
Arshifi / News: Recent posts

Arshifi Pre-Alpha 0.3.12 and Pre-Alpha 0.5.1 Released

Arshifi Pre-Alpha 0.3.12 and Pre-Alpha 0.5.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of 0.3.12 and 0.5.1?
We have made the following enhancements in the 0.3.12 :
? Fixed tag count update error
? Fixed new document addition error (wrong image of document appeared)
? Document export now preliminary active
As for Pre-Alpha 0.5.1
? We have completed the Tag Browsing Algorithm, and this should be incorporated into the next pre-alpha release (0.5.2). Basically you only browse the contents of the database without much editing and manipulation
Areas for future work:
? Make it possible to add more than one document image to the program
? Enhance 'Document Details' dialog box
? Option to display tags non-weighted
? Change tag cloud and document thumbnails placement depending on window size... read more

Posted by Moutaz 2006-05-08

Code released for Arshifi pre-alpha 0.3

Code released for Arshifi pre-alpha 0.3, please supply feed back. Download @

PS. I discovered that I have forgotten to include one .bas file in the source, Will fix this shortly.

Posted by Moutaz 2006-04-15

New Web Site Design

You are invited to visit the new Arshifi Project Web Page. We have revamped it recenlty, it contains more information about what DMS systems are and how Arshifi is different. Check it out @

Posted by Moutaz 2006-04-15

Arshifi pre-alpha 0.3 released

Arshifi pre-alpha 0.3 released:

Please note that this is a pre-Alpha release. Please provide feedback. Some functionality working in this release: Browsing, adding and managing document scans, and managing tags. Functionalities to be added: Search enhanced and more streamlined code.
Any way I hope that you appriciate the fact that this is a very early version. Please provide advice on both idea, code, design, or any thing that you think will be an improvement.

Posted by Moutaz 2006-04-15

Arshifi pre-alpha released

Arshifi pre-alpha (working concept) is released:

This is only a test release. I am new to OSS development and I am catching up with the process as I go. Please provide advice.
An oss mantra says "release early, release often" so here we are. I wanted to wait untill I have an alpha version but here I am going public with a preliminary and bluky version.
Any way I hope that you appriciate the fact that this is a very early version. Please provide advice on both idea, code, design, or any thing that you think will be an improvement.
Thanx... read more

Posted by Moutaz 2006-03-30

Help wanted

Help and advice wanted on OSS development process. Please contribute at - 'Moutaz Meets OSS'-Thanx

Posted by Moutaz 2006-03-30

Developer Blog open

Arshifi Developer blog is now open. You can visit it at

Posted by Moutaz 2006-03-30