the user parameter to the public user's username. This URL, when executed via a browser or RSS reader/aggregator will return an RSS feed.

    As a minimum, the report should contain a column named title or description.

    Element Name Description
    title The item title
    description The item description
    pubDate The date where the specific item is published
    link The URL pointing to the items
    guid The unique id of the item. If present, a feed aggregator may choose to use this string to determine if an item is new. It may/should be a URL pointing to the full item.

    Please refer to the RSS specification for more details.

    For example the following query:

        select col1 "title", col2 "description" , col3 "pubDate", col4 "guid" 
        from myTable

    Will produce the following RSS 2.0 XML content:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rss version="2.0">
         <title>[Report Name]</title>
         <link>[As configured in ART settings]</link>
         <description>[Report Name]</description>
         <pubDate>[Current date]</pubDate> 
          <title>[resultset "title" column]</title>
          <description>[resultset "description" column]</description>
          <guid>[resultset "guid" column]</guid>
          <pubDate>[resultset "pubDate" column]</pubDate>


    • Date/Timestamp columns are converted to RfC 822 formatted strings. Characters <, > and & are converted to html escape entities. If needed, for any other special characters, you should take care of proper conversion.
    • Only the <item> elements are customizable by using the proper column names. Channel elements are as in the example: the default channel link tag can be set by an administrator from the Settings page.


    Dashboards are used to display multiple reports on a single page. Most report types can be included in a dashboard with exceptions including Saiku, JPivot and Link reports.

    Each dashboard component or portlet uses AJAX to dynamically load itself within the page. Users can refresh or minimize each portlet independently by clicking on the buttons at the top of the portlet frame. When a user runs a dashboard, he can choose to modify the default parameters used by the reports in the dashboard. All the embedded reports are parsed and their parameters, if any, are displayed. If several reports use the same parameter, the parameter is displayed only once.


    Regular Dashboards

    You define a dashboard by creating a report of type Dashboard and specifying the details of the dashboard using XML syntax in the Source field.

    Dashboard Properties

    A number of tags are used to define properties of the dashboard.

    Tag Data Type Description
    <DASHBOARD> None The parent/containter tag for the dashboard definition
    <COLUMN> None The parent/container tag for a dashboard column. A dashboard can have any number of columns.

    Column Properties

    A dashboard can have a number of columns, enclosed within <COLUMN> tags. These columns have a number of properties which are specifed using the following tags.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <SIZE> String auto The size of the column. Either small, medium, large or auto.
    <PORTLET> None The parent/containter tag for a portlet. A column can have any number of portlets.

    Portlet Properties

    A dashboard column can have a number of portlets, enclosed within <PORTLET> tags. These portlets have a number of properties which are specifed using the following tags.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <TITLE> String The title of the portlet
    <REPORTID> String The ID of an ART report that should be displayed in the portlet e.g. 25. You can add parameters after the report ID, being careful to use &amp; where & would be used in a url e.g. 25&amp;reportFormat=htmlGrid
    <REPORTNAME> String The name of an ART report that should be displayed in the portlet e.g. Sales Report. You can add parameters after the report name, being careful to use &amp; where & would be used in a url e.g. Sales Report&amp;reportFormat=htmlGrid
    <REPORTCODE> String The code of an ART report that should be displayed in the portlet e.g. sales1. You can add parameters after the report code, being careful to use &amp; where & would be used in a url e.g. sales1&amp;reportFormat=htmlGrid
    <URL> String An external url that should be displayed in the portlet e.g. If both url and report id tags are present, the content of the report id tag will be used.
    <REFRESH> Integer -1 The time in seconds after which the portlet refreshes itself. -1 means no auto-refresh. The minimum refresh time allowed is 5 seconds. Setting a low value may overload your servers/databases. A portlet can be refreshed manually by clicking on the refresh button in the portlet header.
    <ONLOAD> Boolean true Whether the report or url content is retrieved when the dashboard is run. If set to false, the portlet content is not loaded initially and can be loaded later manually by using the refresh button.

    Example Syntax

                <!-- column size: auto|small|medium|large. default is auto-->
                <!-- create a new portlet within this column
                to embed an ART report (tabular, chart, text, etc) -->
                    <TITLE>Portlet title</TITLE>
                    <!-- (optional, default is true) load content when page is displayed -->
                    <!-- (optional, default is -1 meaning never) refresh content every 30 seconds-->
                    <!-- embed ART report -->
                <!-- create a new portlet within this column
                to embed an external html page -->
                    <TITLE>Portlet title</TITLE>
                <!-- .. you can add as many portlets as you want -->
                <!-- you can add as many columns as you want -->


    • Tag names are case sensitive (use uppercase)
    • If you need to use xml special characters within tag content, ensure to replace them with the relevant xml character entities e.g. if the <URL> tag should contain a url like, you'll need to replace the & character with &amp;, to have the url as;param2=test. For a list of the 5 special xml characters and their respective replacement strings or character entities, see
    • For pdf output of dashboards, only tabular and standard chart reports will be included in the pdf output.

    Gridstack Dashboards

    Gridstack dashboards allow for specifying exact positioning of report items within a dashboard, specifying the height and width that report items should occupy, and allow for resizing and moving of items using drag-and-drop. The gridstack.js library is used to provide this functionality. Use the Dashboard: Gridstack report type to create a gridstack dashboard.

    Dashboard Properties

    Gridstack dashboards are also defined using xml syntax. A number of tags are used to define properties of the dashboard.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <DASHBOARD> None The parent/containter tag for the dashboard definition
    <DASHBOARDWIDTH> Integer 12 The number of columns to be taken up by the grid, forming the basis of the horizontal axis (x axis) of the grid co-ordinates.
    <FLOAT> Boolean false Whether report items can be moved to arbitrary locations on the dashboard. If false, grid items can only snap to given locations.
    <ANIMATE> Boolean false Whether animation is used when grid items are moved around
    <DISABLEDRAG> Boolean false Whether dragging of items is disabled
    <DISABLERESIZE> Boolean false Whether resizing of items is disabled
    <CELLHEIGHT> String 60px The dimensions of one unit of the grid co-ordinates on the vertical axis (y axis). It can be defined as px, em or rem units e.g. 10em or 10rem. It can also be defined as "auto", in which case the height will be calculated from the cell width.
    <VERTICALMARGIN> String 20px The size of the vertical gap between cells. It can be defined as px, em or rem units e.g. 2em or 2rem.
    <ALWAYSSHOWRESIZEHANDLE> Boolean false Whether the resizing handles on the bottom corners of a cell are shown, even if the user is not hovering over the item.
    <DASHBOARDHEIGHT> Integer 0 The maximum number of rows or y units on the grid co-ordinate system. Items cannot be resized or moved beyond this limit. A value of 0 means no maximum.
    <ITEM> None The parent/container tag for a dashboard item. The dashboard can have any number of items.

    Item Properties

    A gridstack dashboard can have a number of items, enclosed within <ITEM> tags. These items have a number of properties which are specifed using the following tags.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <XPOSITION> Integer The x axis position of the item. From 0 to <DASHBOARDWIDTH>
    <YPOSITION> Integer The y axis position of the item
    <WIDTH> Integer 2 The width of the item. This defines the number of columns that the item will occupy, in relation to the number of columns of the whole grid as defined by the dashboard's <DASHBOARDWIDTH> property.
    <HEIGHT> Integer 2 The height of the item. This defines the number of rows that the item will occupy, one row being the size defined in the dashboard's <CELLHEIGHT> property.
    <AUTOWIDTH> Boolean false Whether the width should be automatically set according to the item contents
    <AUTOHEIGHT> Boolean false Whether the height should be automatically set according to the item contents
    <NORESIZE> Boolean false Whether element resizing is disabled
    <NOMOVE> Boolean false Whether element moving is disabled
    <AUTOPOSITION> Boolean false Whether to ignore the <XPOSITION> and <YPOSITION> and instead place the element in the first available position.
    <LOCKED> Boolean false Whether the widget will be locked. If it is locked, another widget will not be able to move it during dragging or resizing. Even though it is locked, the widget can still be dragged or resized. You need to specify the <NORESIZE> and <NOMOVE> options to prevent this and thereby completely lock the widget.
    <MINWIDTH> Integer 0 The minimum width beyond which the item cannot be resized
    <MINHEIGHT> Integer 0 The minimum height beyond which the item cannot be resized
    <MAXWIDTH> Integer 0 The maximum width beyond which the item cannot be resized. A value of 0 means no maximum.
    <MAXHEIGHT> Integer 0 The maximum height beyond which the item cannot be resized. A value of 0 means no maximum.

    In addition to these tags that are unique to gridstack items, the following tags of regular dashboard portlets should also be used with gridstack items, with the same effect: <TITLE>, <REPORTID>, <REPORTNAME>, <REPORTCODE>, <URL>, <REFRESH>, <ONLOAD>.

    Example Syntax

                <TITLE>Report 1</TITLE>
                <TITLE>Report 2</TITLE>

    Tabbed Dashboards

    Both regular and gridstack dashboards can have their components displayed within tabs. This is done by adding the optional <TABLIST> tag to the dashboard xml and specifying the number of tabs, and which portlets/items should appear in which tabs.

    Tablist Properties

    The <TABLIST> tag is used to specify that the dashboard portlets/items should be displayed in tabs. A tablist has a number of properties which are specifed using the following tags.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <DEFAULTTAB> Integer 1 The index of the tab that will be active when the dashboard is displayed. The first tab has an index of 1.
    <TAB> None The parent/container tag for a tab. A tablist can have any number of tabs.

    Tab Properties

    A tablist can have a number of tabs, enclosed within <TAB> tags. The tabs have a number of properties which are specifed using the following tags.

    Tag Data Type Default Description
    <TITLE> String The title/heading of the tab. Even though this tag is optional, it is recommended to set it so as to have better identification of the different tabs.
    <ITEM> Integer The index of the item to display, as it appears in the main dashboard xml definition. The dashboard portlets/items are assigned an index according to the order in which they appear in the xml. The first item has an index of 1 e.g. setting this to 1 indicates that the first portlet/item in the main dashboard xml should be displayed. A tab can have any number of items.

    Example Syntax

                <TITLE>Report 1</TITLE>
                <TITLE>Report 2</TITLE>
                    <TITLE>Tab 1</TITLE>

    Jxls Reports

    ART uses the Jxls library to provide support for reports based on pre-formatted MS Excel spreadsheets. For details on the syntax of these Jxls templates, see the documentation available on the Jxls website. Generally, you'll follow the following steps to create a Jxls report.

