
I have heat !

My Ardamon installation is finally piloting my heater!

I made an update tonight on the SVN repository with the updated code. What's new :

  • The Arduino code is in the repository (check the Arduino folder). It contains a basic code working for a thermostat installation, with a thermistor and a relay.
  • The page that manage the schedules is almost up and running. It still has some minor bugs, but you can use it to manage some schedules.

That means I'm testing my installation right now. So far for the evening, everything went smooth. I set the base temperature for the sensor to 19°C. Starting with a room at 16.5°C (it's been cold since the last couple of days), the heater went on until the room was up to 19.5°C. It then turned the heater off and the room temperature went two hours later down to 18.5°C. The heater went up again and so on.

I have set a few schedules so the temperature is up when someone's in the house during the week.

Looking back on last post, this is an updated version of the tasks I still have to do to consider the project as stable and usable by a newcomer :

  • Get the piloting part for the heater working
  • Build a PCB and get the components on it
  • Have a page to manage the schedules for the sensors
  • Make a javascript object for the widget so it can be automatically updated
  • Make both the graphs and the widget update themselves automatically
  • Correct minor bugs and clean up the codes (PHP and Arduino)
  • Publish the Arduino code
  • Build up the documentation
  • Publish the prototype wiring

Also, I'll add the translating part quickly, as the other person in the house doesn't speak english.

I thought of another use of Ardamon I didn't have first in mind : I will install my server in the basement in the next couple of month, so I don't hear it in the living room anymore. I'll build a case around it, that will contain a backup power supply unit , my future fiber modem and the remaining network equipment. I'd like to monitor the CPU temp so it doesn't get too hot in the box.
Long story short, Ardamon is perfect for my needs, as I just have to make a quick script (probably PHP), that is run every minute and send the datas to Ardamon. As the temperatures will be higher than a normal room temperature, I'll probably make a new sensor_type (CPU temps) with a sensor. A simple wget query with the name of the sensor and the value, and I'll have a PC monitored !

Next things I'll work on is bug corrections, schematic and translation.

Posted by Pierre W 2012-11-13 Labels: ardamon up and running

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