
ArpSite Content Management System / News: Recent posts

Arp.Site 3.0alpha

Next version of Arp.Site uses JDK 1.5 and will be moved to Tomcat 5.5, but still bundled (and may be used) with Tomcat 4.1.

Distributions and sources are available through "Files" page. Now project builded with Maven and published via SourceForge Maven plug-in.

Posted by Vladimirov Sergey 2004-12-11

Arp.Site 2.1 beta installed at MIPT server

30 minutes of work - all is ok :)

With any bugs -

Posted by Vladimirov Sergey 2004-08-11

Arp.Site 2.1 beta released

Beta version of Arp.Site 2.1 released. As has been described in roadmap, clustering moved to it's own subpoject (not still in distribution) and not lock thread anymore.
Locks and events is complete independent from each other.

Posted by Vladimirov Sergey 2004-08-10

Arp.Site 2.1 Roadmap

Arp.Site 2.1 roadmap has been produced. In future version:

- FR#1003920 - links to SourceForge in Sandbox
- FR#1004362, FR#1006407, FR#1006412 - improve events, locks and cluster support.
- FR#1006404 - mavenization.

- BF#1002489, BF#1003726 - bug fixes.

Posted by Vladimirov Sergey 2004-08-10

ArpSite at SourceForge

Arp.Site CMS now published on SourceForge - world leading open source project container. I hope, it will force project go forward, create more and more features.

Posted by Vladimirov Sergey 2004-08-03