
Ardonril / News: Recent posts

July Status

Hello all,

For the past few weeks, I've been making slow but
steady progress toward a new release of Ardonril,
so I think I'm finally getting back on track (yeah,
I've said that before...)

Anyway, I've been having loads of fun leanring how
to properly do 3D rotations. How I wish I'd paid
more attention to this stuff in school.. Fortunately
there's plenty of material on the net.

I really want to have a new release by early
September (when Ardonril turns 1 year old!).
I'm trying to add terrain, texturing, and limited
animated models. That's probably too ambitious
given how little time I can spend and how soon
September is, but I'll see what I can do.... read more

Posted by Django Brandon 2004-07-10

March Status

Wow, two months since my last update... amazing
how time can fly.

Things seem to be finally settling down a bit though
they are still a bit more busy than I'd like. Still,
I'm going to make an effort to start working on
Ardonril again.

As a personal goal, I'd like to have another release
by mid-May (I don't feel I will have anything
worth releasing prior to then). Fortunately I've
been able to experiment with some ideas on
projects at work so I have a plan of what to work
on next.... read more

Posted by Django Brandon 2004-03-13

Status Update

I'll start by appologizing for missing my release date.
Too many things are going on for me to spend as
much time as I'd like to on the project right now.
Before things got too hectic I did manage to
add in some terrain rendering and have worked
out how I want to reimplement the networking

I will be getting back into the project but for the
next month or so I won't have much time to spare
for it. I will continue to work on the next release
but I won't provide a date until I'm closer to being
ready.... read more

Posted by Django Brandon 2004-01-27

Version 0.0.1a Update

It has come to my attention that a couple of
runtime libraries were missing from the initial release.
I have added them to the 0.0.1 release to create
the 0.0.1a release. My appologies to anyone who
was unable to try the game because of the missing

Since this did not involve a change to the code in
the 0.0.1 release, there will be no corresponding
update to the source package.

Unfortunately the forces of Work have conspired
to prevent me from making progress on the project
so far this month. I do not expect I will release
version 0.0.2 at this end of this month but instead
plan to release around the end of December. I
should have a little more free time in the holiday
season. Sorry for the delay.

Posted by Django Brandon 2003-11-20

Version 0.0.1 Released!

I have completed the first release of Ardonril.
It is only a rough proof of concept at this point
but it does have the following features:
- 3D interface (and some 2D using Windows)
- Multiplayer support

The 'game' consists of a small rectangular arena
in which the players can move around. After a
short period of time, pumpkins spawn and players can rush around trying to gather them all. The winner is the player who collects the most pumpkins. More details are available in the Readme.html in the download.... read more

Posted by Django Brandon 2003-11-01


Let me be the first to welcome you to this project.

I have created some web pages with (a small amount) of information about the project and
set up a phpBB2 based bulletin board to host

Expect a first release of the project by Oct 31. It will be far from a game, but should demonstrate the framework of the game (and forces me to get the main pieces set up).

Posted by Django Brandon 2003-09-28