
Some items and item images

  • a

    a - 2007-05-13

    Hi, i've been drawing recently and i have some images which could be used as items:

    I've worked around item xml content (balance and correct at will):

    <item name="orc_sword">
    <type class="sword" subclass="orc_sword"/>
    <description>You see an orc sword which has a heavy and deadly appearance.</description>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <atk value="14"/>
    <weight value="4"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="golden_orc_sword">
    <type class="sword" subclass="golden_orc_sword"/>
    <description>You see a golden orc sword, with its heavy and deadly appearance it seems also valuable.</description>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <atk value="17"/>
    <weight value="4"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="egg">
    <type class="food" subclass="egg"/>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Food"/>
    <quantity value="1"/>
    <amount value="30"/>
    <regen value="1"/>
    <frequency value="20"/>
    <weight value="0.5"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="golden_egg">
    <type class="resource" subclass="golden_egg"/>
    <description>You see a valuable golden egg.</description>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.StackableItem"/>
    <quantity value="1"/>
    <weight value="1"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="closed_envelope">
    <type class="misc" subclass="closed_envelope"/>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <weight value="0.01"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="opened_envelope">
    <type class="misc" subclass="opened_envelope"/>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <weight value="0.01"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="sealed_envelope">
    <type class="misc" subclass="sealed_envelope"/>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <weight value="0.01"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    <item name="unsealed_envelope">
    <type class="misc" subclass="unsealed_envelope"/>
    <implementation class-name="games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item"/>
    <weight value="0.01"/>
    <slot name="lhand"/>
    <slot name="rhand"/>
    <slot name="bag"/>

    PD: I'm also wondering if semitransparent images with alpha channel will work ok on stendhal and show correctly, letting you see the floor throught them.

    • Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

      Good! :)
      I add them to our server.
      Thanks a lot.

      You perhaps would like to come around IRC #arianne

      About semitransparent images, yes, they should work but on my previous tries they slow down client, so by now we prefer 01 approach, or it is fully visible or it is fully transparent.



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