    • Create an Excel file (either xls or xlsx) with any text, formulas and formatting that will be required in the final report. This is the Jxls template.
    • Insert Jxls syntax to define where the raw data should go
    • Create a new report in ART and select the Jxls template to use in the Template field

    ART Query

    If the report is of type Jxls: ART Query, the sql used to retrieve the data will be the one defined in the SQL source section. You can use parameters, rules or any other features of ART reports. In the template, use the identifier results to output report values. e.g.

        jx:each(items="results" var="row" lastCell="E10")

    Template Query

    If the report is of type Jxls: Template Query, the sql used to retrieve the data will be the one defined in the template. The datasource used for the query will be the one selected in the datasource field of the report. Use the jdbc.query method to run the sql e.g.

    jdbc.query('select * from cities')

    You can alternatively pass the datasource id or datasource name of the datasource to use. In this case use the jdbc.querydb method to run the sql e.g.

    jdbc.querydb(1, 'select * from cities')
    jdbc.querydb('mydb', 'select * from cities')


    If you would like to use parameters within the template query, you can use parameter placeholders (?) and specify the parameter name in additional parameters to the jdbc.query call e.g.

    jx:each(items="jdbc.query('select * from mytable where col1=? and col2=?', param1, param2)"
    var="item" lastCell="E10")

    Alternatively, you can use ART query syntax by calling the jdbc.artquery method e.g.

    jx:each(items="jdbc.artquery('select * from orders where order_date between #param1# and #param2#')"
    var="item" lastCell="E10")

    To use ART query syntax with a specific datasource, use the jdbc.artquerydb method e.g.

    jdbc.artquerydb('mydb', 'select * from cities where col2 in(#param#)')

    Avoid using the following names for parameters as these are used for special purpose variables i.e. results, jdbc, params, locale.


    You can define a number of options in the Options field of the report.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    areaConfigFile String The name of the file that has configuration details of areas within the template e.g. jxls2config.xml. This is an xml file that can be uploaded using the Add files option.

    JPivot Reports

    There are 3 report types that use the JPivot library to provide OLAP functionality.


    This report type uses ART's internal mondrian engine to run OLAP queries. To use it, do the following.

    Create the schema xml file

    • Create a mondrian (version 3) cube schema file that defines your cube

    Create a datasource

    • Create a new datasource in ART using the Configure | Datasources menu and then clicking on the Add button
    • In the Datasource Type section, select OLAP
    • Provide the url, username and password to use to access the database that has the star schema tables referenced in the schema xml file
    • Save the datasource

    Create the report

    • Create a new report in ART of the type JPivot: Mondrian
    • In the Datasource field, select the datasource you have just created
    • For the Template field, select the schema file for the cube
    • In the MDX source field, enter the MDX for your report


    If you need to define roles that users should have when accessing the cube, create a rule for the report and assign users rule values for this rule according to the required roles. The name of the rule doesn't matter. You can also use a dummy report column name when defining the report rule. Roles are case-sensitive as per their appearance in the schema xml file so rule values should be exactly as they appear in the schema file. If you specify a rule value that doesn't exist in the schema file, the report will have an error and won't run. If you need to specify multiple roles, specify multiple rule values.

    Mondrian XMLA

    This report type is used to access cubes defined in an external mondrian server. To use it, do the following.

    Create the schema xml file

    • Create a mondrian (version 3) cube schema file that defines your cube

    Create the datasources.xml file

    • Create the datasources.xml file that has the cube details. ART can act as a Mondrian XMLA server by configuring a file named datasources.xml and putting it in the WEB-INF\work\templates directory, and using a url like http://server-name:8080/art/xmla as the XMLA url.

    Create a datasource

    • Create a new datasource in ART using the Configure | Datasources menu and then clicking on the Add button
    • In the Datasource Type section, select OLAP
    • In the URL field, enter the url to use to access the xmla server e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/xmla
    • If the AuthenticationMode section of the datasources.xml file is set to Unauthenticated, leave the Username and Password fields blank. Otherwise enter the username and password to be used to access to the cube.
    • Save the datasource

    Create the report

    • Create a new report in ART of the type JPivot: Mondrian XMLA
    • In the Datasource field, select the datasource you have just created
    • Enter the required XMLA Datasource name. This should match exactly with the contents of the DataSourceName in the datasources.xml file defined on the external server. These names can be any string and don't have to match any name in the schema xml file.
    • Enter the required XMLA Catalog name. This should match exactly with the contents of the Catalog name in the datasources.xml file defined on the external server. These names can be any string and don't have to match any name in the schema xml file.
    • In the MDX source field, enter the MDX for your report

    Potential errors

    • If you encounter a 404 error, the URL specified in the ART datasource may be invalid.
    • If you encounter a No metadata for catalog error, the catalog name in the XMLA Catalog field may be misspelt. Catalog names are case sensitive.
    • If you get a XMLA connection datasource not found error, the datasource name in the XMLA Datasource field may be misspelt. Datasource names are case sensitive.
    • If you get a XMLA Discover unparse results error error, the file specified in the Definition section of the Catalog section of the datasources.xml may not exist. Alternatively, the JDBC details provided in the DataSourceInfo tag may not be correct. Alternatively, the Catalog name may not be matching the name attribute of the Schema tag in the cube's schema xml file. Alternatively, the DataSource name may not be matching the XMLA Datasource field of the report.
    • If you get a No metadata schema dimensions for catalog error, the catalog name entered in the XMLA Catalog field may be incorrect. Note that if a change is made to the datasources.xml, the application needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

    Accessing the Mondrian XMLA instance from MS Excel

    You can configure ART to serve as a mondrian XMLA server by defining a file named datasources.xml and placing it in the WEB-INF\work\templates directory. A sample datasources.xml file can be found in the WEB-INF\etc directory. The steps outlined here refer to MS Excel 2010 and may be different for different versions of Excel.

    • Download the XMLA connect provider from
    • Run the .exe file
    • Open Excel
    • Select the Data tab
    • Click on the From Other Sources menu and then select From Data Connection Wizard
    • In the dialog that opens, select Other/Advanced and then click on Next
    • Select the XMLA Data Source provider and click on Next
    • In the Location box, type a url like http://localhost:8080/art/xmla as per the ART installation
    • Click on the drop-down arrow in the Catalog box and select the required item
    • Click on OK
    • In the next screen, select which cube you want to deal with and click Next
    • Click on Finish to complete the process
    • Click on OK to have the pivot table details loaded in the current work sheet
    • From the Pivot Table Field List on the right, drag a measure under the Values section to the Values section in the below panel
    • You should now have a value in your worksheet displaying the total value for this measure
    • You can drag items to the Row Labels, Column Labels and Report Filter sections in order to do further analysis
    • You can also slice the data. Click on any cell in the pivot table. From the Options tab, click on the Insert Slicer menu, check an item and click on OK. You can now slice your data by clicking the different available values of the slicer you selected, with the data being updated to reflect your selection. To remove the slicer, right-click on its heading or any empty space within the slicer and click on the Remove ... menu.

    If you want to view the MDX that is generated for the analysis you are doing, download and install the OLAP Pivot Table Extensions plugin for Excel from Once you download the correct version of the plugin for your version of Excel, and start Excel, you can view the MDX for any analysis by right-clicking on any cell in the pivot table data, selecting the OLAP Pivot Tables Extensions menu and selecting the MDX tab.

    SQL Server XMLA

    This report type is used to access cubes defined in a Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) server. Before being able to run reports based on a SSAS cube, you need to configure SSAS for HTTP access.

    Configure SSAS for HTTP access

    Some resources on how to do this are as follows

    After you have finished the configuration, start IIS.

    To test that you can access SSAS via HTTP, open SQL Server Management Studio, select Analysis Services as the Server type, put the URL in the Server name box e.g. http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll and try to connect. If you are able to connect, access to the server is fine, and next you need to provide access rights to the cube.

    Provide access to the cube

    These steps outline the process for providing access on SQL Server 2008R2 and may be different for other versions of SQL Server.

    • Using SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the SSAS server using an administrator user
    • Expand the Databases folder then expand the desired database
    • Right-click on the Roles section for the database and select the New Role menu to create a new role
    • Provide a Role name for the role and tick the Read definition box to give the role read access
    • Select the Membership section on the left-hand pane to add the users who will have access. If HTTP access is configured for anonymous access, add the IUSR user. If not, add the user whose credentials will be used to access the cube. Enter a given user and click on the Check Names button to have the user retrieved.
    • Select the Data Sources section on the left-hand pane and then select Read in the Access column of the desired cube
    • Select the Cubes section on the left-hand pane and the select Read in the Access column for the desired cube
    • Click on OK to save the role

    To verify that you can access the cube and generate reports from it

    • Open a new SQL Server Management Studio instance and connect to SSAS using the msmdpump URL e.g. http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll and using the user which you assigned to the role.
    • Expand the Databases folder
    • Expand the folder for your database
    • Expand the Cubes folder
    • Right click on your cube and select Browse
    • You should be able to drag and drop dimension members to the analysis pane to display some data

    Create a datasource

    • Create a new datasource in ART using the Configure | Datasources menu and then clicking on the Add button
    • In the Datasource Type section, select OLAP
    • In the URL field, enter the url to use to access SSAS e.g. http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll
    • If the SSAS server is configured to allow anonymous access, leave the Username and Password fields blank. If it's configured to require basic authentication, enter the username and password of a user in a role that has access to the required cube.
    • Save the datasource

    Create the report

    • Create a new report in ART using the Configure | Report menu and then clicking on the Add button
    • In the Type field, select JPivot: SQL Server XMLA
    • In the Datasource field, select the datasource you have just created
    • In the XMLA Catalog field, enter the database name for your database on the SSAS server
    • In the MDX source field, enter the MDX for your report

    You should now be able to run the report and perform analysis. If you encounter a connection refused error, IIS may not be started. If you encounter a No metadata schema dimensions for catalog error, you may not have permissions on the cube.


    • You can use single-value parameters in the mdx using the direct parameter substitution syntax #!<param name># e.g.

      { [Measures].[Sales Amount], [Measures].[Tax Amount] } ON COLUMNS, 
      { [Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[#!FromYear#], [Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&[#!ToYear#] } ON ROWS 
      FROM [Adventure Works] 
      WHERE ( [Sales Territory].[#!Territory#] )
    • You can also use multi-value parameters. In this case, construct the LOV query such that it returns strings as they would appear in the MDX. e.g.
      Example LOV

      SELECT CONCAT("[Order.Order Sale Type].[",sale_type_code,"]") as typecodes, sale_type_code     
      FROM dim_orders

      Use multi-value parameter in MDX as desired...

