
Engine: Progress

This page doesn't show it... But we are making progress on the engine!
You can check out the new code on the CVS.
The viewport, scene panning/zooming and pointlocation are now implemented and should work in SDL and OpenGL modus. (Switching SDL/OpenGL still requires a recompile)

Besides that, we've been looking into resources and image rendering. A PNG-loader has been implemented. As for Vectorgraphics in SVG: We've made a performance test and we found that using plain LibRSVG is too slow for our purpose... Wichetael is looking into this, and we hope that we can make it faster with some hacks. The rendering is too slow, and the gdk_pixbufs are too cumbersome for our project.
However, we would really like to make the dynamic scene objects scale in real time, and in vector, so we hope we can figure this out.
If it remains slow, we'll have to fall back to prerendering to buffer, and downscaling, which would be a petty!

I guess it won't be long before we have something to show that is a bit more apealing to the eye :-)
We now also have a guy working on sound using OpenAL :-)

Greetz! Wracky

Posted by Wracky 2005-12-12

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