Thomas - 2010-12-11

1. If using unetbootin and you're on WIN7 at the time, the usb key will be labeled ARCHONE
you need it to be labeled ArchOne - to do this (you'll get dropped to the ramfs when you try to boot)
just cd into the /dev/disk/by-label/ directory and
mv ARCHONE ./ArchOne
and you'll boot.

When I had logged in and attempted installation for some reason the setup wouldn't handle my drives until I used gparted to delete all of the partitions before hand.

And lastly - after installation SLIM wouldn't log me on.
I ended up blocking it in the rc.conf, doing the xorg -configure as suggested in the README in ~
changed the slim.conf (not sure it mattered)
then it started working..
I'm not sure how I solved this issue but play around.

I'm elated to have found ArchOne!
It runs very smoothly on my netbook and I hope more people get involved w/ it.