      SELECT ... FROM ...
      WHERE {#!saleTypes#}
    • JPivot reports use cached data where possible. To manually clear the cache, use the Configure | Caches menu and Clear the JPivot cache. If you'd like the cache to be automatically cleared periodically, use the Mondrian Cache Expiry Period setting on the Settings page.

    Self Service

    The self service option allows users to create their own reports and dashboards.

    Self Service Dashboards

    Users can create their own dashboards by using the Self Service | Dashboards menu. Users will need to have the self_service_dashboards permission in order to use this feature. They can select the reports to be included in the dashboard from the Reports dropdown, and can then size and position them on the dashboard as appropriate. To clear the dashboard and start from scratch, the New button can be used. In case reports may take time to load and you don't want to have the reports running each time they are put on the dashboard, you can uncheck the Run Immediately checkbox.

    Once a dashboard has been created by a user, it will be available for future amendment by selecting it from the Dashboards dropdown list and amending it as required. It can then be saved once again, either overwriting the existing dashboard or creating a new one and leaving the previous one intact.

    Self Service Reports

    Users can create their own reports by using the Self Service | Reports menu. They will need to have the self_service_reports permission and will create reports based on View reports that have been created and for which they have access. Self service reports allow users to create reports without having a knowledge of SQL.

    To create a report, a user will select a view from the Views dropdown and then select which columns should be displayed in the report. The columns on the left hand side are those available, while those on the right hand side are those that have been selected to be displayed in the report. If no column is selected, all columns will be displayed. Columns can be selected by double clicking, or clicking and using the arrow buttons as appropriate. You can also shift+click or control+click to select the columns you would like and then use the left or right arrow buttons to move the columns as required. To select or remove all the columns at once, the double arrows can be used. The order of selected columns can also be changed by use of the up and down arrow buttons. You can also select multiple columns and move them up or down together.

    Once the columns have been selected, you can use the Preview button to have an idea of what the output will be. The Limit box can be used to determine how many records should be included in the preview. If you want to retrieve all the records, use the Run button.

    Once you have an idea of how the data will look like, you can also specify conditions that will limit the data in the report in the Conditions section. You can define rules to be satisfied by selecting the column and specifying the condition that records should meet. You can use the Add rule button to add more rules. Rules are typically added using an AND condition but you can also click on the OR button to specify that they should be considered using OR logic. You can also add a distinct rule group that may have it's own rules using the Add group button and you can delete rules or rule groups using the appropriate Delete button.

    For Tabular reports, you can also specify a default order for the results by using the Add button under Order and specifying the desired column and order direction.

    Once you are satisfied with the report, you can Save it, and if you need to modify it, you can click on the Save button again and specify the Overwrite option. If you don't want to overwrite, but create a new report, you can uncheck this option. Self service reports that have been created are available for editing by selecting them from the Reports dropdown list.


    To specify use of a parameter for a self service report, when specifying the condition, leave the value field as blank. This item will be transformed into a parameter when the report is run.

    Self Service Charts

    When on the self service reports page, the Report Type option provides for creating charts. You need to select one non-numeric column that will act as the x axis, and one or more numeric columns that will be displayed on the y axis of the chart. You can also select what chart type to create in the Initial Chart Type field, and in case you want to allow changing of chart types on the fly, you can select which chart types to make available in the Available Chart Types field.


    A job is a report that has been scheduled to run automatically. In order to schedule a report, a user needs to have the schedule_jobs permission. Once logged in, a user's scheduled reports are available from the Jobs menu.

    Scheduling a new job

    Take the following steps to schedule a new job

    • From the Reports page, select the report to schedule and once the "select report parameters" page appears, click on the Schedule button. You can also schedule a job by going to the Reports Configuration page, finding the report to schedule and selecting the More | Schedule option.
    • Specify the job details and Save
    • The job will now run as per the schedule defined
    Field Description
    ID Auto-generated ID used to identify the job
    Name Name of the job
    Job Type The job type
    Output Format The output format for the job
    Cached Datasource For Cache ResultSet jobs, the datasource to use
    Cached Table Name For Cache ResultSet jobs, the table to use
    Active Whether the job can run or not
    Enable Auditing Whether job auditing is enabled. If disabled, only the last start and end time is recorded (in the ART_JOBS table). If enabled, an additional record is created in the ART_JOBS_AUDIT table indicating the start time, end time and status of each job run.
    Number of Runs to Archive For publish jobs, indicates how many runs should be retained for viewing from the View | Archives page e.g. setting it to 5 will retain output from the last 5 runs in the Archives page. This allows users to access past job output as per their requirements.
    Allow Sharing For publish jobs, whether the job output can be accessed by other users, apart from the job owner
    Allow Splitting Whether rule values for shared users should be applied so that each user gets different output
    Fixed File Name The base file name to be used for generated output. To include the burst id when used with a Burst Job, use the identifier {burstId}. This base file name does not include the extension. The extension will be automatically provided depending on the report and output format. File names can only contain english alphabet letters, numbers, hyphen and space. Any other characters will be replaced with underscores. Leave this field blank to use a default generated file name.
    Dynamic Destination For Burst jobs, a name or alternative name for a dynamic destination to be used by the burst output. Use the {burstId} identifier to indicate the burst id e.g. "Branch {burstId}" will send burst id 001 to a destination with the name or alternative name "Branch 001" if it exists, burst id 002 will be sent to destination "Branch 002" and so on.
    Destinations Any destinations to which the generated output should be sent. Destinations are configured from the Configure | Destinations menu.
    Sub-Directory An additional sub-directory that should be used with destinations. You can use the {burstId} identifier with Burst Jobs. This would imply that each burst file is put in a different directory.
    Batch File The name of a batch file or script that should be run after the job completes. The batch file must exist in the WEB-INF\work\batch directory. You only set the file name in this field e.g. test.bat or ART passes the file name of the generated output as the first parameter to the batch file so you can use this e.g. to copy the file to another location, a batch file may contain the following command - copy ..\export\jobs\%1 C:\temp.
    Pre Run Report The report id of an Update Statement report that should be run before the job is run. Multiple reports can be specified separated by commas.
    Post Run Report The report id of an Update Statement report that should be run after the job has run. Multiple reports can be specified separated by commas.
    Code An optional, additional identifier for the job. ART doesn't enforce the uniqueness of this field.
    From The email address that will be used as the "From" email address of an email job
    To The email address to send job output to. Multiple addresses can be specified separated by ,
    Dynamic Recipients A dynamic recipients report that specifies email addresses to send job output to, with the email addresses being obtained from a database query.
    Cc The "Cc" email address for a job. Multiple addresses can be specified separated by ,
    BCc The "BCc" email address for a job. Multiple addresses can be specified separated by ,
    Reply To The email address that will be used when a user clicks on Reply in the received email. If this is not set, the "From" email configured on the smtp server or job is used. Multiple addresses can be specified separated by ,
    Subject The subject of the email
    Template A thymeleaf template file that can be used as a template for the email body
    SMTP Server The smtp server to use, if different from the one configured in the Settings page
    Message The body contents of the email. For email inline jobs you can use f[data]f to specify where the report data should go. If not specified, the data will come after the message.
    Manual Whether the job will run on an automatic schedule or not
    Schedules The schedules with which the job should run. If a schedule is updated, the job's run schedule is also updated. If a schedule is selected, the individual schedule fields are not considered.
    Schedule This field is only used to populate the individual schedule fields, which can be modified thereafter.
    Second The second that the job should run. If not specified, defaults to 0.
    Minute The minute that the job should run. If not specified, defaults to a random minute (0-59).
    Hour The hour that the job should run. If not specified, defaults to a random hour between 3-6.
    Month The month that the job should run. If not specified, defaults to every month.
    Day The day of the month that the job should run i.e. 1-31. If not specified, defaults to every day.
    Week Day The day of the week that the job should run i.e. 1-7 or SUN-SAT. Note that you cannot specify both the Month Day and the Week Day. Specify one of the two, leaving the other one blank, or setting it to "?"
    Year The year that the job should run. If not specified, defaults to every year.
    Time Zone The time zone for the defined schedule
    Start Date The date when the job should start running. If blank, the job will start running on the current date, as per it's schedule.
    End Date The date when the job should stop running. If blank, the job will continue to run indefinitely.
    Runs The number of times the job should run. If specified, this will override the End Date.
    Extra Schedules Definitions of extra schedules on which the job should run, in addition to the main schedule defined in the individual schedule fields. Schedules can be defined as Quartz cron expressions, with each schedule on a new line. Alternatively, groovy code can be used, with the code returning a Trigger or a List of Triggers. If using groovy code, the field should start with "g[" and end with "]g".
    Holidays Defines dates or times on which the job should not run. These dates can be defined using quartz cron expressions as explained in the CronCalendar documentation, with each holiday definition on a new line. Alternatively, groovy code can be used, with the code returning a Calendar or a List of Calendars. If using groovy code, the field should start with "g[" and end with "]g".
    Shared Holidays Shared holidays configured from the Configure | Holidays menu that should be applied for this job.
    Next Run After Holiday Definition of the next run if a job run falls on a configured holiday
    Custom Run After Holiday If the Next Run After Holiday field is set to Custom, this defines a cron expression that includes the next run date
    Start Condition A condition to be satisfied before a scheduled job is run
    Error Notification Email An email address that should be notified if an error occurs while running the job. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas. The SMTP server used is that configured in the Settings page.
    Options Any optional job options, specified in JSON format


    • Not all report types can be scheduled
    • If the output for a job creates a file e.g. publish to pdf, this file is stored in the WEB-INF\work\export\jobs directory

    You can initiate running of a given job id by running a command like the following on the command line. You would need to add "runJob" to the allowedCommandUrls option in the art-custom-settings.json file.

    curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&id=5" http://localhost:8080/art/runJob

    Job Options

    Some options can be defined in the Options field. Options are specified in JSON format and include the following.

    Property Data Type Default Description
    logInterval Integer 0 For jobs that use dynamic recipients, this specifies an interval or number of records after which an item is included in the job log to indicate progress of the job. A value of 0 means this intermediate logging is not done.

    Job Types

    Email (Attachment)

    The output is emailed as an attachment to the specified recipients (in the "To" section). The attachment type can be selected in the Output Format field.

    Email (Inline)

    The output is emailed to the specified recipients, in the email body.


    The output is saved to a file. The file is reachable from the Jobs page. Once the file is generated, a notification email is sent to the specified recipients (in the "To" section). Leave the "To" area empty if you don't want a notification email to be sent.


    Send an email to the specified recipients if the first column of the first row in the query result has a value greater than zero. You can construct a simple SQL query to return a non zero value in case of a certain business condition.

