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This library contains clients that can be used in arduino sketches
to update dynamic IP via No-IP service.
Update requests are executed only if the configured interval has elapsed
since last call: interval is set in minutes and
defaults to 30 (minimum is 1) like DUC.
Request are not sent if not allowed by last response status, until reset
(e.g. if 'nohost' or 'badauth' are returned by last API call).
Requests can be postponed by a full interval if not needed
(e.g. if a network server in our sketch just handled a request),
or can be forced if striclty needed
(e.g. if a lost network connection could have been caused by an IP change).
Sketch example:
#include <noipwificlient.h>
NoipWiFiClient noip;
void setup()
<code to initilize wifi..>
// set timeout to 60 minutes
noip.begin(noip_host, noip_auth, 60);
// force first call
void loop()
if (<postpone_condition>) {
// postpone until next interval
} else {
// exec update if 60 minutes are elapsed synce last call