
argh Communicator / News: Recent posts

Some news

There haven't been any updates lately, but the project is in development all the time. I decided to redesign completely the program's structure and make it a multi-platform application. Now I'm working on a platform independent GUI library on which argh's user interface will be based.

I can't tell when the next version will be released due to the large amount of work that needs to be done, but I'll try to post news more frequently now.

Posted by Kosomot Bauglir 2006-09-09

First release

argh version has been released. It's a pre-alpha release, made only to demonstrate the development progress. It contains many bugs, many features are unfinished or not present, but it works.

However, a strong basis for the next versions has been created, most of the core features, like the plugin system are nearly completed, so the future work will concentrate on improving the existing ones and add adding features not directly related to the application core.

Posted by Kosomot Bauglir 2006-06-26

Website started

The project home page is now online. It's quite empty yet, but soon I'll fill it with more useful information.

Recently I hadn't much time to support the project and I only managed to create the homepage. But now I will be able to get back to coding and I expect the first working alpha version to be released by the end of June.

If your'e interested in the development status, be sure to check out the SVN repository ( The current source should compile, but due to major changes I'm doing in the code many of the main features will be disabled or not working properly.

Posted by Kosomot Bauglir 2006-06-01