    Example query to be used for an alert. Send an email if a big order is made

        SELECT count(*)
        FROM todays_order_details
        WHERE quantity>100

    Just Run It

    Simply run the report. May be used to run stored procedures or perform data updates.

    Conditional Email (Attachment)

    If the result set has records, an email with the output attached is sent to the specified recipients. If it has no records, no email is sent.

    Conditional Email (Inline)

    If the result set has records, an email is sent to the specified recipients with the output contained in the email body. If it has no records, no email is sent.

    Conditional Publish

    If the result set has records, the output will available from the Jobs page. A notification email is sent to the specified recipients if this is configured. If the result set has no records, no output is available on the Jobs page and no email is sent.

    Cache ResultSet (Append)

    Cache the result set in a database table (Append)

    Cache ResultSet (Delete & Insert)

    Cache the result set in a database table (Delete&Insert)


    Prints the report output to the default printer


    Generates report files for each distinct value in a resultset. This requires that the query for the report be ordered by the first column, which will be the burst-id column. When the value of this column changes, a new file is generated. Burst jobs are only possible with Tabular reports. The files generated will have the burst-id in their file names so different files can be identified and copied or ftped to different locations for example. The generated files are located in the \WEB-INF\work\export\jobs directory.


    For publish and conditional publish jobs, you can specify that a certain number of job runs should be archived i.e. files generated from past runs should be available for viewing. This is done by setting the Number of Runs to Archive field when defining the job, and archived files are available from the View | Archives menu.

    Saved Schedules

    If a schedule is used frequently, it can be saved such that you don't need to enter all the details each time you create a job. To reuse a schedule, select it from the Schedules field. The schedule details will be retrieved and filled in the appropriate job schedule fields. Administrators can create, modify or delete schedules using the Configure | Schedules menu.

    Shared Jobs

    By default, only the owner of a job has access to its output, particularly for published jobs. Shared jobs allow the output of a job to be shared with other users. To share a job's output, enable the Allow Sharing field and select the users or user groups with whom the output will be shared using the Configure | Access Rights menu. These users will be able to access the job's output from the Jobs menu.

    Split Jobs

    If the report for a shared job uses rules, you can specify that the rule values for the shared users be applied so that each user may get different output. To do this, enable the Allow Splitting field. If this field is disabled and the report uses rules, the rule values of the job owner will be applied and all shared users will get the same output. If the report doesn't use rules, the value of this field will have no effect. A single, identical output will be generated for all users.

    Random Start Times

    You may not require an exact time when a job runs, as long as it runs in a certain window of time. If you leave the Hour and Minute fields blank when creating the job, the job will be assigned a random hour between 3-6 and a random minute between 0-59 in which it will run. This may be useful for jobs that your require to run at night. Additionally, you can specify an explicit time range in which the job should run. To do this, in the Hour field, define the required start time and end time separated by | e.g. 4|7, 4:30|6, 12:45|13:15. The job will then be assigned a random execution time in this range.

    Quartz Properties

    You can modify some aspects of the scheduler e.g. thread count by modifying the WEB-INF\classes\ file. Documentation of configuration options can be found here. The following are example configurations.

    Database Type Quartz Configuration
    Oracle org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass =

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1 from dual
    DB2 org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1
    HSQLDB org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.HSQLDBDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = values 1
    PostgreSQL org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1
    CUBRID org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.CUBRIDDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1
    SQL Server org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.MSSQLDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1
    Informix org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1 from systables where tabid = 1
    Firebird org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate

    org.quartz.dataSource.ArtDs.validationQuery = select 1 from RDB$DATABASE

    For other database types, you can supply an appropriate validation query as per your database. You don't have to specify the driver delegate class. StdJDBCDelegate will be used.

    Running Jobs

    You can see which jobs are currently running by using the Configure | Jobs menu and then click on the Running Jobs button. If you want the page to refresh automatically, you can modify the url and add the refreshPeriodSeconds parameter e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/runningJobs?refreshPeriodSeconds=30. The minimum refresh period is 5 seconds.


    A holiday is a specification of dates or times when a job should not run. Use the Configure | Holidays menu to manage holidays.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generate ID used to identify the holiday configuration
    Name A name for the holiday configuration
    Description A description for the holiday configuration
    Definition The holiday configuration. The dates or times can be specified using quartz cron expressions as explained in the CronCalendar documentation, with each date specification on a new line. Alternatively, groovy code can be used, with the code returning a Calendar or a List of Calendars. If using groovy code, the field should start with "g[" and end with "]g".


    You can configure destinations to which publish job output is sent. Use the Configure | Destinations menu to manage destination configurations.

    Creating a new destination

    When adding a destination, the following fields are available.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the destination
    Name A name for the destination
    Alternative Names Alternative names for the destination that can be used with Burst job output. Each name is on a new line.
    Description A description for the destination
    Active Whether the destination is active or not
    Destination Type The type of destination. The Network Share destination type will not work with SMB1 shares e.g. Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 shares.
    Server For FTP, FTPS and SFTP destinations, the IP address or host name of the ftp or sftp server. For Network Share destinations, the IP address or hostname of the machine where the share is located.
    Port For FTP, FTPS and SFTP destinations, the ftp or sftp port of the server. You can leave this as 0 to use the default port for the respective protocol.
    User The user to use to connect to the destination. For Amazon S3 destinations, this is the IAM user's access key id. For Microsoft Azure Blob Storage destinations, this is the storage account name. For Backblaze B2 destinations, this is the Account ID.
    Password The destination user's password. For Amazon S3 destinations, this is the IAM user's secret access key. For Microsoft Azure Blob Storage destinations, this is the primary access key. For Backblaze B2 destinations, this is the Application Key.
    JSON Key File For Google Cloud Storage destinations, the service account JSON Key file
    Private Key File For SFTP destinations, the private key file to use if authenticating using public key authentication
    Private Key Passphrase For SFTP destinations, the passphrase of the private key file being used, if the private key file has a passphrase
    Domain For Network Share destinations, an optional specification of the user's domain
    Path The location of the destination. For Network Share destinations, this is the share name. For FTP, FTPS and SFTP destinations, this is an optional directory path where files should be copied. For Amazon S3, BackBlaze B2 and Google Cloud Storage destinations, this is the bucket name. For Microsoft Azure destinations, this is the container name. For WebDAV destinations, this is the URL of the WebDAV server e.g. http://localhost. For Website destinations, this is a URL that POSTs a form which includes a file field. For Server Folder destinations, this is the full path to a folder on the application server. Existing files will be overwritten.
    Sub-Directory An optional sub-directory path within the destination where files should be copied
    Create Directories Whether directories in the path should be created before the file is copied. The user will need appropriate permissions for the creation of directories.
    Options Additional options for the destination


    • For Amazon S3 destinations, the IAM user needs the s3:GetBucketLocation permission in order for the file upload to be successful. In addition, the user will need at least the s3:PutObject permission on the bucket where the file is to be copied.
    • For FTPS destinations, if using Java 11+ and depending on the ftp server, you may need to explicitly set the protocol option to TLSv1.2 for successful file upload. In addition, for Java 17+, if the server requires SSL/TLS session reuse/resumption, you need to add the following jvm options when starting up your application server: --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/


    Some destinations can have additional options that can be specified. These are included in the Options field using JSON syntax.

    FTP Options

    For FTP destinations, the following options are available.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    connectTimeoutSeconds Integer 60 The timeout (in seconds) to use when connecting to the server.
    controlKeepAliveTimeoutSeconds Long The time period (in seconds) after which to send a keep alive (NOOP) message. Zero disables.

    FTPS Options

    For FTPS destinations, the following options are available, in addition to the FTP options.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    sessionReuse Boolean true Whether to enable SSL/TLS session reuse
    implicit Boolean false Whether to use Implicit FTPS. If false, Explicit FTPS will be used.
    protocol String TLS The security protocol to use e.g. SSL, TLS, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.

    SFTP Options

    For SFTP destinations, the following options are available.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    sessionConnectTimeoutSeconds Integer 0 The timeout (in seconds) to use when opening a session. Zero indicates "no timeout".

    Network Share Options

    For Network Share destinations, the following options are available.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    timeoutSeconds Integer 60 The timeout (in seconds) for read/write operations.
    multiProtocolNegotiate Boolean false For suspected SMB1 shares, this can be enabled in order to get an error message indicating that SMB1 is not supported.
    smbDialects String[] The smb dialects to use as per the SMB2Dialect enum e.g. "smbDialects": ["SMB_3_0"]. Normally you would not need to set this, but you can set it to use a particular smb version/dialect.

    Website Options

    For Website destinations, the following options are available.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    loginUrl String A url that takes a POST request that will be used to log in before uploading the file
    startUrl String A url that takes a GET request that should be visited first before uploading the file
    fileField String file The name of the html field for the file that is being submitted
    usernameField String username When using a loginUrl, this is the name of the html field that contains the username to use to authenticate
    passwordField String password When using a loginUrl, this is the name of the html field that contains the password to use to authenticate
    csrfTokenCookie String The name of a cookie that contains a csrf token that needs to be included when submitting the file. This is used either with a startUrl or loginUrl in order to obtain the csrf token.
    csrfTokenInputField String The name of a html input element that contains a csrf token that needs to be included when submitting the file. This is used either with a startUrl or loginUrl in order to obtain the csrf token.
    csrfTokenOutputField String The name of a html field that contains a csrf token when submitting the file
    staticFields Array of objects An array of key-value pairs representing fields that contain static data that should be included when submitting the file. The keys are the html field names and values are the field values e.g. "staticFields": [{"field1": "value1"}, {"field2": "value2"}].

    Amazon S3 - AWS SDK Options

    For Amazon S3 - AWS SDK destinations, the following options are available.

    Attribute Data Type Default Description
    region String us-east-1 The region that will process the requests. This is not necessarily the region where the bucket is located. You can set a region near where the ART server is in order to get faster operation. See the s3 regions documentation for a list of possible region values.
    cannedAcl String A canned acl that should be applied to the uploaded file. The possible strings are as per the CannedAccessControlList class i.e. either AuthenticatedRead, AwsExecRead, BucketOwnerFullControl, BucketOwnerRead, LogDeliveryWrite, Private, PublicRead or PublicReadWrite. See the canned acl documentation for more details about canned acl options.

    SMTP Servers

    You can configure smtp servers to be used by individual jobs. You may want a job to use a different smtp server from the one configured in the Settings page.

    Use the Configure | SMTP Servers menu to manage smtp server configurations. When adding an smtp server, the following fields are available.

