
Unable to connect to FocusMax

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2016-11-02

    I am attempting to connect to FocusMax and have been unable to do so. I started out with the original version of this program and just recently updated to the current version myFocuser_DRV8225_HW203_MT. I have downloaded the new MyFocuserProL Windows application version and the MyFocuserProASCOMApp, driver version I validated that ASCOM is working and I can also connect to the Windows application and also ASCOM through the SkyXPro, but so far I am unable to connect to FocusMax. I have uninstalled all of the programs and reinstalled but still no progress. FocusMax says it's connecting but hangs up at that point, I was hoping to get this working before attempting to download the new version of FocusMax. Is there something else that I should be doing/trying? Thank you for the help, Natan.

  • brownrb

    brownrb - 2016-11-02

    What does the FocusMax log file say?
    Have you tried setting the link delay to 3 in FocusMax settings?
    Please confirm
    v167 of Arduino Firmware for controller
    v1604 for the ASCOM driver

    If you can connect via SkyProX then nothing wrong with ASCOM drivers or setup.

    Recommend delete the .ini files found in Documents\FocusMax (or copy them somewhere else) and then run focusmax again. Sometimes ini files can get corrupted

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2016-11-03

    I can confirm that I have v167 for Arduino Firmware & v1604 ASCOM driver

    I discovered that if I set autoconnect and delay to 3 in the FocusMax settings, it will autoconnect and launch but not if I manually connect.

    I have been trying to manually connect to FocusMax, by clicking on the System tab and then clicking connect. When I do that I get nothing in the log, it FocusMax just freezes and I have to force close. After going in to the link delay settings in FocusMax, the same thing happens, it freezes and no log update. However, if I click on > and then setup, I then click on refresh on the myFocuserASCOM1 driver, then I get an error message in the log. It states:

    "FocusMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set
    modFocuser Sub DisconnectFocuser"

    I'm not sure why I can't manually connect, but thank you for your help.

  • brownrb

    brownrb - 2016-11-03

    Hi Nathan
    Yes, Autoconnect works well. Manual connect works better if you have the power on reset circuit fitted and enabled so that when focus max connects the focuser is not re-initialised and you get the flashing leds and buzzer beep to indicate a focuser reset.

    Also sometimes FocusMAx v3 does not release the comport, so if it fails once then it will fail repeatedly unless you exit focusmax v3 to release the com port.

    But it works reliably with other like APT which is good. Or just use auto connect in FocusMax


    With v3 focusmax there is also issue of requests - focusmax sends these every second for position and temp - so you get motor pauses when moving - caused by Focusmax polling every second. In focusmax 4 this is fixed and can be configured by user


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