
Barcode on PDF

ART Help
  • Jorge

    Jorge - 2021-09-29

    Hi there!

    I'm trying to generate a barcode in a pdf with XdocReport and Velocity with a docx template but the barcode image does not come up in the pdf. When I run the report as docx output, the barcode is generated successfully.

    Could you give me a hand on how to accomplish that please?


  • Jorge

    Jorge - 2021-09-30

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that the barcode is generated as follows with a DisplayBarcode Field:

    {DisplayBarcode $res.barcode CODE128 \h 900 \s 10 \t}


  • Jorge

    Jorge - 2021-10-04

    Hi there!

    I've seen some problems generating a barcode report with Velocity report type - word template - pdf output that I decided to change to Jasper report type and the problems have gone.

    I hope this could be useful for someone.



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