    Field Comment
    ID An auto-generated ID used to identify the smtp server configuration
    Name A name for the smtp server configuration
    Description A description for the smtp server configuration
    Active Whether this configuration is active or not. If it is not active, jobs that use this smtp server will not send emails.
    Server The IP address or host name of the smtp server
    Port The smtp port to use
    Use StartTLS Whether to use STARTTLS when connecting to the server
    Use SMTP Authentication Whether to use a username and password when connecting to the smtp server
    Use Google OAuth2 Whether to use OAuth when using a Gmail smtp server
    Username The username to use to connect to the smtp server, typically an email address on the server
    Password The password to use to connect to the smtp server
    OAuth Client ID When using OAuth, the Client ID
    OAuth Client Secret When using OAuth, the Client Secret
    OAuth Refresh Token When using OAuth, the Refresh Token
    From The "From" email address for jobs that will use this smtp configuration. This can be left blank in which case individual "From" email addresses specified within jobs will be used.

    Using Gmail

    When using Gmail as an smtp server, specify as the server, 587 as the port, enable Use StartTLS and enable Use SMTP Authentication. You have two options for specifying the credentials to use.

    Using username and password

    You can specify the email address in the username field and the email account password in the password field. In order for the connection to be successful, you'll need to change the security settings for the account to enable the Allow less secure apps option. Some resources on how to do this include the following.

    If you don't enable Allow less secure apps and you use the username and password to connect, you will get an error like javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted.

    Using OAuth

    Instead of using the username and password for the gmail account, you can configure the account to allow use of OAuth when sending emails. You can follow the instructions in this article to guide you on creating the OAuth Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token that will be required in the configuration. Important to note that the scope to be used when creating the tokens is, as per the Google documentation. Note also that you will still need to put the gmail email address in the Username field.


    • Some antivirus programs may block java applications from sending emails. If you get Connection refused errors, you can try and temporarily disable the antivirus program on the server and see if the connection will be successful. If so, find out how to add exceptions in the antivirus program and add an exception for the java.exe file in use. For Avast Antivirus, you may need to turn off the Scan outbound emails(SMTP) option in the Mail Shield.

    Cached Results

    ART can be used to reverse query results from a datasource to the same or a different datasource.
    This allows administrators to:

    • Group data to summary tables, creating a data mart from which to develop other reports
    • Create Data-Transformation-Load procedures (DTL) to feed other systems

    One typical usage is when a large dataset would create performance issues if queried directly by end users. If the underlying data can be grouped - for instance on a monthly basis - a Cached Result job can summarize the information and then fast-performing queries can be created to analyse the summarized data.

    Create a new Cached Result

    In order to cache the results of an existing report:

    • Schedule a job for the report
    • In the Add Job screen among the Job Type items, the following items appear for administrators:
      • Cache ResultSet (Append)
      • Cache ResultSet (Delete & Insert)
    • In the Cached Datasource field, select the datasource where to reverse the data (note: the datasource must be writeable i.e. the datasource user should have UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT/CREATE TABLE rights on the target database table)
    • In the Cached Table Name field, enter the name of the table in the target datasource that will contain the data
    • Schedule the timing when the action should take place, like any other job

    Accessing a Cached Result

    At the given time ART will:

    • Run the query
    • Connect to the datasource where to reverse the results
      • The Cached Table is created in the selected datasource (if the table doesn't exist). The column names will match with the query column names. Blanks or other special charaters in the names are replaced with "_".
      • The table content is deleted if the option Cache ResultSet (Delete & Insert) was selected
    • Reverse all the query results in the new table

    A cached table is just a normal table in the database. Details about the columns names are available in the Jobs page.


    • The Cached Table is removed when the job is deleted. However if the job is edited and the table name changed, the previous table is maintained.
    • No indexes are created on top of the Cached Table. For large datasets to be queried, it is suggested to manually create indexes once the table is created. Since the table is not dropped/recreated at each Job execution the indexes will persist.
    • Basic columns types (integer, varchar, date, etc) can be properly reversed. BLOB, CLOB or other database specific non-standard data types have not been tested and will likely generate errors.

    Dynamic Recipients

    Dynamic recipients allows you to email report results to a dynamic list of people. This may be useful where the recipients may change from day to day or week to week e.g. sending an email to staff who are low on their targets. It may also be useful to send filtered report results e.g. send to managers only the sales for their branch.

    Using the dynamic recipients feature will involve the following process

    • Create the main report with the data to be sent to the desired recipients
    • Create a report of type Dynamic Job Recipients that will contain details of the recipients, including their email addresses
    • Schedule a job for the main report and select the dynamic recipients report you created in the Dynamic Recipients field

    There are several ways to use dynamic recipients.

    Dynamic Recipients only

    If you want all the recipients to get the same data and the same email message, then define a dynamic recipients report with only one column. This column should contain the email addresses of the recipients. The name of the column doesn't matter. Example:

        SELECT email
        FROM employee

    Dynamic Recipients + Personalization

    If you want all the recipients to get the same data, but you would like some personalization of the email message e.g. having a greeting like Dear John instead of Dear Employee, then define a dynamic recipients report where the first column contains the recipient email addresses, and any additional columns that you would like to use in the email message e.g.

        SELECT email, first_name, other_name last_name, order_count
        FROM employee, orders

    When defining the job for your data query, in the email message section, you can then use column labels as placeholders where personalized details will be put. The labels consist of column names from the recipients report surrounded by # signs e.g. you can have a message like

        Dear #first_name# #last_name#
        You are now at #order_count# orders, which is below the target of 100.

    Each person in the dynamic recipients report list will get a personalized email with the column labels substituted with his values.

    Dynamic Recipients + Filtering

    If you want the recipients to get different data, you will define a dynamic recipients report where the first column contains the recipient email addresses, any additional columns with personalization information if you want, and 2 other special, hard coded columns named recipient_column and recipient_id. These will be used to filter the data query. i.e. WHERE <recipient_column> = <recipient_id>. The main, data query will also need to have a special, hard coded label, #recipient#, in the where clause.

    If the values in the recipient_id column are numbers, include an additional hard coded column named recipient_id_type, with the value of this column being the string "number". You can include columns named open_password and modify_password to contain dynamic passwords that should be used for the dynamic output if using xlsx or pdf report formats.

    If we want to email users only transactions that they created, our data query can be something like

        SELECT *
        FROM transactions
        WHERE transaction_date = CURDATE()
        AND #recipient#

    We can then define a dynamic recipients query like

        SELECT email, "transaction_user" recipient_column, employee_id recipient_id, "number" recipient_id_type
        FROM employee

    This will cause the #recipient# placeholder in the data query to be replaced with the condition transaction_user = <employee_id>, where <employee_id> will be different for each recipient, as per the dynamic recipients query. We can then schedule a job for the main report and set the Dynamic Recipients field to the dynamic recipients report, and all the recipients will get a separate email with their specific data only.

    If we also want to include personalization fields in the email message body, we can add these to the dynamic recipients query e.g

        SELECT email, "transaction_user" recipient_column, employee_id recipient_id, "number" recipient_id_type, first_name
        FROM employee

    and then we can include the personalization placeholders in the email message field as desired.


    • With the personalization and filtering options, you can include columns with the name email_cc, email_bcc or email_reply_to to specify email addresses that should be included in the cc, bcc or reply-to fields of the email sent.
    • Email address columns can have multiple email addresses separated by ,


    A pipeline is a definition of jobs that should be run in a particular order. Use the Configure | Pipelines menu to configure pipelines.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generate ID used to identify the pipeline
    Name A name for the pipeline
    Description A description for the pipeline
    Serial Jobs A comma separated list of job ids that should be run in the order given. You can use all to specify that all jobs should be run. You can also specify jobs that use a given schedule by using the syntax schedule:<schedule name or id> e.g. schedule: daily. You can also use + after a job id to indicate running of all jobs from that id to the last e.g. 13+. You can also use - to specify job ranges e.g. 1-5. You can specify jobs whose report belongs to a certain report group by using the syntax reportGroup:<report group name or id> e.g. reportGroup: test. You can specify multiple report groups by separating them with ; e.g. reportGroup: test;admin.
    Continue On Error For Serial jobs, whether the next jobs should be run if the current one encounters an error
    Parallel Jobs A comma separated list of job ids that can be run in parallel. The definition is similar to that for the serial field.
    Duration (Mins) For Parallel jobs, the duration in minutes in which the jobs should run
    End Time For Parallel jobs, the time that the job runs should end. Will be applied if Duration is not set.
    Per Minute For Parallel jobs, the number of jobs to be run per minute. Will be applied if Duration and End Time fields are not set.
    Schedule A schedule on which the pipeline will run
    Start Condition A condition to be satisfied before a scheduled pipeline is run
    Error Notification Email An email address that should be notified if an error occurs while running the pipeline. Multiple email addresses can be specified separated by commas. The SMTP server used is that configured in the Settings page. Only a single email will be sent at the end of the pipeline containing all the errors of different jobs in the pipeline.

    You can initiate running of a given pipeline id by running a command like the following on the command line. You would need to add "runPipeline" to the allowedCommandUrls option in the art-custom-settings.json file.

    curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&id=5" http://localhost:8080/art/runPipeline

    Start Conditions

    A start condition is a definition of a condition to be checked before a scheduled job or pipeline runs. Use the Configure | Start Conditions menu to configure start conditions.

    Field Description
    ID An auto-generate ID used to identify the start condition
    Name A name for the start condition
    Description A description for the start condition
    Retry Delay (Mins) The amount of time to wait in minutes if the condition is not fulfilled, before making the next try
    Retry Attempts The number of times to retry the condition
    Condition The condition to check for before running the job or pipeline. This could either be an integer representing a report id, or groovy code which would return true or false. For a report id, the first column of the result needs to be an integer and if it's greater than 0, then the condition will be considered as fulfilled and the job will run. For groovy code, if the return result is true, then the condition will be considered as fulfilled and the job will run. If the condition is not fulfilled, it will be tried again after the delay interval. After the retry attempts are exhausted and the condition is still false, the job or pipeline will not be run.

    Record Migration

    You can export records from your art instance and import them into another art instance, or re-import them to your instance at a later date.


