
Tree [bbbbef] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 examples 2015-03-09 angus71 angus71 [bbbbef] Merged fix provided by Chris Torr (Thanks for s...
 SCLib.cpp 2015-03-09 angus71 angus71 [bbbbef] Merged fix provided by Chris Torr (Thanks for s...
 SCLib.h 2015-03-09 angus71 angus71 [bbbbef] Merged fix provided by Chris Torr (Thanks for s...
 SL44x2.cpp 2013-01-25 angus71 angus71 [fcac5f] Changes
 SL44x2.h 2013-10-26 angus71 angus71 [71386b] - Fixed typos in apdu_t0_communication.ino
 keywords.txt 2013-10-26 angus71 angus71 [71386b] - Fixed typos in apdu_t0_communication.ino
 readme.txt 2014-09-15 angus71 angus71 [ddaaf5] Initial support for configuration from ATR intr...

Read Me

This is currently a work in progress.

Currently it is possible to communicate with a smartcard directly connected to a Arduino or via a TDA8024T (or compatible chips. e.g. DS8024).

All tests have been done with a smart card slot connected directly to the Arduino board. 

Currently the SCLib uses TIMER1A(OC1A) to generate the needed CLK signal for the smart card. When using an Arduino UNO the CLK signal is found on digital pin 9, Arduino Mega based boards 
provide this signal on digital pin 11.

Please check your board documentation to find out the correct pin for the CLK signal.

- Activation of asynchronous and synchronous smart cards 
- Exchanging data with supported Smart card (Sending / Receiving)
- SLE4432 / SLE4442 / SLE4441 / SLE4440 and compatible support class for easy communication and integration in own projects.

- Configuration based on ATR data
- Make library more portable.