
Armagedōn-LOIC / Blog: Recent posts

Armagedōn2 Released!

This is what we have been working on since December, its a new, faster, stronger and lighter DDoSing client with a console window and many more features! Have a look:

Posted by TheArmagedōnTeam 2014-05-23

Working on something....

We are working on a new project, the only thing we can say right now is that it be a lot better than this project, we will give more info later.


Posted by TheArmagedōnTeam 2014-03-16

New Contact Info


A new readme has been made.

Posted by TheArmagedōnTeam 2014-02-12

Version 1.0.0 Released! (18.01.14)

Today I released version 1.0.0 of Armagedōn-DDOS, I am still busy bug-checking and making updates. Hope you like it :). Twitter: @ItsChristianJW

Posted by TheArmagedōnTeam 2014-01-19