    To export records,

    • Use the Configure | Export Records menu, or go to the configuration page of the type of record you would like to export and use the Export or Export All buttons. The Export All button will export all records of the given type, while the Export button will export selected records.
    • Select the Record Type if not already selected. The All option will export all record types.
    • The IDs field contains a comma separated list of ids of records to export. If blank, all records of the given type will be exported.
    • Select the Location to export to
    • If exporting to File, also select the Format of the generated file
    • Alternatively, you can export directly to another art instance by selecting the Datasource location and selecting that instance's datasource in the Datasource field. You would need to have created a datasource that points to the art database for the target instance. Also note that Datasource export will not include template files associated with the objects. This may affect objects like reports, encryptors, parameters and these template files would need to be manually copied from the source instance to the destination instance. Also for Datasource export, if the useCache custom setting is enabled, you will need to use the Clear All cache option on the target instance or wait for about 10 minutes to ensure the exported records are properly recognized.
    • Click on the Export button to generate the export file or start the direct export to the selected datasource. Some export files may be generated as zip files depending on additional files that may be included in the export.
    • Export files are stored in the WEB-INF\work\export\records directory

    You can automate export of all records by running a command like the following on the command line.

    curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&recordType=All" http://localhost:8080/art/exportRecords


    To import records,

    • Use the Configure | Import Records menu, or go to the configuration page of the type of record you would like to import and click on the Import button
    • Select the Record Type if not already selected. For the All option or if no record type is selected, the file names will be used to determine the type of record i.e. files starting with art-export- followed by the record type e.g. art-export-Datasources.json, art-export-Datasources(1).json, art-export-Datasources-22 Nov 2022.json.
    • Select the File to import. This will be a file from a previous export, and multiple files can be selected. Importing from an export file of a previous art version may be successful, or may import partially or with errors depending on changes that have happened between versions.
    • The IDs field contains a comma separated list of ids to import. If blank, all records in the given file will be imported.
    • The Existing Records field determines how to handle existing records, whether to skip, overwrite or attempt to insert records with the same name
    • The Use Export ID field determines if the import should use ids in the export file for inserted records
    • Click on the Import button to perform the import.
    • After the import is done, check the art logs for any "File not overwritten" messages, to see if you need to take any extra action.

    Integrated Windows Authentication

    ART uses the spnego library available at to provide Integrated Windows Authentication functionality. These instructions are largely based on the documentation found on that project's website.


    You need to have at least 3 separate machines as follows

    • Active Directory server (or other KDC server)
    • Application server (a different machine where the application server e.g. Tomcat is installed)
    • Client machine(s) (from where you'll access ART)

    On the Active Directory server

    • Create a user in AD to be used for authentication purposes. This user doesn't need to have access to log in to computers. e.g. a user named spnego. Set the password to never expire
    • Create spns that point to the application server/spnego user combination using the setspn command. Use syntax like below

      setspn -A HTTP/app-server spnego
      setspn -A HTTP/app-server.domainname spnego

    Replace app-server with the appropriate machine name of the application server, with the domain name and spnego with the username of the domain account to be used for spnego access. If you'll also be accessing the web application on the application server via ip address e.g., also create spns for the ip address. Examples

        setspn -A HTTP/app-server spnego
        setspn -A HTTP/ spnego
        setspn -A HTTP/ spnego
        setspn -A HTTP/ spnego

    On the Application server

    • Create a file in the ART_HOME\WEB-INF directory named login.conf with the following details

      spnego-client {
      spnego-server {
    • Create a file in the ART_HOME\WEB-INF directory named krb5.conf with the following details. Replace MY.DOMAIN.COM with your domain name. For the kdc parameter, use the fully qualified domain name of the AD server.

          default_realm = MY.DOMAIN.COM
          default_tkt_enctypes = aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
          default_tgs_enctypes = aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
          permitted_enctypes   = aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
          MY.DOMAIN.COM  = {
              kdc =
              default_domain = MY.DOMAIN.COM 
    • Edit the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\web.xml file and add a filter as below. Replace the spnego.preauth.username and spnego.preauth.password parameter values with the details of the domain account created to enable spnego access. Replace the spnego.krb5.conf and spnego.login.conf parameter values with the full path of the respective files. Leave all the other parameters as they are. The spnego filter mapping must come before other filter mapping elements.


    On the client machine

    • The Default Authentication Method for ART needs to have been set to Auto (done in the Settings page)
    • Login to a client machine using a domain account
    • Access the ART home page as usual

    Omitting the credentials box

    • Firefox
      By default, firefox will still display a credentials box requiring a user to enter their domain username and password. To avoid this, do the following

      • In the address bar, type about:config
      • In the filter box, type network.negotiate
      • Double click on the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris option and enter the url of the application server (excluding the http part and including port number if not port 80) e.g. app-server:8080

      If the credentials box is still displayed, set the following options in a similar way

      • network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris
      • network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris

    • IE
      For IE, the credentials box may be displayed if you access the web application using an ip address. To avoid this, do the following

      • Under internet options, security, local intranet, sites, click on advanced and add the url to the application server e.g.

    Using a keytab file

    Instead of having the spnego username and password in plain text in the web.xml file, you can use a keytab file to hold these credentials. Take the following steps on the application server

    • Stop tomcat
    • Copy the file ART_HOME\WEB-INF\krb5.conf to the windows directory e.g. C:\windows
    • Rename the file to krb5.ini
    • Open a command prompt window, cd to the ART_HOME\WEB-INF directory and type a command with syntax like the following

      ktab -a <spnego user> <spnego password> -k <file name>


        ktab -a spnego spnego -k art.keytab
    • Edit the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\login.conf file to have contents like the following. Set the full path to the keytab file and the spnego username (principal) as per your configuration

      spnego-client {
      spnego-server {
    • Edit the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\web.xml file. Make the spnego.preauth.username and spnego.preauth.password parameters blank. i.e.

    • Restart tomcat

    You should have integrated authentication as before

    Changing the spnego user

    If you need to change the AD user used to enable spnego access, first delete the spns associated with the application server and then create new ones for the desired user. An spn for a given server can only refer to a single user. To delete the spns, you can use syntax similar to the following

        setspn -D HTTP/app-server spnego
        setspn -D HTTP/ spnego

    CAS Authentication

    To use CAS authentication, edit the web.xml file and uncomment the items in the CAS configuration section, providing appropriate urls for the CAS server and for ART.

    Also, from the Settings page, set the Default Authentication Method for ART to CAS and set the CAS Logout URL to enable users to log out of CAS after logging out of ART.


    A REST API is provided to facilitate interacting with some aspects of ART in a programmatic fashion, as opposed to using the browser. Documentation of rest endpoints is available from within the application by using the View | API menu.

    Base URL

    The base URL for all api calls is /art/api/


    Calls to the api will result in responses that contain an ApiResponse object in the response body. This object has the following fields.

    Field Data Type Description
    httpStatus Integer The HTTP status code of the response
    artStatus String An indication of the status of the action. OK means that the operation was successful, ERROR indicates a server or HTTP error, and other values indicate that the operation was not done due to some kind of problem.
    message String A descriptive message e.g. indicating the problem with a request
    data Object Data relevant for the response

    HTTP Statuses

    The following HTTP statuses are used.

    Status Description
    200 The operation was successful
    201 An add operation was successful. The Location header will contain the url of the newly created resource.
    400 There was an invalid value in the request
    401 No authorization details were provided or authorization could not be granted given the credentials presented
    409 A delete could not be performed because related records exist or a new record could not be added because a similar record already exists
    500 An error occurred while performing the request

    ART Statuses

    The artStatus field of the ApiResponse can have a number of values as below.

    Status Description
    OK The operation was successful
    ERROR There was a server or HTTP error
    AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED There was no Authorization header in the request. Calls to the /api/login endpoint don't require an Authorization header. All other endpoints require this header.
    UNAUTHORIZED The operation could not be performed because authorization is not available. This may mean that the user whose credentials have been supplied does not exist, is disabled or doesn't have the use_api permission. It may also mean that token based authentication is not configured i.e. the jwtSecret field in the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file has not been set.
    RECORD_NOT_FOUND The referenced record doesn't exist e.g. if trying to retrieve a user's details using the /api/users/{id} endpoint.
    LINKED_RECORDS_EXIST Indicates that a delete operation could not be performed because some related records exist e.g. you can't delete a user if that user is the owner of some jobs.
    RECORD_EXISTS Indicates that an add operation could not be performed because a similar record already exists e.g. if trying to add a user but another user with the same username already exists.
    INVALID_VALUE Indicates that some value provided in the request body is not appropriate e.g. trying to add a user with an empty username.


    All calls to the api must contain authentication information. This is contained in the Authorization HTTP header. API authentication always uses the Internal authentication method even though ART may be configured to use other authentication methods.

    Basic Authentication

    One can use the HTTP Basic authentication method to provide authentication credentials where the Authorization header contains the username and password encoded in base 64 format i.e. Authorization: Basic <base 64 credentials>

    Bearer Authentication

    One can also obtain a token from the application and supply that with subsequent api calls. The jwtSecret in the WEB-INF\art-custom-settings.json file must have been set to a non-blank string. To obtain a token, perform a POST to the /api/login endpoint providing username and password form parameters. If authenticated, you will receive a response that contains an access token. This token should then be provided in the Authorization header using the Bearer scheme i.e. Authorization: Bearer <token>. By default, tokens expire after 60 minutes. This can be changed from the Settings page using the JWT Token Expiry (Mins) field.



    If using bearer authentication, you obtain an access token by performing the following request, passing username and password form parameters

        POST /api/login


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "accessToken": "<token>"

    In case the jwtSecret is not set, or the user provided doesn't exist or is disabled or doesn't have the use_api permission, a 401 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 401,
            "artStatus": "UNAUTHORIZED",
            "message": null,
            "data": null


    Getting all users


        GET /api/users


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": [
                    "userId": 24,
                    <other fields>

    Getting a particular user


    Get by user id

        GET /api/users/{id}

    Get by username

        GET /api/users/username/{username}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userId": 1,
                <other fields>

    In case the user doesn't exist, a 404 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 404,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Deleting a user


        DELETE /api/users/{id}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    In case related records exist, a 409 response like the following would be returned. The data attribute would contain a list of strings which represent the jobs that the user owns.

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "LINKED_RECORDS_EXIST",
            "message": "User not deleted because linked jobs exist",
            "data": [
                "A report (5)",
                "Pie (8)",

    Adding a user


        POST /api/users
                "username": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a user object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the User object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\user\ file. If using a clear text password, include the clearTextPassword field and set it to true.


    If successful, a 201 response like the following would be returned. The Location header in the response will contain the url for the newly created user. The created user is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 201,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userId": 41,
                <other fields>

    If the username is not provided or is blank, a 400 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 400,
            "artStatus": "INVALID_VALUE",
            "message": "username field not provided or blank",
            "data": null

    If a user with the supplied username already exists, a 409 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_EXISTS",
            "message": "A user with the given username already exists",
            "data": null

    Updating a user


        PUT /api/users/{id}
                "username": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a user object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the User object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\user\ file. If using a clear text password, include the clearTextPassword field and set it to true.


