
Parameter Validation & Hide Save parameter button

ART Help
  • Sirichoke Kunnavatsuwan

    1. How can I do a parameter validation?
    2. How can I hide save parameter section?
  • Timothy Anyona

    Timothy Anyona - 2022-04-27

    There's currently no way to do parameter validation. Also, there's no way to hide the save parameter section, but you can modify the code to remove that section, \WEB-INF\jsp\selectReportParametersBody.jsp.

  • Timothy Anyona

    Timothy Anyona - 2022-04-27

    Could you give an indication of what you would like for parameter validation?

    • Sirichoke Kunnavatsuwan

      Date parameter, this type, users always entered the wrong format.
      Or can we disable direct input, just only click from drop down.

      • Timothy Anyona

        Timothy Anyona - 2022-05-09

        There'll be an option to disable input in the next version.

  • Fred

    Fred - 2022-04-28

    speaking of "select report parameter" page, which CSS file/class has to be modified to reduce paddings ? IMHO, there is too much waste space in thoses pages.


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