
#480 dragon fire whip with task


Hi all :),
I (snakevip) have an idea for a new weapon. It's a whip. The speciality is that it doesn't have range 1 like the normal closecombat weapons - it would have range 2. There could be more than just one whip (fire whip, ice whip, snow whip, normal whip, light(mithril) whip, dark(black) whip and my favorite one would be the dragon fire whip (little bit like demon fire sword)). For the last one I already have an Idea as task. The npc wants a fire whip (if not in game fire sword would be ok too) and a baby dragon so he can study fire and how dragons spit fire. When he got that he needs a rope. The rope is made of horse hair. The player has to collect 10 horse hairs and then he can bring them to an other npc who makes the rope then (the hairs can tear appart so the player has to bring 10 new ones). After the first npc got the rope he will knot it to a whip. For that he needs one day after that he needs oil so he can water the whip and let the baby dragon burn the whipe. Ready is the Dragon fire whip;).
oh I forgot the skills from the dragon fire whip. I would suggest atk 23
rate 4 range 2 and lifesteal 0,25. (for normal whip i would propose atk 7
rate 2 range 2 may as a rare drop from a ninja so you can give the npc also
a normal whip and he doesn't have to knot the whip ...)
Down there are two gfxs for the dragon whip (may you can tell me which one is better) and the gfx of my normal whip.
What do you think about it?
Can you make a comment on that?
looking forward to your answer


  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-07-16

    dragon fire whip nr. 1

  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-07-16

    oh sry forgot the gfx ....

  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-07-16

    dragon fire whip nr.2

  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-07-16

    the normal whip

  • snakevip

    snakevip - 2011-07-16

    oh the gfx are there :D i didn't see them under the comments ....

  • Katie Russell

    Katie Russell - 2012-04-19

    This tracker entry was raised at a meeting in 2011 and comments were asked for:

    are the item stats ok? (i.e. doesn't become best weapon in game etc)

    is the quest difficulty balanced with the effectiveness of the item?

    No comments yet so I'll bump it up here!

  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2021-12-15
    • labels: --> graphics, item, weapon
    • Group: -->
  • AntumDeluge

    AntumDeluge - 2021-12-15

    Before we can consider adding this, we need to know what license it is under. If it is your own work, we recommend using one of the following (in order of least restrictive to most):

    If you want credit for the work, we also need to know the name you would like to be used in the credits.



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