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned. The updated user is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userId": 12,
                <other fields>

    Disabling a user


        POST /api/users/{id}/disable


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Enabling a user


        POST /api/users/{id}/enable


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null


    Getting all reports


        GET /api/reports


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": [
                    "reportId": 15,
                    <other fields>

    Getting a particular report


    Get by id

        GET /api/reports/{id}

    Get by name

        GET /api/reports/name/{name}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "reportId": 1,
                <other fields>

    In case the report doesn't exist, a 404 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 404,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Deleting a report


        DELETE /api/reports/{id}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    In case related records exist, a 409 response like the following would be returned. The data attribute would contain a list of strings which represent the jobs that use the report.

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "LINKED_RECORDS_EXIST",
            "message": "Report not deleted because linked jobs exist",
            "data": [
                "A report (5)",
                "Pie (8)",

    Adding a report


        POST /api/reports
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a report object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the Report object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\report\ file.


    If successful, a 201 response like the following would be returned. The Location header in the response will contain the url for the newly created report. The created report is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 201,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "reportId": 41,
                <other fields>

    If the name is not provided or is blank, a 400 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 400,
            "artStatus": "INVALID_VALUE",
            "message": "name field not provided or blank",
            "data": null

    If a report with the supplied name already exists, a 409 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_EXISTS",
            "message": "A report with the given name already exists",
            "data": null

    Updating a report


        PUT /api/reports/{id}
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a report object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the Report object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\report\ file.


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned. The updated report is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "reportId": 12,
                <other fields>

    Disabling a report


        POST /api/reports/{id}/disable


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Enabling a report


        POST /api/reports/{id}/enable


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Running a report


        POST /api/reports/run

    As part of the request, form parameters need to be included to provide parameters to be used to run the report, similar to running a report via url in the browser. The reportId parameter is mandatory in order to specify which report to run e.g. .../api/reports/run?reportId=1. Html report formats are not supported when running a report via api.


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "fileName": "report1-2019_06_20-10_50_52_700-WP985-1-0.pdf",
                "url": "http://localhost:8080/art/export/reports/report1-2019_06_20-10_50_52_700-WP985-1-0.pdf",
                "rowsRetrieved": 12,
                "rowsUpdated": null

    If the report is not found, a 404 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 404,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    If a html report format is specified, a 400 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 400,
            "artStatus": "INVALID_VALUE",
            "message": "report format not allowed: html",
            "data": null

    User Groups

    Getting all user groups


        GET /api/user-groups


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": [
                    "userGroupId": 4,
                    <other fields>

    Getting a particular user group


    Get by id

        GET /api/user-groups/{id}

    Get by name

        GET /api/user-groups/name/{name}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userGroupId": 1,
                <other fields>

    In case the user group doesn't exist, a 404 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 404,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Deleting a user group


        DELETE /api/user-groups/{id}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    In case related records exist, a 409 response like the following would be returned. The data attribute would contain a list of strings which represent the users that the user group contains.

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "LINKED_RECORDS_EXIST",
            "message": "User Group not deleted because linked users exist",
            "data": [

    Adding a user group


        POST /api/user-groups
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a user group object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the UserGroup object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\usergroup\ file.


    If successful, a 201 response like the following would be returned. The Location header in the response will contain the url for the newly created user group. The created user group is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 201,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userGroupId": 5,
                <other fields>

    If the name is not provided or is blank, a 400 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 400,
            "artStatus": "INVALID_VALUE",
            "message": "name field not provided or blank",
            "data": null

    If a user group with the supplied name already exists, a 409 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_EXISTS",
            "message": "A user group with the given name already exists",
            "data": null

    Updating a user group


        PUT /api/user-groups/{id}
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a user group object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the UserGroup object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\usergroup\ file.


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned. The updated user group is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "userGroupId": 10,
                <other fields>


    Getting all jobs


        GET /api/jobs


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": [
                    "jobId": 8,
                    <other fields>

    Getting a particular job


        GET /api/jobs/{id}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "jobId": 1,
                <other fields>

    In case the job doesn't exist, a 404 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 404,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Deleting a job


        DELETE /api/jobs/{id}


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": null

    Adding a job


        POST /api/jobs
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a job object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the Job object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\job\ file.


    If successful, a 201 response like the following would be returned. The Location header in the response will contain the url for the newly created job. The created job is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 201,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "jobId": 7,
                <other fields>

    If the name is not provided or is blank, a 400 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 400,
            "artStatus": "INVALID_VALUE",
            "message": "name field not provided or blank",
            "data": null

    If a job with the supplied name already exists, a 409 response like the following would be returned

            "httpStatus": 409,
            "artStatus": "RECORD_EXISTS",
            "message": "A job with the given name already exists",
            "data": null

    Updating a job


        PUT /api/jobs/{id}
                "name": "test",
                <other fields>

    The request body should contain a job object. You can use JSON format and set the Content-Type header to application/json. For the applicable field names of the Job object, you can look at the WEB-INF\classes\art\job\ file.


    If successful, a 200 response like the following would be returned. The updated job is included in the response.

            "httpStatus": 200,
            "artStatus": "OK",
            "message": null,
            "data": {
                "jobId": 6,
                <other fields>


    ART uses the Logback library for application logging. By default, application logging is done to standard output and includes logging on errors, warnings and information messages. The location of the logs or the amount of logging generated can be modified by making appropriate configuration changes to the WEB-INF\classes\logback.xml file. Changes made to the logging configuration e.g. changing certain logging levels from "info" to "debug" automatically take effect after the configured scanPeriod. Scan period values can be specified as milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours. See for more details.

    In addition to being available on the application server's standard output log files, e.g stdout.log or catalina.log on Tomcat, application logs can also be viewed from within ART. This means that you don't need to have access to the application server machine in order to view application logs.

    Application logs can be viewed from the View | Logs menu. New logs are added to the bottom and you'll need to refresh the page to view them. Also note that this page doesn't display all the logs ever generated by the application, only the most recent ones.

    Configuring Loggers

    To add or modify logging for a particular class or package, you can modify the logback.xml file and add the logger there or alternatively, use the Configure | Loggers menu to add the logger. Loggers added from the application interface will be lost when the application is restarted.

    SQL Logging

    You can set up logging for the sql that is generated when reports are run, e.g. to see the final sql generated, or to see how long queries take to execute. ART uses the log4jdbc-log4j2 library to enable such logging. Take the following steps to configure sql logging.

    • Select the Configure | Datasources menu and Edit the datasource you're interested in
    • Select SQL Logging in the Database Type field. This will set the JDBC Driver and JDBC fields appropriately for sql logging. Alternatively, you can set the values manually as follows. Set the JDBC Driver field to net.sf.log4jdbc.sql.jdbcapi.DriverSpy and modify the JDBC URL field by prepending jdbc:log4 to the existing url, e.g. resulting in a url like jdbc:log4jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb
    • Save the datasource details
    • Modify the WEB-INF\classes\logback.xml file and add loggers for the items you are interested in e.g.

      <logger name="jdbc.sqltiming" level="info"/>
    • The available loggers and what events they log can be found on the log4jdbc-log4j2 project home page, ART uses the SLF4J configuration.

    • That's all. The logging information will now be included in the application logs when queries are run against that datasource.

    Tomcat Configuration

    Memory options

    If you are using Tomcat as the application server, there are some configuration items you can set to improve performance. This is mainly setting Tomcat to run in server mode and increasing the amount of memory available to Tomcat e.g. so that jobs don't run out of memory.


    If Tomcat was installed as a service

    • Run the TOMCAT_HOME\bin\tomcat8w.exe (or similar file for your Tomcat version). This may need to be run as administrator.
    • In the Java tab, in the Java Virtual Machine section, set Tomcat to run in server mode by changing the jvm.dll to the one in the JDK e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\server\jvm.dll
    • Increase the amount of memory available to Tomcat by setting a value in the Maximum memory pool textbox e.g. 1024 (this value shouldn't be very large compared to the total amount of memory available on the machine, otherwise the operating system and other applications may be starved of RAM)


    • The "service user account" configured to start and stop the Tomcat service needs to have appropriate permissions, otherwise you may get errors when accessing ART. In particular, ART requires write access to the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\work, ART_HOME\js-templates and ART_HOME\WEB-INF\thymeleaf directories.

    If Tomcat is run from a batch file

    • Create a file named setenv.bat in the TOMCAT_HOME\bin directory (or edit it if it exists) and set the configuration options in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable e.g.

      set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx1024m


    Create a file named in the TOMCAT_HOME/bin directory (or edit it if it exists) and set the configuration options in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable e.g.

        export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx512m"

    Accessing Tomcat via Apache

    You can use the Apache HTTP Server as a front end to your application that resides on Tomcat. This can be done for a number of reasons, including clustering or enabling access to the application from a more familiar url.

    There are a number of ways to run Tomcat behind Apache.

    Using mod_proxy

    • Ensure the following lines in your Apache httpd.conf file are uncommented

      LoadModule proxy_module modules/
      LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
    • Add an item at the end of the httpd.conf file to indicate how ART will be accessed by users and how Apache will communicate with Tomcat e.g

      ProxyPass /art http://localhost:8080/art
      ProxyPassReverse /art http://localhost:8080/art

    That's it. Start Apache and Tomcat (the order of starting and stopping doesn't matter), and now you can access ART from the url localhost/art (i.e <apache-server>/art).

    Using mod_proxy_ajp

    If you have Apache 2.2 and above, you can use mod_proxy_ajp

    • Ensure the following lines in your Apache httpd.conf file are uncommented

      LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
      LoadModule proxy_module modules/
      LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
    • Ensure you have an AJP connector defined in the TOMCAT_HOME\conf\server.xml file e.g.

      <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
    • Add an item at the end of the httpd.conf file to indicate how ART will be accessed by users and how Apache will communicate with Tomcat e.g

      ProxyPass /art ajp://localhost:8009/art
      ProxyPassReverse /art ajp://localhost:8009/art
    • Note that this definition uses the ajp protocol and port 8009, which is the port defined for the AJP connector in Tomcat's server.xml

    That's it. Start Apache and Tomcat (the order of starting and stopping doesn't matter), and now you can access ART from the url localhost/art (i.e <apache-server>/art).

    Using mod_jk

    If you need more powerful proxying features, you can download, configure and use the mod_jk connector. This is slightly more involving than the other two methods already mentioned and you can use the instructions available at to get it working.


