
Bugs & Linux version

Hello all,

beside some little bugs that were found and reported by you users (most by Chitzui) and are being fixed, there is a big problem in the linux version:

Although the INSTALL file states some older version of the SDL is OK, the game only compiles with the newest SDL version (1.2.13).

A quick fix to this is to just comment out the following lines in keys.cpp:
return ScrollLeft;
return ScrollRight;
And everything should work. This bug is fixed in the svn trunk.

Also there seems to be a bug that you can't compile the game (errors with acl_* symbols) if you have libacl-devel installed. Try to uninstall it and compile again. This will be fixed in the next release (read on).

We will soon (in 1-2 weeks) give you a release (0.0.3b) that will fix all these bugs. If you can't wait, you can download the svn trunk and compile it yourself.

Thank you for your feedback so far.

Posted by pompei2 2008-12-31

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