
Number of entries in grids

ART Help
Gerd S
  • Gerd S

    Gerd S - 2022-06-09


    is there a possibility to change the default number of entries in a grid? E.g. we'd like to have 20 reports per default on the reports page.
    Or even the best would be, if the last used setting will be reused (per user), so each user can choose his favourite.

    I know - there are a lot of grids in ART and changing this would be too much. But perhaps there is already a setting i have overseen.


  • Timothy Anyona

    Timothy Anyona - 2022-06-14

    There's no setting for this. For the home/reports page, you can modify the \WEB-INF\jsp\reports.jsp file. For others, you can modify the relevant jsp file or the art.js file.

  • Timothy Anyona

    Timothy Anyona - 2022-10-27

    The just released 6.16 version has a homeDtOptions setting that can be set in the Settings JSON to set a default page length for the reports table.


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