    • For Ubuntu/Debian, instead of using LoadModule to enable the modules, use a2enmod from the command line, e.g.

      a2enmod proxy_ajp
      a2enmod proxy
      a2enmod proxy_http
    • Also for Ubuntu/Debian, add the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse items to the apache2.conf file instead of httpd.conf.

    Customizing ART

    You can customize ART to fit your needs.

    Using live files

    You can customize or update ART files directly on the application server where ART is deployed. This may be especially useful for minor changes.

    Setting up Apache Ant

    If you are going to customize the application source code, you may want to setup Apache Ant to make compiling your changes easier. To do this, take the following steps

    • Download the Apache Ant zip package from
    • Extract the zip file to C:\, or other directory of your choice. A new directory will be created e.g. C:\apache-ant-1.8.1
    • Add the Ant bin directory to the PATH environment variable e.g. C:\apache-ant-1.8.1\bin

    Customizing java files

    Java source files are contained in sub directories under the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\classes\art directory. To make customizations to these files, take the following steps.

    • Configure Ant as described above
    • Make changes to the desired .java files
    • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\art directory
    • Type the command ant compile
    • The modified .java files will be recompiled
    • Reload the ART application using the Tomcat Application Manager, or restart tomcat
    • The application will now use the modified source code

    Customizing jsp files

    JSP files can be modified and results immediately viewable when the relevant page is refreshed. If you don't see the expected changes when you refresh the page, the page displayed may be a cached copy. You may need to clear the application server cache and the browser cache to ensure the page is refreshed. If using Tomcat, you can clear the tomcat cache by deleting the TOMCAT_HOME\work\Catalina\localhost\art directory. If using Firefox, you can clear the browser cache from the History | Clear Recent History menu.

    Customizing other files

    Other files that affect how ART works can also be modified. Examples include

    • ART_HOME\WEB-INF\classes\ - Change quartz configuration items e.g. number of threads
    • ART_HOME\WEB-INF\classes\logback.xml - Change logging level for quartz or ART classes

    Updating jasperreports

    If you are using a version of Jaspersoft Studio that is different from the jasperreports version contained in ART, you may want to update the jasperreports version contained in ART to match your Jaspersoft Studio version. This may not be necessary, but would be useful if you encounter problems while running reports. Take the following steps to update the jasperreports library and template files.

    • Download the required jasperreports .jar from the jasperreports sourceforge page, e.g download the file jasperreports-5.0.1.jar from the JasperReports 5.0.1 folder.
    • Ensure Ant is set up as described above
    • Stop Tomcat
    • Backup the contents of the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\work\templates directory, where the jasperreport template files reside
    • Delete the jasperreports .jar file contained in the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\lib directory
    • Copy the just downloaded jasperreports .jar file to the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\lib directory
    • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the ART_HOME directory
    • Type the command ant clean-jasperreports
    • Type the command ant compile-jasperreports
    • Restart Tomcat

    Your reports should now work properly.

    Using Ant

    If you don't wish to modify the live files, e.g. you want to test the changes on a test server first, you can modify the files in another location and create an application .war file to deploy on your test environment.

    Using Ant without an IDE

    • Ensure Ant is set up as described above
    • Unzip the PACKAGE_PATH\art.war e.g. unzip to a new directory PACKAGE_PATH\art
    • Using a text editor, make modifications to the required files
    • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the PACKAGE_PATH\art directory
    • Type the command ant clean compile war
    • A new file named art.war will be created in the PACKAGE_PATH\art directory. Deploy this file to your desired application server.

    Using Ant with NetBeans

    Instead of using a text editor to make changes and Ant to compile and package the changes, you can use an IDE to do this. The following are sample steps using NetBeans 7.2.1.

    • Unzip the PACKAGE_PATH\art.war file e.g. unzip to a new directory PACKAGE_PATH\art. You can unzip the war file the same way as any zip file e.g. using 7zip.
    • Create a directory to hold NetBeans project files e.g. C:\MyNetBeansProjects\art
    • Open NetBeans
    • Select the File | New Project menu
    • Select the Java Web category and Web Application with Existing Sources project and click on the Next button
    • For the Location field, select the PACKAGE_PATH\art directory. For the Project Folder field, select the directory you created for this e.g. C:\MyNetBeansProjects\art. Click on the Next button.
    • Select the Server to use e.g. Apache Tomcat and Java EE version e.g. Java EE 7 Web. Click on the Next button.
    • The Existing Sources and Libaries dialog should be pre-populated correctly with the appropriate paths. Click on the Finish button. If prompted, choose to delete existing .class files.
    • Make changes to the files as appropriate
    • To test the changes, use the Run Project icon on the menu bar, or right click on the project in the Projects explorer and select Run.
    • To debug the code, set breakpoints as appropriate by clicking on the edge of the editor at the desired line of code and use the Debug Project icon on the menu bar or right click on the project and select Debug. If the debug process doesn't start with NetBeans indicating that it is waiting for tomcat to stop, open Task Manager and kill the java.exe process.
    • To generate a war file to deploy, right click on the project and select Clean and Build. The generated art.war file will be located in the C:\MyNetBeansProjects\art\dist directory. Deploy this file to your desired application server

    Using Maven

    You can take the following steps to modify ART source code, using Apache Maven as the build tool. ART source files with a maven structure will be found in the PACKAGE_PATH\src directory.

    • Install Maven
    • (Optional) Install a maven repository manager e.g. Sonatype Nexus. A repository manager is optional but greatly increases productivity.

    Using Maven without an IDE

    • Using a text editor, make modifications to the required files
    • Open a command prompt window and navigate to the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent directory
    • Type the command mvn clean package
    • A new file named art.war will be created in the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent\art\target directory. Deploy this file to your desired application server.

    Using Maven with NetBeans

    The following are sample steps using NetBeans 7.2.1.

    • Open NetBeans
    • Select the File | Open Project menu
    • Select the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent directory in the left hand panel, and click on the Open Required Projects box on the right hand panel. Click on the Open Project button.
    • Make changes to the files as appropriate
    • To test the changes, right click on the art project in the Projects explorer and select Run. Select the server on which to deploy the application and click on OK.
    • To generate a war file to deploy, right click on the Parent project and select Clean and Build. The generated art.war file will be located in the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent\art\target directory. Deploy this file to your desired application server

    Using Maven with Eclipse

    The following are sample steps using Eclipse Juno (4.2) SR2.

    • Download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers package
    • Unzip the package to your desired location e.g. C:\, to generate a C:\eclipse directory. Run the C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe file.
    • Ensure you have an internet connection
    • Select the Help | Eclipse Marketplace menu
    • On the Search tab, in the Find field, type maven and hit enter
    • Find the "Maven Integration for Eclipse" plugin (m2e by and click on the Install button
    • Once the plugin installs, go back to the Eclipse Marketplace and again type maven in the Find field and hit enter
    • Find the "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP" plugin (m2e-wtp by and click on the Install button.
    • Create a directory to hold eclipse workspace files e.g. C:\MyEclipseWorkspaces\art
    • In Eclipse, select the File | Switch Workspace | Other menu
    • Select the workspace folder you created e.g. C:\MyEclipseWorkspaces\art and click on OK. Wait for Eclipse to restart
    • Select the File | Import menu
    • Open the Maven group, select the Existing Maven Projects option and click on Next.
    • Set the Root Directory field to the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent directory. This should list the art-parent project, with the artdbcp, artmail and art projects beneath it. If the projects aren't retrieved, try to hit the enter key after typing the path in the root directory field. Ensure all the projects are selected and click on Next.
    • Click on Finish in the final screen.
    • Click on the Restore icon in the left most panel to have the project windows displayed on the screen and close the welcome page.
    • Make changes to the files as appropriate
    • Ensure you have a JDK installed
    • Select the Window | Preferences menu. Expand the Java group and select the Installed JREs option. In the right hand panel, select the default JRE and click on the Edit button. Set the JRE home field to a JDK folder e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20. Instead of editing the default JRE you can also use the Add button to add a new one and then check it as the default workspace JRE.
    • Right click on the art-parent project and select the Run As | Run Configurations menu. Select the Maven Build option, and then click on the New launch configuration icon at the top of the list. Give a Name to the configuration e.g. package and set the Base directory to the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent directory. In the Goals field, type clean package. In the JRE tab, ensure the JRE selected is the one defined earlier. Click on the Apply button. To generate a war file immediately, click on the Run button.
    • To test changes, set up a server. See . Convert the art webapp project to a Dymanic Web Module and run the application. See
    • To generate a war file to deploy, click on the drop down on the Run As icon in the menu bar, and select the configuration you created e.g. package. The generated art.war file will be located in the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent\art\target directory. Deploy this file to your desired application server

    Removing Database Drivers

    You may wish to exclude some files from the application, particularly files used by database drivers you may not be using. You can edit the PACKAGE_PATH\src\art-parent\art\pom.xml file, comment or remove any relevant drivers to exclude them, recompile the application as described above and deploy the updated art.war file.

    Translating ART

    You can translate ART so that the user interface is displayed in your language.


    ART has a translation project on the Crowdin platform. You can create an account on Crowdin and join the ART translation project at the following link. You can then translate online. If your language is not available, create a post on the ART sourceforge
    requesting for the new language to be added to the Crowdin project.


    • Download the latest ART package, unzip it and unzip the art.war file using any zip/unzip software. Get the file from the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\i18n directory and and make a copy of it, naming your new file in the format, where xx is the ISO 639-1 language code for your language. A List of these language codes can be found here. An example would be for Portuguese. If your language is written differently in different countries you can add the 2 letter country specifier to the file name so that you have a file name like for Brazilian Portuguese. You can find a list of country codes here.
    • Change all the text in your new properties file after the = signs to your language
    • If your language uses a non ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) character set (e.g. chinese, arabic, russian etc) name the file and then decode it to the ISO-8859-1 character set with UTF-8 escapes using the native2ascii tool that is available with your Java installation. An example command is as below.

      native2ascii -encoding utf-8
    • Once you have your translated properties file in the i18n folder, you can restart the application server to make the new translation available to the application, or wait for 1 hour after which the messages are refreshed.

    • Now you can log in to the application and include the lang=xx parameter in browser url to activate the new language e.g. http://localhost:8080/art/reports?lang=de
    • If you would like the new language to be listed for selection within the application e.g. on the login page, add the language code and the language name to the ART_HOME\WEB-INF\i18n\ file, save the file and restart the application server.
    • If in addition you would like this new translation to be included in future ART versions, create a post on the Help forum and attach the file there.
    • Just a note that the file is not the only one with strings to be translated, although it has the most commonly used strings.


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