
Tree [ad9818] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 Documents 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 Makefile 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer. 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ef8924] Renamed README.txt to so Markdown syn...
 TODO.txt 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 actuators.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 actuators.h 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 adc.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 adc.h 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 airdenfactor.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 arduems.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 arduems.h 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 barofac4115.c 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 barofac4250.c 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 buffer.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 buffer.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 comm.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 comm.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 fuelcalc.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 fuelcalc.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 fuelcontrol.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 fuelcontrol.h 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 global.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 helpers.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 helpers.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 iac.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 iac.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 kpafactor4115.c 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 kpafactor4250.c 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 storage.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 storage.h 2013-05-19 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [9bbca8] Initial Commit
 tables.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 tables.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 thermfactor.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 ve.c 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.
 ve.h 2013-05-24 Christiaan Aspeling Christiaan Aspeling [ad9818] Cleaned up a lot of code. Added uart input buffer.

Read Me


Arduino Engine Management System for Arduino boards with the ATmega328p.
The supported board are:
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino Duemilanove
- Arduino Diecimila
- Arduino NG
- Arduino Extreme v2
- Arduino Extreme

Uploading the Firmware

Either use AVRDude or XLoader to upload the .hex file.

Compiling from Source

Use the supplied Makefile to compile and upload. On linux, you will need
all of the AVR-Libc toolchain. On windows you will need WinAVR.

You will of course also need a Make utility for your specific operating system.

The commands are:
make all (compile the whole project)
make program (upload hex file to the arduino board)
make clean (clean out built project files)

You will have to set your usb port in the Makefile. Default port is COM4.
Look through Makefile for more options.


Use MegaTune, TunerStudio or MegaTunix. Run as a Megasquirt 1 B&G2.0-3.0