
armidale - simplified web development / News: Recent posts

Armidale v0.9.5 released

Armidale is a set of Java programs and libraries used to radically simplify the development, deployment and use of web applications which have rich graphical user interfaces.

Armidale version 0.9.5 has been released.

Version 0.9.5 was originally intended to add a number of significant new features (SSL, Database wrappers etc. as detailed in the 'Feature Requests' section at These features will now be released in v0.9.6.... read more

Posted by Shayne R Flint 2002-04-10

Having problems on Windows?

Many windows users have been unable to start armidale applications. This is because of confusion over the use of '/' and '\' file separators in command lines such as 'java -jar -jar jars/armidale.jar'.

Version 0.9.5 has been released to remove this confusion by allowing the use of UNIX or Windows file separators on all platforms.

So, if you tried armidale on Windows, and failed to get anywhere, please download v0.9.5 and have another go.... read more

Posted by Shayne R Flint 2002-04-10

new demo - armidaleIMAGE

A new demo application, armidaleIMAGE, has been installed on the armidale server at arm:// It can also be started from a link on the Home application (ie. arm://

The aim of armidaleIMAGE is to demonstrate the download and caching of image sets. It displays thumb nails of a set of images stored on a server's armidale file system. Users can display full images in new windows by clicking the thumb nails.... read more

Posted by Shayne R Flint 2002-04-01

Home application installed

A simple 'Home' applications has been installed on the armidale server. It can be accessed using the URL arm://

Posted by Shayne R Flint 2002-03-31

Developers and Testers wanted

If you are interested in working on the armidale project, please drop me a line here or at


Posted by Shayne R Flint 2002-03-27