
Argh!FX / News: Recent posts

Static Sprite rendering.

OK! first of all... sorry for the wait...
We're all very busy atm studying...

Static sprite rendering works now! In openGL and SDL mode. If you compile the CVS project, the program requires a ./test.png in order to run.
Resources, size etc are hardcoded for now.. a basic start for a resource management system may be in the next demo I post.

So far it has only been tested on Linux and FreeBSD but compiling this on windows should not be a big problem.... read more

Posted by Wracky 2006-03-20

Engine: Progress

This page doesn't show it... But we are making progress on the engine!
You can check out the new code on the CVS.
The viewport, scene panning/zooming and pointlocation are now implemented and should work in SDL and OpenGL modus. (Switching SDL/OpenGL still requires a recompile)

Besides that, we've been looking into resources and image rendering. A PNG-loader has been implemented. As for Vectorgraphics in SVG: We've made a performance test and we found that using plain LibRSVG is too slow for our purpose... Wichetael is looking into this, and we hope that we can make it faster with some hacks. The rendering is too slow, and the gdk_pixbufs are too cumbersome for our project.
However, we would really like to make the dynamic scene objects scale in real time, and in vector, so we hope we can figure this out.
If it remains slow, we'll have to fall back to prerendering to buffer, and downscaling, which would be a petty!... read more

Posted by Wracky 2005-12-12

Still here: Small update and concept art.

Added: a simpel attempt at implementing graphics initialization was added to the CVS.

Just to tell you: We are still alive!!
We are doing a lot of work on the concept art and storyline for the game atm.
A lot of time still goes into having a life and doing projects for school/study etc though :-(

Here's something to give you a hint on what we've been doing: read more

Posted by Wracky 2005-03-20

The Engine: New files on CVS!

Last night, Wichetael put some files in the CVS!
They are in the module "arghfx". (they other modules are pointless tryouts of me :-$)

What you can find in the CVS atm:
- The src folder contains starts and raw setup for headerfiles for the engine.
- The doc folder contains MS Visio UML-diagrams of the engine-model, and 2 .TEX files. One is a spec for ArghScript and the otherone is info about the Engine model... read more

Posted by Wracky 2004-12-16

The Engine: Looking for jumpercables.

The ideas are there... we have a good idea of what we want.
There are a few starts for headerfiles, a UML diagram, and a few clumsy attempts of me to get something on the CVS :-)
I hope wich will have some time to do it properly any time soon :)

We still have to figure out how we'll be going at it.
We know that the first thing we'll be starting on is the physics part..

after this.. a very basic implementation of some graphics will be done, to test the phisics engine.. and maybe look at some scripting...... read more

Posted by Wracky 2004-12-13

The Game:Art

We've been working on art more frequently over the last period of time. Cisst, our character designer made some nice new characters, and we finished some form of storyboard for the intro-movie to be.

This brought up some nice new ideas too.. and some nice new characters and backgrounds.

We'll be looking into animation and background art soon.

Meanwhile.. the storyline still isn't finished. Process IS there though... although it's slow. It's very hard to write a good and interesting story :-/
We'll try to put in some sidestories aswell... All and all still a lot of work to be done.. but allready enough story there to get us well on the road as far as art goes....

Posted by Wracky 2004-12-13