TCCSE - 2014-08-08

We updated to ARSperl 1.93, started using AR API version 6.3 rather than 5.1.2 and added "-lsnl" to the ARSperl Makefile.PL $ARS_LIBS in the section for 6.3.

That resulted in Perl segfaulting every time the module was run. After lots of testing and trying to diagnose why segfaults were occurring, we recompiled a separate instance of Perl-5.14.2 from source under /opt/ and removed the 64int option. Updating the shebang lines on all our Perl scripts that need the ARS module to redirect to the Perl version under /opt seems to have gotten things working again.

This looks to be resolved now. I've seen documentation elsewhere that indicates the module doesn't play nicely with 64-bit Perl, it would seem that even just 64-bit integers within Perl cause problems.