

André Pedro

Welcome to ArduCC wiki!

Arducc board schematic is here.


The current release is the arducc 0.3

A new firmware release is still in progress. Ada language was the language chosen for the next release. The current release was designed in C/C++ including some arduino libraries.
We are aware of the common issues in software engineering, and because of that we use Ada 2012 with contracts (under development for AVR-Ada) and runtime monitoring (unser development for AVR-Ada) to ensure that all is going better.

The current alpha version is the arducc-ada 0.3a

Compiling and installing arducc-ada 0.3a:

Arducc-ada requires AVR-Ada for compilation. We have two options: compile or use the binary.

Compiling AVR-Ada

First, compile the AVR-Ada runtime library by executing the script provided by AVR-Ada project currently on tools/build.

Install the AVR-Ada from binary

Get the current tarball from AVR-Ada here. The releases for windows are updated until release 1.2.2.

Get the current release (0.3a) tarball from our repository. Execute the Makefile and ensure that all patches for AVR-Ada are correct. Normally, the avr/bin and the bin folder provided by AVR-Ada should be added to PATH environment variable (windows and linux).